Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Are You Missing The GREEN?!

Have you ever noticed that after Christmas is over and all the decorations are down the house you once loved, looks a little drab and flat?!

I figured out what was the problem years ago. We miss the GREEN!!

 The tree is such a huge focal point in our homes. By the time we add the greenery on mantels, bookshelves and tables you are missing a lot of green when you take down your holiday decor.

Green, especially natural green always adds such a fresh look to a room.

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Just look at how fresh this entry looks with the pop of green in the apples and the flowers!

I think from now on, before we take down all of our Christmas decorations it would be  good idea to go out and buy a few new house plants.  That will help us keep that natural fresh look.

Let's look at some ideas on how we can add fresh plants to our homes.......

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Buy some inexpensive herbs and put on a window sill. Not only a great look but also very useful in cooking.

I added fresh herbs in my own kitchen………

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I love a white orchid and in a simple white pot it is perfection.

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A few fresh flowers in simple vases adds some life to a room also.

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This is one of my all time favorite pictures with the rosemary topiaries in rustic pots. Even the red apples are reminiscent of Christmas red and green.

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More white orchids and green apples. Love this room! The black and white striped chairs are the perfect touch in my book.

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A large palm in the corner is a great addition in this already beautiful room. I see a recurring theme here.  More white orchids!

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In my own dining room for the summer I use Boston ferns in urns.

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So dear readers if you feel as if your home looks a bit drab after taking out all of your holiday decor, add some green with plants. I did another post on adding plants to your decor, here, if you would like to read it.

Check out this post over at Delight by Design for another way to add green to your home.

Here is another post on adding some green over at O so D a blog I really enjoy reading.

How do you bring back life to your rooms after you take down your decorations?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Bring green into your rooms for a fresh look!



  1. Great idea!
    These spaces are gorgeous!


  2. I can't live without my green. I have new paperwhites growing and freshing up my house ferns. I love my green walls and my mural with all the green. I think you are on to something...

  3. I also miss the glow of the lights from my tree and mantle. I like to stock up on candles as an alternative. (I'm dreading the chore of packing up the decorations!)

  4. Kathysue, hope you had a wonderful Christmas. It is true the house feels a little off after taking all that green down. I am having trouble just putting the house back together. I think I have lost my mojo.

  5. Beautiful images all, Kathysue.

    I hope to have the Christmas green put away sometime this week. Then I will be busy replacing it with other greens, because I love green.

    Enjoyed catching up with you this morning.

  6. These are lovely ideas...fresh greens or plants can go in any room and always add to the decor. I remove all plants, figures, bric-brac, flowers, etc from my rooms before putting out the Christmas decorations, putting them back afterwards is always kind of fun! The only trouble is sometimes I have trouble finding where I stored them,(-:

  7. So true, Kathysue! I always think my house looks naked after I take everything down. xo

  8. Kathy _ I think Karen hit it right on the head. I miss the glow of white lights throughout my home. Also, the home just has an overall sense of warmth and comfort that somehow seems lost when everything comes down. And for me - tabletops, mantles, etc look barren. LOL

    I agree, some fresh plants and a good cleaning are generally in store for me. It just takes me a few days to get used to the new/old look again. :)

  9. Karen and Barb I so agree about the lights! In fact that is my next post, come back tomorrow!! xo Kathysue

  10. Kathysue, You are so right. It does look so lonely when everything is removed after christmas. Next year I am gong to make sure I have some plants to put out when I take everything down.
    Have a pretty day!

  11. I agree. I need to have some green around all year. I have a tall ficus tree in a corner in my living room and I keep tiny white lights on it all year. The only time it's not in the living room is when a Christmas tree replaces it for a while. I also love to have an orchid in the living room...or any room for that matter!
    I love the images and you have inspired me not to dread taking down the decorations after New Years. Thanks Kathysue!

  12. Dearest Kathysue,

    Life green cannot be cut out of our lives... It lifts our spirits up more than anything; besides LIGHT. Days are lengthening already since December 21st and since we celebrated Christmas in the tropics, Indonesia where we lived, we did bring lots of evergreen trees in our garden. Our view is a 'GREEN' one and than it is easy to bring it inside the home. Love orchids and palms, they look so exotic and tropical, they pick you up. If anyone ever traveled to Singapore, their airport is FULL with orchids. Looks like you arrived at the heaven's gate instead of being at the airport. They know how to brighten up their life, just walk down Orchard Road in Singapore around the end of the year... A DREAM!
    We miss it but we do have year-round-green with us!

    Enjoy your last days of 2010!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  13. Hi Kathysue, I agree with you...my fav pic is the one with the rosemary trees on the kitchen table with the black chairs (been thinking of painting my kitchen chairs black - or white). Love this post. Linda

  14. YOu sure are on to something here. I don't take Christmas down til mid Jan....usually, but for some reason this year I am getting antsy to do that. Maybe next week after the first. Maybe:) I casn't grow many REAL plants in my house since we are in the woods but have many FAUX plants! Happy New Year, KS. Hope you have a great one! XO, Pinky

  15. I love the addition of fresh greens in the home year round. Herbs are one of my favorites in the kitchen as well. A friend dropped a white orchid by the day before Christmas a a thank-you. I just love it. I hope I can keep it living. I've always thought they are a little temperamental. My friend suggested placing a few ice cubes in the pot once a week instead of watering so as not to over water. So that's my plan. Happy New Year. Mona

  16. GLad I'm not the only one that thinks the house is bare :)
    My favorite is the rosemary too! I love that idea for my kitchen table. I recieved a gorgeous plant as a hostess gift so that will fill one spot. So many more to go.
    Happy New year!

  17. Kathysue, I love the green too! I always have a myrtle topiary plant in a rustic pot by my kitchen sink. I love it! I haven't taken the tree down yet, but it's happening sometime this week! Happy New Year!

  18. I agree, I know we're missing something after all the Christmas comes down. I usually add a bit of green here and there, this year I'm going to try and scale it down and see how living with less is more... Happy New Year!
    hugs ~lynne~

  19. Kathysue: YOU ARE SO RIGHT! Yesterday, I bought a miniture pink rose bush for my desk, white tulips for our living room and a pale pink azalea plant for our patio...feeling uplifted. I love your herbs. Where did you get the pots? Also, like your green striped wallpaper. So fresh.
    Mary Ann

  20. Great observation, Kathysue. I've had to opt for my green in silks....the thumb is very brown! They tell me that plants like to be watered and cared for...imagine that!
    Love the green and white in all the pics...really fresh and pretty!

  21. That is gorgeous! You are correct. The place could look a little drab when the Christmas decors are removed. Have a wonderful time, Kellie xx

  22. Kathysue...you are right...every home needs a little nature! Thanks for the sweet nursery comment :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue