Friday, January 14, 2011


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I  have not done a Sale Alert post in quite awhile. It is that time of year again.
Neiman Marcus is having it’s “PINK SALE!”

I try to pick up 5-10 new towels every year at these great prices. Plus they are monogrammed and you all know how I have a slight obsession with monograms and typography.

Here are the two styles I have purchased in the past and have been very happy with both.

The first option offers colored towels with choice of thread colors.

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Ralph Lauren Greenwich reg. priced $20.00 now $11.49 with monogram or $9.99 without.  It measures 30in. X 56in. A nice size bath towel and very absorbent. This selection gives you color choices.

Since I am a white towel girl this option suited my needs beautifully, and it is a little more economical. You only get two color choices, cream or white with cream or white monogram. I choose the white towel with the cream monogram and love it. The towels are a nice size and very good quality.

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Ashemore by Sferra priced at four towels for $39.99.

These are actually my favorite towel. The bath towel measures 57 1/2 in.X 30 1/2 in. a wee bit larger than RL towel. I need to get a few more this year to freshen up my supply.

Here is the website if you would like to go and order your towel supply for 2011!!

“ Enjoy the Process” Of:

Buying something you need at a great price!!



  1. Thanks, Kathysue! I am always up for refreshing my towels. I used to keep them waaaaay tooooo long and now I see how nice it is to have a couple fresh towels each year. Happy weekend.

  2. Fab tip Kathysue! I'm always on the lookout for new (white) towels!! When we got married we both went out with spare towels from out parents, so it's safe to say I'm on a mission to bring some unity into my towel department! And you can never go wrong with white ones =)

    Happy Friday!

    xo Linda

  3. I will have to check out that site. I really do need to pick up some extra's. Momogram would be a nice touch!

  4. Those look wonderful. I love the white ones with the monogram, and you always show such lovely towels when we see your bathrooms. Hope you are having a super day. I am resting, not feeling too good today. Fighting off a cold. Love ya. Hugs, Marty

  5. Thanks Kathysue,
    I think I could use a fresh new batch of towels too. I'm headin over there.


  6. I like a good sale! Unfortunately, I just bought 10 brand new towels...
    BUT I love a good sale!

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  7. Oh the white ones with the monograms are very elegant and I like white towels the best. Thanks for the heads up on the sale.(-:


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue