Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Is The Saying about, Things that come in Three’s?!

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What is that saying about Good things come in three’s? Or is it troubles come in three's?

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I am not sure, so I am going to say in my life,  "Good things come in threes!!”

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This week I got three emails from three very talented and sweet bloggers giving me the Stylish Blogger Award!!!  Wow! You can only imagine my surprise and delight!!!

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All three of these ladies are designers with impeccable taste and wonderful blogs, so be sure and visit them, and tell them Kathysue sent you.

These kind ladies are:

Mary Ann from the blog Classic Casual Home

Linda from the blog  The Lennox

Darcy from The I design box blog

Can you believe it?!!!

The rules are to tell you, seven things about myself, and to pass this on to 10 other stylish bloggers.

Seven Things About Kathysue:

1.) I love God, Family,Friends and Country deeply.

2.) I fell in love with my husband when I was 16 going on 17.  Remember that song from, “The Sound Of Music?”  That is the movie we went to see on our very first date and needless to say, I sang that song all day the next day in my head and sometimes out loud to my friend's dismay. We got married in the third month of the year, March!

3.)  The other good, actually BEYOND good thing that happened to me in three’s was the birth of my three son’s, one at a time of course!!

4.)  My favorite number is , you guessed it, “3!”

5.)  I have a quirk. I can not stand anything to be on my kitchen breakfast bar.  I also have to have my faucet straight and pointed towards the middle
of the sink, not to the left nor to the right!! I told you they were quirks!!

6.) I am a hummer!! Yes, I hum when I work, I hum when I play, I just hum. I have been told that it is a sign of a happy person. I use to get notes sent home with my boys from their teachers telling me they hummed. I never corrected them for that, I love a hummer!!!

7.) I worked for a designer in my late 20’s and then started my own decorating consultation business in my early 30’s.

Do you see a pattern of #3's in my life?

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Now for the realllly hard part for me. I am suppose to give  ten bloggers the stylish blog award.  That would be impossible for me. I have so many wonderfully stylish blogger friends I am afraid I can not limit it to Ten.

So I am changing the rules a little bit (I hope the blogging officials don’t mind!) I am going to suggest  three new blogs that I discovered this past week  while I was blog hopping. I think you all will really enjoy reading these blogs .

Here they are! Be sure to go and visit these great blogs.  I know you will be impressed, I was.

A life’s Design Blog

Style for Living Blog

Low Calorie meals Blog this is obviously not a design blog, but she has some really easy meals for those that are trying to cut back on calories.

“ Enjoy the Process” Of:

Finding New Blogs to visit and making new bloggy friends!


BTW: I had already written this post and I just got another email from the beautiful and talented  sister team, Mona and Talena of Providence LTD. Blog giving me yet another Stylish Blogger award, Wow!! I am beyond amazed at the generosity of all my fellow bloggers, truly amazed.

You must go and visit Mona's blog. She and her sister Talena are wonderful designers with an eye for the elegant and unusual. Wait until you see her lovely home. You will see lots of eye candy for sure!!


  1. Congratulations!!! Of course you know that I think you are the best ever, so you definitely deserve this wonderful award. Love ya! Hugs, Marty

  2. Hooray for you, was so nice getting to know a little more about you!


  3. Congratulations, you certainly deserve this award! It was fun to learn a little more about you and your 'lucky' number.(-: I will definately check out these new blogs.

  4. Congratulations Kathysue! You definitely deserve those awards. I will check out the blogs mentioned. Enjoy this wonderful weather!

  5. Congrats on the well deserved awards, KathySue! I always enjoy learning new things about you....Christine

  6. Kathysue, I enjoy your blog so much. It is informative and I love learning new things. Your blog is very well written!
    Congrats on your award!

  7. Thanks for the mention! Enjoy your weekend.

  8. You deserve it Kathysue!!! Have a great weekend and thanks for introducing us to 3 new blogs :)

  9. Hi Kathysue,
    You truly deserve the award. Thanks for sharing all your little secrets with us!


  10. Kathysue, You obviously really deserve this award. Love learning even more about you. Have a great week. Mona


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue