Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Demise of the DUVET?

Are we about to see the demise of the duvet?  How can that be?

I read an interesting and humorous article on Tuesday. After reading it I could not get it out of my mind. You can read the whole article HERE.

I loved the article for its humor, but I also loved that it made me think about how I felt about the possible demise of the duvet.

Basically the article was saying that the big poufy duvet comforters will no longer be what is in vogue for bed dressings. Instead we will be seeing a much sleeker, tight fitting bed dressing.

Down comforters are too poufy, too heavy and too hot!! The author talks about the lumpy unmade look with a bazillion pillows is soon to be a thing of the past.

 We have had this look for quite a few years. It has become a little more refined than the look of the late 80’s where the beds were piled with multiple patterned covers and enough pillows for an army.

I did a little research over at Pottery Barn and this is what I saw………

PB (610x477)
Pottery Barn

Multiple patterns and duvets with quite a few pillows.

PB3 (610x477)
Pottery Barn

It is looking pretty poufy to me.

pottery barn (610x477)
Pottery Barn

How about the un-made look?

It looks as if duvets and down comforters are alive and well at Pottery Barn!

  I went over to William Sonoma Home to check out what they were featuring.

WS 1 (360x360)
Hotel bedding is a classic.

WS (288x360)
The suzani is a fun look!

WS 2 (360x288)
Stripes are always in!!

It looks as if WS Home is still in the camp of the Duvet/Down Comforter. 

Now I really had to think about what I read. I went out in cyber space over to Decorpad to see if I could find some examples of the well-made tight looking bed coverings that were spoken of in the article. Here is what I found……..

David Hicks by Ashley Hicks via ED & Philip Gorrivan Photography (400x320)
David Hick and Ashley Hicks for Elle Decor magazine, Philip Gorrivan Photography.

A much tighter and smoother looking bed than the above images. Hmmmm??

decorpad Traditional Home (470x473)
Traditional Home
Only one bolster to be found here!!

decorpad  Bear Hill Interiors (332x453)
Bear Hill Interiors
Still looking smooth and finished to me.

Brown Design (600x333)
Brown Interiors
You can not get a much tighter look than a bed that has it’s coverings tucked in!

2 (400x400)
Two pillows and tucked in tightly!!

untitled1 (400x592)
This bed is so elegant and elaborate, and yet the coverings are smooth, tight and very simple, interesting?!

Now, the next question is to YOU, my readers.

Do you feel the poufy comforter is on it’s way OUT?

 Do you think the look of a more smooth polished looking bed dressing is the new look for 2011?!

Tell me what you think!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Figuring out the trends and seeing if you like or dislike the direction they seem to be going !!



  1. As you know, Kathysue, I am not a trend follower.:-) I always think to myself, who is really going to see our home other than we two, family, and friends. I just do what pleases us.

    I embraced the pouffy bed, even going as far as to wrap pillows in the comforter so that it was even pouffier at the foot of the bed!
    Lately, as my arthritic hands grow older, I have sort of embraced the leaner cleaner look. However, the really tightly made bed, isn't so appealing to me. I like an uncluttered look, but those bounce a quarter bed dressings just aren't my cuppa.

    I'll still fold a quilt (sans enclosed pillows) at the end of the bed and throw on at least four shams...just something cozy comfy about that look, I love.

  2. Hi Kathysue,
    Give me pouffy and the unmade look anytime!!! I do not like the smooth, finished look because it reminds me of Grandma days when the bed was made by covering the pillows with the spread! LOL.

    I do not believe that the duvet is out. Who are these crazy people anyway???? Don't they know that bloggers are really the ones that know whats going on! LOL.


  3. I grew up with a mom who loved the formal look of a bedspread and still does. Plain and simple, I found the bed of my youth to be uninviting. Bedrooms are private places so I'll risk having an outdated duvet on my bed and being comfortable every night vs. having the height of style and getting less sleep!

  4. PUFF PUFF PUFF!!! I think the bed looks more inviting.Kathy

  5. I prefer the poufy sink in the bed look. They look comfortable and bed to be laid in. Those tight beds look hard to me even though they probably aren't and that look is modern looking to me. I prefer pouf!

  6. ...i love love love love the well made/ tighter looking bed...(but oh! i do still love all those pillows!)

  7. I don't think the poufy will ever go out because it is a much easier to do than the tight fitting. I don' know how I would ever get everything tucked in so nicely! In my house, it is usually the unmade bed look!! And I don't mean in a decorative kind of way! What a neat post and some of those rooms are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing Kathysue!

  8. I admire the hotel tucked-in sleekness in pictures, but in real life give me poufy.

    How in the world do you stay warm without a nice poufy down comforter? And of course that comforter needs to be placed in a duvet cover to stay clean. Maybe people in warmer climes could do without, but here in the snowbelt it wouldn't work.

    The sleek look is a nice one for summer, though.

  9. I love the softer look of comfortors and pillows, it makes a bed look so much more welcoming. I really don't want a rigid look in my bedroom. I am for the 'poufy'.

  10. Poufy! I think a poufy bed is much more inviting and relaxing. A tightly tucked bed makes me think of being uptight and uncomfortable...pretty to look at but uptight.
    I love the softer look of the poufy bed. The unmade bed look is very appealing.

  11. I remember the sleek, tucked in look; I grew up making beds like that. I prefer the luxe poufy yet clean style of bed-coverings -- duvet folded in thirds at the bottom, interesting blanket/cover covering the sheets (possibly in a color and geometric modern design that complement the duvet cover), and pillows (two long shams for king with night pillows tucked behind and just a couple of decorative pillows in front of the shams). A throw tossed casually over the duvet or at the bottom of the bed frame on a bench.

    More like your Bear Hill photo, only not so staged and perfect. softer pouf! that photo feels a little straight-jackety to me.

  12. I like how warm my poufy Down comforter is..., but it's king size and just barely fits in the dryer..., so next time I'll go with a sleeker version and layers!

  13. I have never liked the Very Many Pillows, nor putting a lot of work into making a bed! A duvet is so easy - just stand at the bottom and flap, and it's made (and I remember the traditional sheet and two blankets...)

    You are right, the look is far sleeker, and very often with a folded blanket or throw at the end. It's going to be interesting, and my prediction, far more elemental.

  14. I love the look of the last photo. I do not know if poufy is on the way out but I have never used a duvet. Well actually I tried once but it is too hard to stuff the comforter in it so I never bothered again. But I like using down comforters especially in the winter because they are light and yet so warm....Christine

  15. I can't imagine that the duvet will ever go out of style. In some European countries, it isn't a look so much as just how they make their bed! The tight look reminds me of the Army, or the 50's! I like a bed cover such a a blanket or a matelasse bed cover tucked in, but with the down comforter folded on the end of the bed. Great post Kathysue!

  16. nothing is out if you love it. I have a blanket on my bed and a white covered duvet folded at the end of my bed.

  17. Very interesting and fun post! Hum, I think things something change simply because they have been one way for so long that someone realizing it is an area where they can do something different, to be different. That is hard to do! But, I have to say, like you, I don't know if I find these 'bedscapes' as interesting, certainly don't look as comfortable. I'm not big on messy, but minimal is not what I think of when I think of a greatly made bed. :)

    There, that is my two cents worth! Janell

  18. I like both styles and can see a use for both of them. I tend to use the pouf and down look in the fall/winter months and the sleeker look for the spring/summer months. What a good job on the research and showing different looks.
    Thanks for sharing!

  19. Fun post Kathysue! I love a bed with soft fluffy pillows and somehow the "puffy" look just looks so much more inviting. However, what I struggle with is the my husband! He likes just a few covers and I can't stand to be cold. We constantly squabble about that. So far what we have come up with is "fluffy" pillows and a simple duvet. A compromise but I'm okay as long as it invites me in each night!

  20. There are a couple from both categories that I like. Sorry no help here as far as personal preference but since most people now have poufy the trend will probably move toward tight so people will buy more....

  21. well, I like the clean, tailored look but the comforter just feels so good!

  22. I'm looking right now for ways to do bedding for twin beds in our new guest room (I've never had a real guest room before!). Matelasse and cotton quilting bedcovers are what I'm drawn to. Yes, I would put a comforter folded at the end of the bed in the winter, but I DO love the look of slim, pared down bedding. (I loved the bed spreads in days of yore!) As to pillows: one with a case that matches the sheets, and one other same size with a sham: that's it! Keep it simple I say!

  23. How interesting! If duvets goes out of fashion, I'm going to be one unfashionable chick! I love my warm soft fluffy duvet! I've been to southern European countries like Spain several times, and they never have duvet covers on the hotel rooms. I really hate it. It's so cold to sleep with just a thin piece of sheet.. I'd like to think that the photo stylist just stored the duvet away for the photo shoot, I can't believe anyone wants to sleep without one :)

    And Kathysue, you HAVE TO smell that perfume, it comes in a lot of different scents, like Fresh Laundry and Shower Fresh (my mom has this one, smells great too) but Warm Cotton is definitely my favorite! Let me know what you think if you try it ;)

    xo Linda

  24. I'll have to say, LOVE... Poufy. It is luxurious, comfortable, and gives a very cozy look to a bedroom, which is what I would want for a good nights sleep. Even if it goes out of style, I'll still go with my "style"...

  25. Naw!!That's just plain silly! Poufy duvets will never go out! Didn't they say the same thing about bell bottoms?.....What's that you say? "Bell bottoms DID go out?".....Well not on this girl!! I need them to balance out my hips *winks* And I need my duvet for it's luxurious comfort!.... Oh and I'm too lazy to tuck corners *winks* hehe! Vanna

  26. Kathysue--thanks so much for your feedback and comments on my kitchen. And for loving my adorable little doll of a niece. She truly is :) Now for your kitchen--I LOVE what you did, and really like the shade of green that you chose...I'm filing it away for future reference--great selection. Thanks again!

  27. I really like both. In my last home I went for poofy, in this one I have gone more tailored. They can both be beautiful, it's just personal preference.

  28. I like both looks ~ those of us who have expensive down comforters are not so eager to do away with them. My DD makes her own Duvet's by sewing two king sheets together and changes the look of her bedroom frequently.

  29. I'm in the middle...not too many pillows. Comforter folded in thirds at the bottom. Possibly the look changes summer/winter!

  30. Hi Kathysue, I really enjoy your blog. You have such a great sense of humor and your posts are fun to read. I love your style too! As a result I've announced on my site that you have received a Stylish Blogger Award. Check it out at:



  31. In winter have flannel sheets, a comforter on my bed and several pillows that I use to lean on for reading. Come spring/early summer out comes the lighter weight quilt and regular sheets so I have a little bit of both worlds.

  32. I like them both but since I usually prefer a clean, minimalist look I would probably opt for the sleeker look. No more fighting with the duvet trying to get the comforter inside...yea!! As with anything, whatever works for you and your home, works.

  33. I think a smoother look is more modern and the big puffy look is more traditional or vintage look. It's just however you roll :)

  34. I think a light & comfy duvet is always a must in cold temp weather, resting at the foot of the bed. If not a duvet, then another type of warm blanket. Then I prefer to have the matelasse or bedspread as the main piece.
    Happy to have found your blog!

  35. I love my duvet (John Robshaw hot pink) and would never give it up - no matter what the trend! Have a great weekend!

  36. Don't know if they're on their way out or not, but I've always sort of been in the middle on this one. As far as comfort, many duvets are too warm for me (and too puffy), but I also don't like the other extreme.

    Have a good weekend, Kathysue!

  37. This is a debate my
    mom and I have had
    for years....She,
    the bedspread gal,
    me, the duvet gal!
    My husband and I
    call our bed The Cloud.
    Yes, it has a name!
    It's a sleep number
    with oodles of pillows,
    a coverlet for neatness
    and then a big POUFY
    duvet rolled back at
    the end. So, during
    the day it's fairly
    neat and tidy looking : )
    Fun post, KS! Now,
    I have to read about
    junk drawers and see
    if you can help me...
    xx Suzanne

  38. Oh my this post inspired a plethora of comments didn't it?
    I do like a change from time to time and I do find the tightly made bed appealing, kind of retro but still appealing. I could use a change actually. I find my down comforters don't last and end up looking kind of flat over time so I'm up for embracing the smooth polished looking bed!!!

  39. Kathysue i am ALLLLL about big and poufy! - to me, the 'sleek' one's don't look comfy - and i'm ALL about SINKING into my bed! :o)


  40. I think maybe it is, the pendulum has to swing back and forth and it sure is easier to photograph (that's what I always think about).
    I'm glad you wrote about this!

  41. Growing up I always had a thin bedspread and a blanket. No pouffiness. But once I left home I discovered duvets and who doesn't love a sink-in marshmallowy bed? The sleek look may look nice, but I don't find it welcoming and prefer the warmth of a duvet to a couple of scratchy blankets. The sleek look would only work in the summer for me when you don't really need a warm duvet for sleeping :)

  42. Hi Kathysue, great post! I see these sleek images but hadn't really thought about it much. I love a warm poufy bed! You couldn't pay me to give up my duvet. The hotel, sleek look is nice, but I'll save if for vacation. Give me pouf in winter! :)

  43. Kathysue, thank you so much for your sweet compliments!!

    I like the look of tight and tucked in, but goodness I couldn't keep up with that. Also, I like to be Really warm in bed. Are those blankets really enough?

  44. I like the Bear Hill interiors photo with tight sheets and blanket and thin duvet folded at the foot of the bed.
    Some cold nights cry for a big pile of bird to keep you warm.

  45. They have been in style for several years now, so I can imagine that "They" are declaring down comforters and covers out.

    PS - Williams-Sonoma and Pottery Barn have the same parent company, so it only makes sense that they'd have similar merchandise.

  46. Wow, this post really got people talking! It inspired my Ideabook for next week on Houzz, thanks! Janell

  47. Hi Kathysue,
    I came over here from Janell's post. Thanks for the discussion topic. I have to say I love the look of the comforter beds you have at the beginning of your blog. As I commented on Janell's post, comfy doesn't have to be mutually exclusive with "tailored and neat", imho. But I do like fewer pillows! Cheers!

  48. I have a sheet and blanket always tucked in and a big puffy duvet folded at the end of the bed. I also love a lot of pillows I have seen beds that take the pillows to an extreme. I've tried the pillows laying flat look and although it looks good in a magazine it's looks weird at home.

  49. Living in Atlanta, you would think that we don't have much of a need for a goosedown comforter. However, it tends to be in the 20s and 30s at night in the winter months, and in the summer months the air conditioning is blasting so there is also a need for warmth. I like the look of a tailored bed, so I have a Lands End goosedown blanket - its thin, but very warm. I use it in the summer, then add a regular blanket to the mix in the winter, and its perfect - the tailored bed look, but very warm.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue