Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In The Pink For Christmas!!

Pink is not the first color you think of when you hear the word Christmas decorations, is it? Pink is usually associated with a more feminine or frou-frou look.

I was amazed at how many ideas there are to use the color pink. Some are a bit frou-frou for me, but they are still quite pretty.

Pink is a color that can also be mixed with other Christmas colors. Yes-Even red and green.

Let me show you some fun images that might inspire you to use a little pink in your Christmas decor this year.

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I think this image shows how you can keep it festive using pink with reds and even turquoise. When it is done right it is so pretty!!

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A pink tree is not for everyone I will admit, but keeping the color pallete tight by using gold and silver accents it can be sophisticated.

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A bit over the top for most people, including me. Yet, I love the use of white and silver and could see using some of the elements. The pretty packages, especially the pink one with see through fabric with twinkly lights inside could be show stoppers if done right. I also like the over-sized white snowflakes hanging in the window.

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A fun pink and purple mix with gold accents. I love all the clocks on the trees. Clocks are a theme I have on my tree also.

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Old silver pedestal pieces stacked with pretty pink ornaments inside.

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Curly willow branches in a urn to make a massive arrangement full of pinks and white and glittery ornaments. When elements are done in mass like this it makes a big statement piece. Remember my theory for Christmas decorations: Over the top or simple!!

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Talk about simple!  A simple pink beaded garland on the bed with a ironstone bowl of pink ornaments. No big statement here just quiet elegance.

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This is so pretty. A simple silver tray with bright pink balls scattered about. I am seeing a recurring theme as I am writing this post. Pink looks really elegant when paired with silver.

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Pretty and pink and look how simple this is !!

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By mixing pink with red and fresh greenery you have a wonderful Christmas vignette.

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Just a touch of pink and there is it’s perfect partner, candlelight on a silver tray.

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I love the silver vases with the pink flowers in them. Notice the napkins are being used for place mats.

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A few simple pink packages and a little greenery and you now have a Christmas display!

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So even if your name is not Barbie you can still have pink in your Christmas!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Adding a little pink to your Christmas this year!!


Holiday Hint:

If you would like to add pink to your Christmas decor start out simple by just adding some pink ornaments to your tree.

Pink will stay sophisticated and not frou-frou when paired with silver or gold.

If pink won't work on your tree choose one room in your home to focus on this pretty color!


  1. Well hello again and here I am at the top once more!!!!!
    My daughters would fall all over themselves to decorate with pink at Christmas, but I'm afraid I'm a traditionalist and its red, green, and silver for me!!
    It's a quiet Christmas for us this year as kids are all elsewhere but now I'm a blogger I will do something small so I don't get left behind!!!! xx

  2. I have used these early
    quiet moments before the
    rest of the crew arises to
    catch up on your last few
    posts. As always, you inspire,
    teach and just generally
    bring me so much joy when
    I am feeling overwhelmed
    by the decorating task at
    hand! I really want to see
    what you have planned for your
    mantel this year! Mine is
    nearly 11 feet wide; four of
    those 11 are 13 inches deep {in
    the center} and the rest is
    a little over two feet deep.
    Always a challenge! I am a
    silver and gold kind of gal
    who longs to use only fresh
    but alas have to mix, as it is
    so dry here in the winter that
    the real doesn't last! Thank
    you for being you!
    xx Suzanne

  3. I love pink too. Remember on colored light strands the pink light? It was always my favorite!!! I would love to have a pink tree...one of these years.

  4. I love the idea of pink packages under the tree. My presents for this year already have a theme - next year!

  5. I love pink...in all of it's tones and shades - I think of it as a form of red. I have tons of pink ornaments and last year I did a pink tree with clear and frosted ornaments and lots of wired ribbon. It is one of my favorite trees. (-:
    Pink in all it's variations is also my favorite color in the garden.

  6. You're right...I would not have thought I would have cared for a pink but it was actually very pretty when used in the right setting. You know my fave was the pink and white dishes in the hutch. I'm like a magnet. LOL Hope you're having a beautiful morning. Love ya, barb

  7. Oh Kathysue, I am sitting here with a big smile on my face. A few years ago we had to decorate a tree for charity and everyone was assigned a theme or color. Yup, we were assigned pink! We ended up getting an artificial(I never thought I would say that!) white tree and used pink and silver and gold ornaments with little white lights. To my surprise it looked quite beautiful. The event was very successful and the charity was very pleased.

  8. I think pink can be very pretty and festive when used with the right accents. These are beautiful images!


  9. Dearest Kathysue,

    One would definitely not think of 'pink' for Christmas but okay, as a 'young' red it turned out amazing in your photos!

    Enjoy the playing with ideas, we'll keep checking.

    Have a great week!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  10. OMG...love the pink! What great examples!

  11. Kathysue, You know how I feel about pink!!!! Over the top!? Not for me! I love it and can't get enough!
    Have a pretty day!

  12. I must say that I'm lovin' the pink! I actually had my hand on a box of pink ornaments to use in my dinnig room this year (with apple green and silver); however, my husband talked me into red instead. Boo on him! Your inspiration pics of the pink are fabulous! I love the pink/cream toile plates and pink packages. So crisp and elegant! Thanks for sharing, Becca

  13. My daughter would love it if I decorate our home in pink for the holiday season. This Christmas I'm doing splashes of turquoise and gold...decorating starts tomorrow evening. Oh, the pink door image is yummy!!

  14. Oh, this post really speaks to me!!! I love the elegance of that pink wrapped package by the white lit candles. Simple. Elegant...not bubble gummy!

    Such a fun idea to incorporate for the holidays!
    xo Elizabeth

  15. What fun! I love pink, and although I don't live with it now, every time I see a profusion of pink in decor, I think I just may have to add some in! I love the little wrapped packages in the corner cabinet with he toile dishes...so pretty!
    A perfect, pretty-in-pink post!

  16. Very different and pretty pinks. It is definitely not the holiday color I reach for but it looks amazing in the photos. Come to think of it I must like it. I'm wearing a pink shirt right now. *Smiles*

    Thank you for coming by and leaving such nice comments lately. I appreciate it. My mantel decor' post is last years almost to the day. I'm waaaay behind.

    Happy week to you and yours!
    ~Melissa :)

  17. Kathysue I forgot to tell you I was shopping in Pier 1 yesterday and they had the giant angel wings. Granted they were metal but I thought you might want to know since they were marked down to $5. Can you believe that price? For that you can hang them on your wall just to try them out and see how they look. I thought I would pass the info to you. I'm thinking of getting some buut I'm not sure where I would hang them. Let me know if you do. ~Melissa :)

  18. I never, ever would ahve thought of PINK for Christmas, but I love all these images! The pink tree would be SO adorabl;e in a little girls room! Great pictures!!!!! XO, Pinky

  19. Hi Kathysye. I am new to your blog. Your images are beautiful! I am now inspired to try a little pink in my decorating. I think if used with the correct accents it really is lovely and elegant looking. How fun those curly willow branches are with the pink ornaments and the lovely silver tray with the birght pink balls. What a fun post!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue