Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Guest Post Today

Today I have a guest post over at  the beautiful blog Providence LTD.  Mona is the author of this wonderful blog and she has a whole line-up of other design bloggers for the month of December.

When she asked me to join this fun series I was thrilled!! I put on my thinking cap and I came up with what I think will be a fun post!!!

If you need some inspiration for the holidays come  over to:

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Kathysue’s Favorite Inspirations!!

Of course these are images that I put in my file titled, “Favorites.”  These images gave me a jumping off point for this years decor.

Have fun blog hopping! I hope it inspires you!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Visiting new blogs and finding inspiration!!!



  1. ooohhhh love love love this! my favorite colors too, Jennifer jenssthreegraces

  2. Hi,

    Of course I immediately went over...just some simply wonderful, wonderful ideas and such pretty ones too. Thank you.(-:

  3. On my way over to read your guest post! I love this picture. It is beautiful, serene, simple and elegant...all in one. Love it!

  4. I'm back! Your guest post is wonderful. I left a comment on that site just to say how you never fail to inspire. This was just what I needed to get me going today!!! Thank you, Kathysue.

  5. Love the picture, I can see why you were inspired!

  6. Ya know...I saw these same topiaries while shopping today...still not sure what they are, but love the chartreuse color!

  7. Thanks for coming by my blog!!!! Congrats on the guesting!!!!!!

  8. On my way now!
    Have a pretty day!

  9. You are on fire, Kathysue! So fun to see you everywhere (can you say Eddie Ross?) You inspire me!!!

  10. I just love those green trees, I have 2 on my dining room table right now!
    Thanks for your sweet comment!

  11. WoW! I love that cute greens. I might buy one because of this, it would be perfect for my centerpiece nature inspired. Great blog! Going there now.

    aion account

  12. Oh Kathysue... I do love you!!!
    Thank you for all your lovely comments, you know how much they mean to me coming from you. This is such a special time as it was almost one year to the day that you came into my life!!! The gift that keeps on giving!!
    I adore this image and can't wait to see your guest post. I'm headed there now!!!
    God Bless,



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue