Sunday, December 5, 2010

Have a Mellow Christmas with Yellow!!

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I know yellow is for spring.  It represents sunshine and daffodils.

I don’t think we should ever limit our choices by pre-conceived ideas about a color.

I was thinking my Mom’s lemon tree produces lemons in the winter. One Christmas I used dried fruit and lemons on my mantle so I think yellow has to be OKAY  to use at Christmas time.

Shall we take a look at some Christmas decor done in yellow?!!!

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Not a large amount of yellow but just enough to let you know it is in the scheme of things.

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If it is good enough for the White House I think it is good enough for our house!!

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This is so cute. The napkin is made to look like a bow on a package!

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A simple more contemporary feel for Christmas.

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A yellow wreath on stacked cake plates holding nuts.

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I really love this, it is so simple however it still gives a big impact. I like the use of two or more small trees in the window instead of one large one.

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Sugared fruit looks so frosty even in this sunny color combination.

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So simple.... so pretty!!

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What a beautiful traditional setting.

stocking (300x400)
A simple yarn sock hanging on a bright yellow ladder. How cute would this be by the front door to greet your guest.

southern living (400x400)
This is a very unusual tree using yellow accents. This makes me smile!

better homes and gardens (300x277)
The addition of small silver balls really pulls this vignette together. I love the idea of the little banner hanging beneath each tray of fruit. It would be cute to have some words like.....

I don’t know about you, but I am really going to see where I might add some yellow to my Christmas decor next year.

Enjoy the Process” Of:

Bringing some sunny colors inside when it is snowy and cold outside at Christmas time.


Holiday Hints:

If you add yellow to your decorations also add it to your packages so it will flow effortlessly in the room.

When using yellow keep it simple.

A bowl full of lemons and some pine is heavenly. Be sure to throw in some small shiny Christmas balls for some sparkle.


  1. The yellow is quite refershing for the southern climates. And love the yellow bow. Enjoy! XO

  2. Dearest Kathysue,

    Yellow, or golden, is a very noble color to brighten almost anything! Great photos.

    Have a great week!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  3. I adore yellow! I have so much of it. Is is more the butter yellow hue, but almost any yellow will do! Beautiful inmages and ideas. Thanks for the tips!

  4. I have to say that my first reaction to yellow for Christmas was "eww", but after seeing the last two photos,you've changed my mind. I especially like the Christmas tree decorated with Chinese lanterns!

  5. My tree in the living room is done in yellow and cranberry this year. It looks quite nice. I love the combination of yellows and pinks (reds). All so happy! These are beautiful ideas.(-:

  6. J'adore the yellow bow on each placemat - what fun!

    Hope you had a lovely weekend, Kathysue!

  7. Wow, I've never seen yellow at Christmas before!!!
    Your images were fascinating to me. It opened my mind.
    You're the best Kathysue!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue