Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How I added Pink in my own Christmas decor!

The last post I wrote was about using pink in your Christmas decor. In my "Holiday hints" I suggested using it in small doses.

I like to add and change things up a bit each year. I always keep the base which is steeped in tradition, but changing some colors will not break any tradition in my home.

Christmas mantle 2008 005 (800x600)
This soldier was given to me by my oldest son and his wife. Since I have given the boys their box of ornaments they are now giving me ornaments to replace the ones I gave them. I must say it is so special to me.

 If you missed the post about our family’s ornament tradition you can read about it here.

In my dining room I added a little bit more pink. My dining room can accommodate pink nicely with a little red in the mix.

Christmas kitchen 2008 033
You can see by adding a little sparkle and medium to bright pinks it can all work. 

 The black mirror repeats the color in the chandelier and the urns that are holding small Christmas trees in each corner of the dining room.

  After the holidays the mirror is actually hanging on the wall in my family room.

 Christmas kitchen 2008 034

Christmas kitchen 2008 035
Notice how I put some pink balls around the base of the tree and did not  use any ornaments on the tree.  The centerpiece is the focal point so the trees needed to be unadorned for my taste.

Christmas kitchen 2008 038
At  night! I love how the mirror reflects the candle light. In this image you can see that the large red ball has pink glitter inside.

That is how I added pink in my home a couple of years ago. I have a whole new look for this year so stayed tune for up-coming post!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Changing things up a bit by adding a new color to your existing Christmas decor!


Holiday Hint:

Candle holders can hold more than candles. Did you notice how I used mine to hold different sizes and shapes of pink and red ornaments?

When doing a vignette of candleholders, make sure you vary the heights.

By placing candles on a mirror you get double the sparkle and we love sparkle at Christmas time.

I am linking to Susan's Tablescape Thursdays at:

(click here to go to post)


  1. For that soldier I would add pink to my Christmas colours!

  2. I noticed the ornaments on the candlesticks right away. Very pretty!


  3. Hi Kathysue,
    I love how you have added pinks! You have given us some great ideas. I collect pink vintage ornaments so I always have a glass bowl full. Afterall, we are pinkie girls.


  4. Kathysue, this is just gorgeous! I just keep looking and looking. What a lovely sparkly vignette. It's striking.

  5. Oh Kathysue I loved the way you added some pink here girl...Your centerpiece is just lovely my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Just beautiful! I'm pretty sure this is the first time I have seen these photos. Each year you do something so beautiful and timeless. It would be impossible to pick a favorite. This year's dining room at Kathysue's house might just be the best one yet! Jeanette

  7. That soldier is fantastic! I love how you have added that special sparkle with the candle holders and mirror. Your pinks are wonderful.
    You are always so creative and inspiring. With every visit to your blog I feel I have learned something new. You are a great teacher and always inspiring.

  8. Oh I really love it! I like how you showed us them both in day and all lit up!

  9. Absolutely beautiful. Now get in your car and come decorate my house. Enjoyed seeing you for a moment but sorry about the circumstances we seem to see one another. Love you gobs. Sarah

  10. Oooh...yes....I remember, Kathysue! Just gorgeous! Miss you! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  11. Loving the mix of red and pink - so festive and fun! The idea of putting balls on candlesticks is brilliant though I don't know how long they would stay with the boys in my household!

  12. Very pretty. The pink adds a fun touch. I have a few hot pink ornaments that I bought last year. You have given me some great ideas on how to display them!

  13. Beautiful Pinks...I like the trees unadorned and I especially like the large bulb hanging under the chandolier...cant wait to see this years new looks! PegiMac...Peggy Smith McKee

  14. It all looks GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that soldier too! Love the BIG ornament hanging from the chandy too! XO, Pinky

  15. I love the touches of pink. I also like your use of the mirror on the tabletop. And...what a great idea of putting the ornaments at the base of the tree!

  16. Love the pink! If I EVER get around to decorating, I think I'm using some pink too. I've decided to put the tree in the family room this year and a pink and orange combo would look great in there.

  17. What a fun and festive is so beautiful and love the way you incorporated it in your Christmas decor!!

  18. Looks like you have been busy KS, love the pink with red. I was wrapping the other day and had my eye on combining orange, red, and pink for a gift. I will try it and see..............I think i might like it. Keep enjoying! XO

  19. I got married 3 days after Christmas. My bridesmaids carried pink poinsettias and wore hot pink halter dresses with white fur-trimmed short capes ( was a long time ago) so I love pink at Christmas!

    Your centerpiece is really stunning. Can't wait to see what you have for this year.

  20. I love pink in Christmas. I used to use it with love, but have toned down my look into a monochromatic scheme. But I miss the pink! ;)

  21. I LOVE it! What a pretty display of pink and I love the grounding element of the plate.

  22. The centerpiece is amazing. I could look at this all day long. I love that you use a non-traditional color for Christmas. It is absolutley stunning!

  23. What a neat idea. I've seen pink with the lime green too, but I like what you've done. Just a splash of fun to an otherwise traditional decor. Love the solider too. My daughter collects nutcracker soldiers and the tradition between the two of us is to kick off the season by attending the Nutcracker ballet. Thus, the soldier nutcrackers will always have meaning for me.

  24. What a beautiful table. I loved your innovative use of the candlesticks and the combinations of shapes, textures and colors. It truly is unique and eye catching.

    How wonderful that your children are so sweet to give back ornaments. What wonderful children and what treasures. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  25. Just love the pink I would never have thought of it.I love your soldier boy too. Just gorgeous post.

  26. What I love is that your children are giving your ornaments now to replace what you gave sweet! What a beautiful traiditon too. I just love this time of year!

  27. So pretty, I really like the idea of using a mirror to take the sparkle to new levels.

  28. You can NOT go wrong by adding a bit of pink into your holiday decor!! Janell

  29. So beautiful, I love how you used a mirror for this centerpiece display. Can't wait to see your design this year.

    I just realized how many great blog posts I've missed this week. I love the apothecary jars you filled with ornaments in a previous post, it's very Pottery Barn-esque (a very high compliment coming from me haha).

    Happy Holidays Kathysue!

  30. Kathysue- PINK & Perfect!
    Have a pretty day!

  31. Love your centerpiece! I'm not a huge fan of pink (I know, I know...) but I love the way you've used it. Just beautiful! Hugs, Kat

  32. Beautiful! Thanks for inspiring! Lots of ideas there!

  33. Pretty, pretty, pretty pink!!! Love it! Se sometimes get so mired in the "traditional" colors of the holiday that we forget how striking other colors can be. I guess it doesn't hurt that pink is my very favorite color! :-) Beautiful!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue