Monday, November 29, 2010

How I Display My Vintage Ornaments

Yesterday’s post was about the decorations that were used when I was growing up in the 1950’s. We have come a long way since that time. I think a little more sophisticated. I miss the nostalgia that comes with memories from Christmas past.

As I said yesterday I have collected vintage ornaments from 1930’s to 1970’s. I now have them mixed in with my family ornaments on the family tree.
Last year I took some  of them and did a fun display on my mantle………….

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I mixed some old with the new in clear glass apothecary jars!

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This is the right side of the mantel. You can actually see the glow of the tree's white lights in the clear glass apothecary jars.

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This is the left side of the mantel. In this picture you can see I used all clear glass holders with white pillar and column candles. I also used clear red glass tea light holders.
On each side of the mantel I used an urn that has a tree that is a moss green with gold and pink/red sparkly beads.

 I placed ornaments in a row at the base of the cone trees to repeat the element used in the apothecary jars. By doing that it keeps the eye moving and gives more of a flow.

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The center of my mantel. I don’t know if you all remember, but this mantel is 17 ft. long and I only have a little less than 4ft. of wall space above it.
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Now who is that in the left of the mirror? Is that one of Santa’s helpers? (note to self and hubby, look at the reflection when taking a picture in front of the mirror.)
That is how I displayed my vintage ornaments last year!! I love the colors and the way they catch the lights. I hope you enjoyed my little display and it inspires you to pull out your old family ornaments so you can enjoy them.
Enjoy the Process” Of:
Using and enjoying your ornaments other than just on the tree!

I am linking to  the Mantel Party over at Layla's Lettered Cottage
Be sure and go by to see all of the great mantel's. You are sure to get some great ideas!!


  1. Your baubles look so fab in those glass apothecary jars! Thanks for sharing your Christmas vignette with us!

  2. Oh how I wish I had a mantel as big as yours. It's so pretty. I love how you displayed your vintage ornaments inside the jars, so pretty.

    The photos are great.


  3. Dying over your collection, and the way that you display them is just amazing!

  4. What a gorgeous way to display your vintage ornaments. My parents have an entire tree filled with these same type of ornaments - they are so pretty. I could see them not wanting to be bothered putting a tree up one year and this would be such a nice way to still enjoy the ornaments. I'm interested to see what you come up with this year.

  5. Keep them safe and gorgeous. The colours are beautiful KS, you have been busy! Happy week. XO

  6. I love the way you've displayed these Kathysue. That mantle is just made for Christmas, isn't it? Beautiful! Hugs, Kat

  7. Your vintage ornaments look like candy in a candy jar...yummy! I can't wait to see what you do with your mantel this year! Have a happy week, Kathysue!...hugs...Debbie

  8. So beautiful. I love vintage ornaments. How I wish I'd kept my mom's ornaments from when I was a child-now someone else is enjoying them on their tree!

  9. Kathysue, you mantel looks wonderful and full of Christmas cheer. You have such a nice long and deep mantel to work with.

  10. Very nicely done. . . . Do you have a special source for the apothecary jars? I just love this!

  11. Dearest Kathysue,

    What a perfect way of displaying the vintage ornaments. Your mantle looks perfect. By the way is it really seventeen ft long?!

    Enjoy your pre-Christmas time and have a great week!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  12. Nothing is prettier than ornaments in an apothecary jar. Just love that look. I love seeing all the different layers of pretties. Hope you have a great week. ;) Love you, B

  13. I wish I had vintage ornaments! Yours look amazing all grouped together in those glass jars!

  14. Oh Kathysue, your mantel is stunning. You always come up with the best ideas. Your apothecary jars filled with the ornaments are just exquisite. Love your mantel decor. Wow, you really did get going and got a lot done. Hugs, Marty

  15. I love this post. We have a huge collection of vintage ornaments from my great grandparents - love the how you have displayed them.

  16. Those ornaments are amazing! Thanks for sharing your beautiful space!

  17. This is so pretty...the glass, the glitter of the ornaments, the lights and the mirror - really lovely. The idea of putting them in containers is great...mind if I borrow it? (-:

  18. What a great way to display your vintage ornaments Kathysue! I would never have thought of that. They look wonderful on your mantel.

  19. Your mantel looks lovely and you have given me inspiration for what I can do with my little vintage ornaments! Thanks so much, Kathysue!


  20. I told you mine are in a glass jar this year. I didn't put them all out, now I wish I had filled another jar or two! Yours look almost like candy the way they sparkle!

  21. I love your display! An excellent balance on the mantle. I adore vintage ornaments. I know many who collect them, but never use them.. I say, "show them off!" Happy Holidays!

  22. Nice Kathysue! Any kind of glass will the shine and glitz!

  23. They look wonderful in the glass containers. The mantle is beautiful. Kathy

  24. Love the vintage ornaments!!! Now I will have to be on the hunt for some....

  25. Kathysue, What a beautiful and stunning way to display your precious ornaments. I have so many from my mother and grandmother and they would look fabulous in glass apothecary jars! Your mantle is inspirational!

  26. OMG, your mantle is to DIE for! 17 feet?????? Wow! I love how you displayed your ornaments, your jars are gorgeous!!!!! Hope you'll stop over and see what I am up ti also!!! XO, Pinky

  27. Your collection is wonderful. The beautiful way you display the ornaments is amazing.

  28. Kathysue, your mantle is perfection!
    have a pretty day!

  29. Please come to my house Kathy Sue!! I need you! I'm terrible with Christmas decorations! Just beautiful!

  30. Love this vignette, those ornaments look amazing in the jars!! What a smart and creative use :)
    Nancy xo

  31. This is gorgeous Kathysue! I have a bunch of vintage ornaments. I should find a way to use them this year. I think you've given me an idea.

  32. This is so beautiful! I LOVE the vintage ornaments ... seeing them brings back memories of my own ... staring at my families Christmas trees filled with them. The way they "glow" at night is mesmerizing! I'd love to see this in person. Take care, Becca

  33. Kathysue, my mom had those vintage ornaments when we were growing up too. I love your display, it's gorgeous! Those old ornaments just have such a pretty look to them that can't be duplicated. I'd love to have some of them. My mom is going to pass on what she has left to me soon, I hope!

  34. Love you collection of vintage ornaments! Just beautiful. Enjoy!


  35. Your mantle has a sweet gentle beauty about it. It must be those lovely vintage ornaments. Very pretty.

    Merry Christmas.

  36. I love your vintage ornaments, they look amazing in the glass apothecary jars. You have a great eye for detail!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue