Saturday, January 15, 2011

A little Sunshine for your Weekend

The other day I bought a mixed bouquet of  Alstromeria at Trader Joes.
I came home and put them in the pitchers that I had miniature cypress in at Christmas time.

christmas kitchen 2010 005 (800x600)
The next morning I came into my kitchen and the sun was just streaming through the flowers. It looked so warm to me and it made me think of all my blogging friends that are in the ice, snow and freezing temperatures, so I thought I would send you some sunshine and flowers.

flowers in pitchers 004



  1. Why thank you so much, I love to get flowers(-:

  2. Thanks Kathy. We could use a little sunshine...still rainy and freezing!

  3. Kathysue, it does look so pretty. Those colors just scream spring and happy to me. I know everyone that is still fighting snow will love this little ray of sunshine. Hugs, Marty

  4. Wish I was sitting there with you, coffee in hand, hearing your lovely voice and seeing your beautiful smile. :)

    BTW, Jeanette and I have secretly started planning a Cali trip later in the year. Kathysue's we come! yoohoo

  5. How sweet of you Kathysue. I also love the tablecloth, it looks like chenille.


  6. Beautiful... hope you enjoyed this gorgeous Spring like day :)

  7. The flowers look beautiful! It is freezing here so that just picked me right up!

  8. Oh, how far away spring is here, where it is snowing again tonight (lightly, thank heavens!) That was a nice cheery glimpse at what lies ahead if we have patience :)

  9. Bright spot in the white snow. Love bringing home these flowers as they last a good long time!

  10. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful spring-like day.
    Also, congratulations on the Stylish Blogger Award. Well deserved, my sweet friend.

  11. So pretty!! I want to come with Barb to Cali!! *winks* Vanna

  12. Don't you love Trader Joe's for flowers?
    Mary Ann

  13. Oh, gorgeous! My poinsettias (from Walmart, can you believe??) are still living, and blooming nicely, I love having fresh flowers at home! XX!

  14. Think I should pick up some flowers tomorrow. Oh, wait, I have beautiful yellow daisies on the table beside my chair. What would it hurt to have more flowers?

  15. You sent a little sun my way today Kathysue! It has been raining and raining here in Vancouver, but we got a little glimpse of sun this afternoon. I have to admit I feel lucky that it is not snow, at least I can drive around!
    Nancy xo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue