Saturday, March 12, 2011

Have We Gone To Far?

I have found in some cases, that some designers in trying to be different can sometimes go off into “Bazaar Land!”

 What I mean by this is, sometimes just being different for the sake of being different can often produce some strange looking designs.

I will also preface this statement with, I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder and design will always be subjective.

 I ask you, my readers, Have we gone too far?

untitled (360x460)
I love everything about this room, except, seriously?! New chairs don’t look vintage just because they did not finish the upholstery job. Again, I say….
...... Have we gone to far?

1 (400x448)

entry kelly wearstler (500x292)
Kelly Wearstler

Different, yes!! Too far, you tell me?



  1. Uh, I don't know what to say about the first two photos. Seriously? What are they thinking? It's almost comical!
    Kelly Wearstler is one of my favorite designers, but I'm not sure what is going on here either. It looks like lipstick was smeared all over the walls! Or blood....Can we say "helter skelter?" For sure, too far!
    Have a great weekend my friend! ~D

  2. I'll preface with saying anyone can do what they want in their own home, but yes I do think these spaces have pushed the boundaries!

  3. I always say it's your house, you live there, do what you love, but I think.....yes, this is a tad too far.:-)

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend Kathysue!

  4. I hate to say it, but I like everything about the 1st photo! Well, not the baskets on top of the cabinet, but everything else looks nice.
    Can't say the same for the other two though! LOL at your helter skelter comment, Vignette Design :)

  5. Lamb Around, never hate to say it on my blog. I am asking everyones opinion and yours is just as valid as anyone's!! Love all different takes on design, as I said it is alllll subjective. Thank you for leaving a comment, I love reading them, KS

  6. ...way too far for me...some designs just seem to yell..."look at me...please please look at me"...i like some whimsy...but not when it screams at me...

  7. Eeeek! The first 2, especially the second seem pretty ridiculous to me, and really kind of gross. They probably should've left that chair in the garage until they were able to have it repaired, if it was even salvagable! I have also seen a lot of design that goes too far just to be different, and doesn't really look good.

  8. If someone did any of these to my house I would be very upset! WAY too far!!!

  9. I've seen this "un-upholstered" look, and I'm not a fan. I guess it's like modern art....sometimes the artist is the only one who "gets it". What's even crazier is that it's more expensive than a fully-upholstered chair! It's shabby-chic-gone-trashy!

  10. Oh Kathy Sue, I AGREE! It takes a rare genius to start a trend that actually is cool, but not everything works. And as far a unfinished furniture, these are definitely not something I see catching on in typical homes!!!

    Thank you for visiting today...have a warm and wonderful weekend, Anita

  11. I see the designers pushing the envelope more and more. Maybe it’s just to get our attention.
    It got mine. :-)


  12. I guess to each his own. I have seen the first photo and actually kind of like it. It has been neatly done and looks kind of like the old fashioned corsets and adds some quirkiness. Not sure I would do it but it looks kind of interesting. As far as the torn chair I am going to assume it has fond memories of a past pet or something and the graffiti on the I love Kelly Wearstler and maybe her client is some sort of rap artist or something. I would be interested to know how quickly it was painted over.

    I enjoy the different ways people decorate their homes even if I dont agree with it and these are, for sure, some pretty bazaar ideas.

  13. I partially deconstructed a wing-back chair, but have yet to buy the fabric to re do it, so it sits in it's sad state in the corner of my living room. Who knew I was such a trend setter? No, it's not a look. And yes, it is too far. I throw a large afghan over my sad partially dressed chair, because I recognize that it's not a look.

    And as for that last one - Eek! I've seen trashed foreclosures with that look, but they usually come with a defunct meth lab or grow lights in the basement.

  14. Hi Kathysue, these looks don't do it for me, but as you said, it's subjective. I do believe there are some looks -- half upholstered chairs, etc, that I believe are done to push the envelope, as they can't possibly practical for daily living; they do, however, make for great conversation about the design and its designer. That alone, to some, can have value. The Wearstler foyer, well, that to me is magic marker on the wall and I couldn't live with it -- again, beauty is in the eye etc, but I really can appreciate a lot of different styles and their mixes. Just not that one!

  15. It appears as though the first two were in a huge hurry to 'show' their rooms, home, whatever. The latter looks as though someone allowed their kids to do "artwork" on the walls.
    Helter Skelter is right! Not my taste at all but I guess whatever floats their boat. Just weird to me ~

  16. * Wellll, Ks, I don't think "WE" have gone too far~~~~ buuut, "THEY" have though, for SURE!!!

    My Lord in heaven, SOMEBODY needs to "GET A JOB", so they can FINISH what they started, don'tchathink, girlfriend?????? (Insert smile here!)...

    These pics kind of remind me of some of the atrocities that the ghost-like gals on the runways model (in Paris, etc.), that obviously NOBODY in their right mind would actually wear~~~ it's just an "attention getter" for the show and designer, as we all know... (STILLLLL....)...

    May I make one more observation? IMHO, Kelly Wearstler is incredibly, HIIIIIGHLY OVER-RATED... that so-called, lipstick-painted "foyer" is so... soo... wellllll, it's just soooooo plain ol "FUUGLY"!!!!!!

    It amazes me what some will do... then again, I thank Him everyday that we Americans CAN do things like that (and shock of shocks, NOT get "put away!")~~~

    ANYHOOOO, blessings to you for a FAB weekend!!! I plan to sit down shortly & read Alessandra Branca's NEW CLASSIC INTERIORS, which arrived weeks/a month ago, but I haven't had time to sit down & enjoy... (and I will be sitting in THE most lovely & comfy, FULLY-UPHOLSTERED-LEATHER CHAIR to enjoy it all!). I feel pretty sure that SHE won't have any of that "stuff" in HER book, either!!!

    Warmest to all,
    Linda in AZ *

  17. oooh, you ask the good questions! Yeah those are too far! And Kelly Wearstler....I just don't like her style. I don't get it!!!

  18. Hi Kathysue!
    Yep, these designers went way too far. Wearstler's design looks like a subway wall in the ghetto. Yikes. LOL!


  19. The first one was ok until they ran out of $$ to finish the chairs. The other two, almost seems like acts of desperation by the designer to be noticed. NOt to say that I haven't pushed an envelope or two in my day with a faux finish, but in the end, I always made sure my designs made sense of the whole room!

  20. LOL! Not FAR enough! They need to finish those chairs! They don't look authentic kwim? It's not like they'd been sitting in a castle and mouldering or something, so they come across to me as false and contrived...which I don't care for JMHO. And what a way to ruin a beautiful staircase...but again that's JMO....And KW isn't asking me *winks* vanna

  21. Too far for me - or maybe, it's really not far enough. The chairs look unfinished - not trendy,or Parisian chic - just incomplete and not ready for a reveal.

  22. Let's just say it's not my cup of tea! I love seeing everyone's personality in decorating and as you said, it is all subjective, but...Yikes! I think they have gone a bit too far.
    Fun post, Kathysue.

  23. Kathysue, I don't like unfinished things either. That last picture is just weird. Have a great day.

  24. Whoa ... I'm all about learning to see the beauty in many designs; howEVER, I just can't seem to find it in those chairs!! LOL. *Becca*

  25. Time will always tell. You could walk into a Billy Baldwin room today and think it was just decorated. We'll see where they trends are in 40 years!

  26. I agree, it is subjective. I am not a fan of the un-upholstered look. I'd seen the first image....also think the baskets are way over scale. The KW image is a bit over the top for me...but can see how someone a bit more edgy may be drawn to it. The funny thing is that if I designed this space and put it out on the internet I think it wouldn't be adored at all....or talked about in a positive way perhaps even negatively. But, because it is from KW....people will LOVE it.

  27. They have gone too far for sure!

  28. KathySue, Not loving the chairs or the graffiti wall. The wall looks like something my grand kids would do if I gave them red markers and said "go for it".

  29. I like that people are becoming less afraid to express themselves in their homes. However, why perfect the wall coverings and distract guests with exposed chair filling?

  30. Bleck, I don't like the chairs or the graffiti wall, but that's just my two cents worth! ;-) Lisa

  31. Kathysue, As you know .... I am NO decorator. But... these are ridiculous!
    Have a pretty day!

  32. Hi! I found my way over here having read your comment on Cote de Texas.

    I suspect that the "aged" furnishing is an attempt to inject some kind of old-world/old-money (as in "we inherited this pieces from an ancient ancestor who didn´t buy this piece around here") and/or a "look, we even like really old stuff, so this room is NOT over-done at all and we are quite bohemian", feel into an otherwise very bourgeois room.

    I´d guess that the graffiti wall was either:

    a)the designer getting bored and making a joke, which they didn´t expect anyone to take seriously
    b)a totally untalented designer trying desparately to be different
    one magazine editor who also subscribes to categories a or b above.

    I´m going to have a good visit to your blog now.

    All the best from Sweden.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue