Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Let There Be LIGHT!!

After we take down all the green of Christmas usually the lights go with it. One more thing to make our homes feel a bit dull and drab.

I like to keep a little glow going in my home, how about you?

You already know I love all my little votives throughout my home. I add some to my kitchen window sill and other areas that I seem to be at for long periods of time.

I also have a ficus tree in my living room and in my family room. I am going to add my Christmas lights to their branches. I use to have lights in them all year long and eventually took them down. I think this year the lights will go back up on the ficus.

Uplights are another great source of glow. I use those in dark corners behind plants and furniture.

I gathered a few pictures of other ways to use lights so you all can keep the glow going in your homes too.

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A very large oversized jar filled with lights sitting by the door. What a nice warm glow to greet you when you come in the door. Not necessarily just for Christmas.

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I know you all remember this look from one of my Christmas post! Instead of using these in mass on a mantel why not try one by itself on a table or a couple on a book shelf? Just  a little glow in the room is nice.

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Demijohns are so popular right now and many of you have them displayed in your homes. How about some lights in a Demijohn? I have also seen displays of wine bottles with lights in them. That looks very pretty in a kitchen or near a wine rack.

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I love these lighted orbs they are made by a company called Cable & Cotton. They look like a ball of yarn and come in a variety of color combinations.
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They even offer an option for you to choose your own color combination. I love the white and of course the green combination is appealing to me. I love the texture and the light they bring to a room when placed in a wooden bowl.

Soft twinkly lights in a bedroom are always inviting also.
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This just looks so inviting and cozy, doesn’t it?

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Look around your home at your accessories on tables and book cases, and think where you might be able to add an extra light or two.

I have all my lights on dimmers.  I keep several of my lamps on all day. I use refrigerator bulbs that are only 7 watts for ambient light at night. I have a lot of little lights around the house but they do not use much power.

I hope this helps inspire you to keep a few strands of white lights out after Christmas to keep that wonderful warm glow going during the cold gray days of winter.

What other ways do you all keep a warm glow going in your homes, after the Christmas lights are all gone?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Keeping the warm glow going in your home.



  1. I used to have lights in my ficus too! They burned out and I never replaced them, but I just might have to do that. I remember liking the glow very much. Hope you're having a great (restful?) day, KS

  2. Great ideas...I love the light in the container on the floor, so pretty. I received some flameless pillar candles for Christmas and I think they will be fun to add ambient light to areas...especially when entertaining. I love candlelight...and little lamps placed here and there. Happy New Year.

  3. Great inspirations, Kathysue! I love the one around the bed! Hope your holidays continue to be delightful! Happy New Year to you and your sweet family!...hugs...Debbie

  4. You are prolific, my friend! I swear you couldn't possibly have actually participated and decorated this holiday season -- you have far too much energy! I will miss the glow when it comes down New Year's day, but when it's away, it's away, save for my usual few jarred candles around the house. Nice ideas for keeping it going, and I love the first one by the boots!

  5. First off, thanks so much Kathysue for participating in the linkup and placing the button!!!!!!

    Then... that's why I don't want to take my Christmas decor down..., I love the lights..., and was already pondering how I can keep the glow. Everything is on dimmer too, which is great. I like the jar idea..., and am thinking of adding branches/tree with lights to the living room, I could even hang some of my shells on it... that could work all year round. I'll see.

    Happy New Years!

  6. How beautiful is this blog??!!! I've just found it, too late for this Christmas but i've become a follower. You have some great ideas and wonderful links. I'm going to spend the rest of the year searching for " props " ready for next Christmas. Hope you have a fabulous new year and look forward to your future inspiration. Thank you. Di, UK, x

  7. Hi Kathysue,
    Thanks for some great tips- I love cozy lights

    Happy New Year,

  8. I have white lights up above my kitchen cabinets AND my hubby has it rigged up so that after 8PM if anyone walks into the kitchen the COME ON!!!!!!:):) It is so neat....and pretty!!!! I also use up lights with plants and other things. I will hahve to do a post about it after all the Christmas is down and the house back to normal! XO, Pinky

  9. Good ideas Kathysue. I think I'll leave some lights on my mantel. After I removed the Christmas lights it looked kinda sad. Now, I know what to do.

    thanks for the inspiration.


  10. Good ideas...I also like to just jumble them up and place them around the top of a pot holding a plant...just adds some light to an otherwise dull spot. Love the idea of jamming them into a large glass ppot as you have shown also. Happy New Year and I look forward to more fun ideas in 2011

  11. Lighting definitely affects my mood. I'm a big dimmer. I have every light in my house on a dimmer switch and then I burn a lot of candles. These are some very creative ideas.

  12. Kathy, I love the lighted orbs, so fun and festive!! Heading to check out the site...thanks for sharing!!

  13. Love this post, the image with the lights in the large jar by the front door, how great is that! You have your decorations down already? You are organized. I still think it's Christmas . . . xo Maria

  14. Great ideas, Kathy Sue. I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Happy New Year!...Christine

  15. i was actually thinking the other day, WHY do we take the lights off? - i LOVE the lights on the houses - i mean we can take Santa down, the Christmas tree and so forth - but why not just leave the lights on the houses and bushes - i love the charm of it all - i'm keeping my mini-trees up outside! - FOREVER! :o)

  16. I love your ideas. You have inspired me to "keep the lights on". Thank You.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue