Monday, December 27, 2010

I Am NOT Running In The Race!!!

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Have you ever noticed how some people seem to be running the race right after Christmas?

What race you ask? You know the race to get their decorations down !!!

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I use to run in the race when I was younger and had more energy.

Now that I am older and wiser I try to, “Enjoy the Process!” Running in the race does not allow for time to “Enjoy the Process,” in my life.

I have grown to realize that the decorations will get put away in due time and the house will be put back in order.

I will then begin my “To Do List” for the upcoming years projects in hopes of getting it done before next Christmas!!

So until I decide to take down my decorations I am going to try and, “Enjoy the Process” of the approach of the upcoming new year.

I want to languish in my wonderful family Christmas memories, and enjoy the cozy warmth of my home.

You will find me enjoying a little more of this………..

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So tell me dear readers are you running in the race this year?


Are you going to, “Enjoy the Process” with me?



  1. Hi Sweet Kathysue!

    I usually get the urge before NewYears to start taking down decorations, but I usually do it casually and never make a big project out of it.

    I don't go to the after Christmas sales anymore either. I think as I get older I have learned to slow down and enjoy the moment more.


  2. My goodness Kathysue you can relax totally decorations cannot come down until the 5th January the eve of the Epiphany!
    Remember the 12 days of Christmas? so you have another 8 glorious days of relaxing and reading and blogging! Enjoy every one of them! xx J

  3. I'm enjoying the process...they won't come down until after Jan.3, we leave tomorrow for Greensboro, North Carolina. I'm enjoying them but wondering what I will put in their place:)

  4. I agree with you. I "Enjoy The Process" and don't feel a need to rush. I usually take down my decorations after New Years. Now that I'm older I just don't feel the need to push things out of the way so quickly. I really enjoy taking time to appreciate the beauty.

  5. Hmmm. I play it by year every year. THIS is ALL about the Pj's and cocoa and reading and games. We are all a little sick though.

  6. I enjoy the process. It always makes me a little sad when I see trees already on the curb the day after Christmas. I always think to myself, "Did you even let the kids get all the presents out from under the tree?"

    Definitely cocoa, pjs, and a book.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue