Saturday, December 4, 2010

Best Childhood Christmas Memory!

It has been a very long time since I was a child. It is funny how there are certain memories that never leave you no matter how old you get.

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Today I am going to share a Christmas memory with you that happened when I was five years old. I told you it was a very long time ago!

It was Christmas Eve, 1955 I was ready for bed and in my night gown when all of the sudden I heard sleigh bells ringing.

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I ran to the door, went outside barefoot and looked around! To my surprise, there he was!! Santa was just going around the a corner of  the last building in our little Navy housing complex.

I ran after him and I went allllll the way around the corner with my Dad close by. Santa had disappeared into thin air!

I walked back to my house a little disappointed that I did not actually get to see him up close or talk to him, but still pretty excited and amazed that he was that close to my very own house.

It was cold outside so I came back in the door and right before my very eyes, the tree was all lit up and presents were everywhere!!! He had been in my house when I was outside chasing him!!!

There was a new doll with a whole wardrobe of clothes. I remember one outfit in particular. She had a little gray coat with a matching hat, and the hat had black velvet ribbon to hold it on her little head.

My Mom had stayed up late after I had been put to bed so she could get the doll's wardrobe done.

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Now that I am a mom, I realize on a sailors salary what a sacrifice it was to have such an amazing Christmas. The thought and planning it took to pull off such a Christmas surprise is something this girl has never forgotten!!

My special Christmas doll is long gone, but the memory will last a lifetime!

Do you have a special childhood Christmas Memory? Please tell us!!!

Thank you for letting me be a bit nostalgic today! You bloggers are the BEST!!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Walking down a Christmas memory lane!!



  1. What a wonderful Christmas memory Kathysue...that is just so special what your parents did for you. I don't have any memories as wonderful as yours, but I remember that I always looked forward to putting up the Christmas decorations...a light up Santa and a little green house that had and elf inside that my parents would hang in the hallway :)

  2. Well this is a great pleasure to meet you Kathysue! Thank you for coming to visit me yesterday and please, please come by again. THERE IS MORE DREAMING WHERE THAT CAME FROM! And....I have similar memories of dolls and bikes and toys and the sacrifice my mother made to get something under the tree. When I was a teenager, I didn't know it at the time, but one year my mom's coffre was particularly empty. All she could give me was a packet of pencils from the local discount store equivalent to today's dollar stores. Even though I was a rebellious 17 year old, I think I understood and cherished that packet of pencils for a long time.

    What lovely memories you share. Enjoy the magic of EACH DAY in love....Anita

  3. Kathysue, What a wonderful and touching story! I too was a child of a military family. My Dad served for 23 years in the Army then AirForce. So I can relate to your story. It brought back such lovely memories for me!

    I also really loved your last post. I never thought about a "signature" wrapping paper. What a great idea. I think you chose so wisely. Black and white strippes go with almost everything and are such a classic!

    I did not realize that I hadn't followed you, but I took car of that. I am putting you on my blogroll too. My readers should certainly come visit your beautiful blog.
    What a delightful visit.

  4. Oh, Kathysue! What a wonderful memory! Your parents must have been so excited to see your reaction to their work and planning! There is nothing like seeing Christmas through a child's eyes! Now...I'm off to catch up on your posts...hugs...Debbie

  5. Know wonder you are such a lovely and thoughtful person! Your parents were the best! I imagine that they had a wonderful time planning that little Christmas memory for you. That same Christmas I got my beloved "Tiny Tears" doll. She had a curly wig and cried real tears! It was great growing up in the 50's, wasn't it !!

  6. Dearest Kathysue,

    As a child I of course have NO Christmas memories as that is still being celebrated as a pure religious holiday and for two full days; not abruptly amputated as it is here.
    BUT, your blog is perfect for the timing of Sinterklaas or Saint Nicholas on December the 5th. We always woke up on the 6th and found our gifts put on the table, right at your own spot where you sat during meals. I had a doll with legs made out of gypsum and one morning those legs had crumbled and fallen apart. That was such a sad loss of my Sinterklaas treasure.
    Thanks for sharing this and thanks for the gift on this day for knowing what a great citizen your Dad was for this nation! I'm proud, especially after having celebrated my 17th birthday on the 3rd (as I blogged about) for being an American with pride!

    Have a great Sunday!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  7. What a charming, sweet, Christmas memory and you are right - the work and effort to make it one you would always remember is very special. I have a childhood gift that I remember too, in fact I still have it!

  8. Kathysue, I loved this post. What an incredible memory they made for you! One year I remember receiving an entire wardrobe of doll clothes, all beautifully done with hats and scarves and little cloth purses. At the time, I did not know that Mom had been sewing these tiny little dresses for my sister and I, but I know now, and I love that memory! Hugs, Kat

  9. I'm teared up if you can believe it. When I was about 6, I was into Barbies -- around 1970 or so. My dad was laid off, and we had no money, never really did, although I never realized that until I was older (to my parent's credit). That Christmas, my mother gave me a huge box of handmade Barbie clothes and the details and trims on every outfit were amazing. That was my best gift EVER. The irony was that my mother, as she told me years later, was heartbroken that they couldn't afford store-bought Barbie clothes and she was sorry her efforts were such a short second. I still to this day have no idea how and when she made them all, and despite how she felt, they were the most special present. A true gift of the heart. Thanks, Kathysue, for making me thinking of that today.

  10. What a lovely memory of Christmas you have to hold on to! I remember my mom also made my dolls wardrobe for Christmas. Aren't we fortunate that we had such loving parents! And, I love your magical Santa Claus story. I can only imagine how special you have made Christmas for your children and grandchildren. Lovely post!

  11. What a wonderful story and memory, KS! I don't remember much from MY childhood but when my son was about 2 we had to run to 7/11 for something. When we got back in our car, right in the car next to us was SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I pointed him out to my son, and said,"oh my goodness, we have to get home FAST....Santa will be here any minute and you have to be asleep"!!!!!!!!! That little boy went to sleep faster than ever!!!!! It is a treasured memory! XO, Pinky

  12. What a delightful story. I, too, was a sailor's daughter in 1955 and my parents used to hang a blanket over the hallway opening so we would not see Santa when he came or he would leave before he was finished leaving all the gifts. I remember one particular year when we heard him laughing in the living room but didnt dare peek out behind the blanket. And my dad used to nibble on the carrots also, a tradition I continued with my own daughter. It is fun to reminisce about those innocent years. Thanks for the oppportunity.

  13. Thank you for sharing your special Christmas memory! I remember as a child being so excited about Christmas that I just couldn't sleep a wink!! It was oh so exciting!

  14. Kathysue...what a beautiful Christmas Story! You're so generous to share with us...yes, this memories our parents make sure we have through out our childhood, stay for ever in our minds.
    Merry Christmas!

  15. What a great story!!! ahhhh Navy housing...been there quite often myself!
    My favorite story happened about 25 years ago. My youngest son was in the hospital and had been for several first it was questionable if he would survive, but PTL he did! A few days after Christmas his doctor said to go ahead and bring in his Santa stuff, so we took the all important 20" bike up to the hospital. The son was still wired and tubed and had to just admire the bike from his bed...however.....the 6"4" doctor had no such problem, and took off down the hall of the ICU on the little bike!!!! He rode it all over the floor and had everyone howling with his antics!
    Yep, laughter is the best medicine!!
    Thank you for making me smile today!:^)

  16. What a beautiful memory Kathysue! This re-confirms my belief that the best childhood memories aren't about the gifts, but about the experiences! When I was in 5th grade I finally had my own bedroom and desperately wished for canopy bed (after years of sharing a bedroom w/my brother.) While sound asleep on Christmas Eve, my mother and stepfather picked me up and placed me in another bed while they quietly put together a canopy bed in my room. After working all night, they put me back into the room w/o me waking and when I awoke on Christmas morning I was in my canopy!! Having wished for one for years and then finally getting one on Christmas made for a magical memory that I cherish!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue