Friday, December 3, 2010

How Do You Wrap-It-Up!?

I have always loved to wrap gifts. It makes sense when you really think about it.

We decorating types love to make things look pretty and to be able to pick out color, pattern and pretty little things to put on the packages. That is right up our alley!

I have always coordinated my wrapping paper with my tree. In the early 70s I used all solid foils in red, green and silver with either red or green velvet ribbon.

As my tree and decor evolved I made subtle changes. I added black and white, lime green and even some bright pink to the mix.
I have a signature wrap that I use all year long and especially as my base wrap for Christmas.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, I am sure it is no surprise that black and white stripes are my signature wrap.

I looked high and low for black and white awning striped paper. I finally found it at this site:

The small roll measures 2’ x 36.5 yds for $19.75. I was amazed at how cheap it was. It comes in a box with a cutter edge. They sell to major department stores, so it is a very good quality paper.

Since Christmas is upon us I thought I would do another post as a reminder. If you are like me I always get deceived by how much paper comes on the rolls at the stores.

 On some rolls there is hardly enough to wrap one gift. So you can see this is a great deal since the paper averages about $.23 a foot.

  I highly recommend this site. In fact I did a post a long time ago on having a signature wrap. You can read it HERE if you would like.

Here is a glimpse of the Christmas packages under my tree from last year.....

Christmas Tree 2008 065
You can see my signature wrapping paper mixed with various other stripes, polka-dots and even a black snowflake pattern that actually had sparkly snowflakes.

 You have to have sparkle at Christmas time to catch the lights. (Sparkle is one of my favorite colors at Christmas time!)
 What you can not see is my tree skirt which is also a black and white stripe(actually a tablecloth with a whole in it made for outdoor tables with umbrella’s.)

This week I will try to have more post on fun wrapping ideas for Christmas!
If you want to go to a blog that specializes in gift wrapping at a whole new level be sure and visit Sande’s blog “A Gift Wrapped Life!”

I am also linking up to PK's Linky party at Room Remix all about gifts and anything to do with gift wrapping!! Should be fun!!

What pattern would you choose for your own personal signature wrap?
Please leave a comment I would love to know!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Making each and every gift you wrap look special!!


Holiday Hint:

Another fun idea is find a paper that represents the recipient. If your child likes Buzz Lightyear this year, the Buzz paper it should be!!

Just think of the hobbies, or even the colors the recipient likes and wrap accordingly.


  1. Dearest Kathysue,

    Thank you SO much for this great website-hint!!! Excellent products they have. Love your signature paper very much; so elegant.
    Hope that one day I can return the favor...

    Have a great weekend!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  2. I love wrapping gifts too and always start out with great intentions. Close to the 25th, I'm not caring at all, I just want to get it wrapped! This year, my intention is to use only three different papers. Brown kraft paper, tartan plaid paper and paper I bought in Florence which has fleur de lis all over it. We'll see how long that lasts! Great post Kathysue! I will check out Nashville Wraps. Looks like a great deal!

  3. Hi Kathysue! Did I tell you that I love your name, it's so cute!

    Love your signature black and white wrap, so pretty and so you! Thanks for the link too.

    Your last year's tree looks so festive with all the pretty wrappings underneath.


  4. Those presents are wrapped so beautifully! I wouldn't want to open them :)

  5. Im so glad you posted this. I have looked high and low as well for paper like this. No surprise. I knw. Im headed over now to buy some!

  6. Thanks Kathysue for the ideas. The only thing that helped me reconcile the fact that my kids are growing up and Santa visited us for the last time last year was the realization that I can now go back to wrapping presents and putting them under the tree throughout the season. Santa didn't wrap here. I always loved wrapping before we had kids and I'm looking forward to doing it with my kids now. I've been looking for ideas and have had several rolls in my hands at the stores, but couldn't commit to a theme yet. I want to get this first year back in the saddle right. I love your idea of adding stripes. Headed to Hobby Lobby today and you've definitely inspired me. I also saw on a blog soomeone using Kraft paper and different yet coordinating ribbons. Thanks so much. Merry Christmas.

  7. I love to wrap gifts too. I am the official bow-maker in the family, and when they need a special one, here they come. I've taught my daughter to do pretty bow, so it's always fun to see what she does too. I ususally use 3-4 different papers, (have used Nashvillewraps for years!) Lately, I've been using copper and gold metallics with red and green. This is my left-over year...using up all that I have, so it will be a little hodge-podgy, but next year I can start fresh! Fun post.

  8. My signature color, all thru the year, is black and white. However, at Christmas time, I use different papers and gift bags.
    Thanks so much for all the inspiration.
    Oh, and I am signing up to follow. Hope you will come by to see me sometime.:)
    Are you the Kathy Sue that was on RMS a few yrs back? I am the bjramsey that was there. :)
    xo bj

  9. Thank you for the tip on the site address for paper...I really like the idea of a 'signature' paper that would be the basis for other accent papers year after year like you do. The tree and the gift - beautiful!!! Wonderful colors.

  10. I love your signature wrap!
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful resource with us all. It's amazing how difficult it is to find such a classic!
    Happy weekend

  11. "Sparkle is one of my favorite colors at Christmas time!"

    That has to be my favorite quote of the season! I always match my tree to my wrapping. This year since the tree is all silver, white and sparkly...with a hint of paper is silver or gold with ribbon in the reverse. I guess if I had to pick one wrap that I was going to use every year, every tree...I would either pick a white on white or a craftpaper...because I could work with the ribbon in various shades.

  12. I have never had a signature paper, although I generally use solid red, dark green, tartan, gold and occasionally white paper and then mix it up with fun ribbons. AND I also use Nashville Papers - my only complaint with them is I wish the paper were a little heavier, but it is certainly great value and they are very easy to deal with. Your presents look great under the tree from last year. Looking forward to seeing this year!

  13. Cute... I never thought of having a signature wrap... neat idea though!! Come help me wrap, Kathysue!!!!! xo

  14. Thanks so much for the LINK! Mt tree is all red and gold so I do red and gold metallic foil wrapping paper with fancy wired ribbon bows. I love to have pretty coordinating boxes under the tree....are we a little OCD???????????:):) XO, Pinky

  15. Would you please wrap mine? There is nothing I enjoy more than giving gifts. There is not much I enjoy less than wrapping them. It's just not my thing. I have a room full of unwrapped gifts right now. I'm willing myself to start on them tomorrow!

  16. I never get tired of black and white stripes, and I love the way you've incorporated it into your gifts! It's such a fun mix with the citrus green and red. Bright and cheerful with a graphic punch.

    Thanks so much for linking up to the party, Kathysue. I really do appreciate it!

    Hope your weekend is going well and you're lots accomplished on your Christmas list. :-)

  17. Wow. Can't type today. I meant to say "hope you've accomplished lots on your Christmas list".

  18. I love your signature wrapping paper! I must admit that I am not at all surprised to find it has black and white stipes! Stunning!
    For years I always wrapped in red and green foil but for about the last 7 or 8 years I have used brown kraft paper with plaid ribbon or raffia. I love the natural look. Last year I found a gingham check tissue paper that I use inside boxes that have gifts that require tissue around them. Oh, and the ribbon is always real ribbon from the fabric store. And if the gift box is plain white, then a beautiful ribbon is all I need. I'm with you, I love to wrap.
    Now I'm off to check the site you mentioned for wrapping paper. You always bring something new to our attention. You're the best. Thank you!

  19. Of course your signature wrap is black & white stripes! Wouldn't have expected anything less!

  20. Hi Kathysue! Oooh...yes, I remember your wonderful signature wrapping paper idea! And, of course, it's black and white! I know your family must be extra excited to see a beautiful gift from you! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  21. Kathysue: I have been trying to leave a comment (three times) and each time Blogger says it can't go through, so each time my comment gets shorter!
    My favorite wrapping is plain color, shiny paper: red, gold, silver are the best. Then, for me it's all in the ribbon! Love love love to collect ribbons. I save them, I iron them, whatever it takes. And then add a small embellishment.
    But, I have to admit, that this year I have turned to gift bags!!! So easy, so many to choose from, and certainly recyclable. With our move, I just don't have time, and all my wrappings are packed anyway!

  22. I dont have a signature paper but, just like you I choose anything black white and sparkly, usually with a snow theme since we are skiers. The Container Store has a wonderful wrap section every year that I look forward to. I do avoid gift bags and always add ribbon and bows of some sort.

  23. I came over from Sande's A Gift Wrapped Life, and love your ideas. The signature paper is wonderful.. may try that for next year. And, I liked a lot of your "little" ideas. I am ready to think of some new traditions, so thanks for sharing some.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue