Monday, November 8, 2010

Where Should I SIT?

Dinner is ready to serve and you have asked everyone to come in and have a seat. You still have a few things to bring to the table. The beverages need to be served. Water, Ice Tea, Milk?

Then!!! The big question ensues. Where do you want me to sit? Should I sit here? Your mind starts spinning, oh dear!!! Should they sit there? No, that won’t work! Should they sit there? Okay fine! Just sit wherever you'd like. Now the dance around the table begins.

To eliminate this scenario I found the best solution!
Placecards! Not the kind you write on paper, but place cards that can be used year after year, meal after meal.

They are called Placetiles and they are wonderful. The owner and designer is talented Kristin Bowen. She says:

Our PlaceTiles & MessageTiles are
free standing and self supporting.
Each piece is stamped with
the PlaceTile Design logo and
signature of designer,
Kristin Bowen
Here are just a few of her wonderful designs………
1 (300x300)2 (300x300)
5 (300x300)
This one also includes a small place in the back to put flowers. I love this idea. I think this would make a wonderful wedding gift, or any special occasion for that matter!
6 (213x250)
They come beautifully displayed in a lovely box lined with white satin and with a dry eraser pen. You just wipe the name off when the special meal is over and put them away until next time.
I have had mine for several years and use them for all my large gatherings.
Kristin has a blog that shows how she and others use these and she also has some yummy recipes. I just discovered her blog while doing this post.
If you would like to order these go to her web-site and see all that she has to offer. You won’t be disappointed.
PlaceTile Designs
I need to thank my sweet blogging buddy Sally at Divine Distractions for reminding me of what a great entertaining tool this is. I read her post on menu cards and it inspired me to write this post. Thanks Sally!!! Be sure and visit her blog, she writes very inspiring post and always has great ideas.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Entertaining with stylish place cards!



  1. Dearest Kathysue,

    Great idea to use such place cards!
    Just read my comments and noticed that I had not thanked you for yours on my own design brass mushrooms:
    Kathysue said...
    Hi Mariette, these are so lovely and intricate. I need to take the time to thank you for your faithful reading and commenting on my blog. It truly means so much to me. I love your opinions and insight. Especially on todays post. I am with you, I am constantly asking for understanding and to discern Gods guidance in my life. I don't know how so many live their lives without his wonderful hand. Have a wonderful Sunday. We are having our first rain storm here in Calif. it is so cozy and warm inside, I love it!! Kathysue October 24, 2010 10:56 AM

    Have a great week and thanks again for your comments!!!


  2. The Placetiles are fantastic. I have seen a lot of place cards and I really like these the most. I'm off to visit Kristin! Thanks Kathysue!


  3. I've never heard of this company...I'll have to explore their line-up! When entertaining I love doing placecards...even for the kiddie table (they especially love seeing their name!) And, for the adult is a nice you mentioned no one has to wonder or ask...where shall I sit? Timely post with the holidays right around the corner.

  4. These are so pretty and so wonderful to be able to use them again and again. Whatever pattern you choose could also become part of your signature setting. Great gift idea also. Hope you have a super day. Hugs, Marty

  5. Those are nice! The style looks like it would work well in any decor.

    I'm going to stamp up some of my spoons.

  6. These are wonderful. I think they would make a lovely wedding gift. I especially love the ones that can hold flowers as well, just beautiful. Hugs, Kat

  7. Hi Kathysue! These are so pretty! And I am excited to see that Tom Hanks is coming to your Tday dinner! May I come, too? lol Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  8. Those are great Kathysue. We are the ones that always say sit wherever, but I have only had close family members to eat.

  9. Well aren't you the sweetest thing to give me a shout out today. I love that we can inspire one another in our posts (you know we are twins separated at birth!). These little placetiles are just the cutest things! I love the ones wih the flower vase...clever, clever!
    Thanks again dear friend!

  10. KS, These are such a fabulous idea! I love it. Thanks for giving us the site. laurie

  11. Great idea Kathysue! I need some place tiles! I tend to be pretty casual about where everyone sits, but it would eliminate a lot of confusion at the last minute if everyone knew exactly where they are supposed to be.

  12. These are really pretty
    and I think having place
    cards really kicks things
    up a notch at dinner parties,
    don't you think? I'm going
    to check these out....
    Thank you, sweet friend!
    xx Suzanne

  13. You're right, they are a great idea! I had to laugh about someone saying that noticed Tom Hanks was coming to dinner - I was going to say the same thing. :-) Hope you're having a good week.

  14. I love the idea of place cards! It really takes the dinner to the next level doesn't it?? Great idea for Thanksgiving and Christmas Kathysue!! Hope you are having a great Monday :)
    Nancy xo

  15. Kathysue! LOVE THESE!!!
    Have a pretty day!

  16. LOVE this!!! I will go to her blog and check them out!!! Thanks so much!

  17. Ooooh...I'm going to order a set as a Christmas gift! Thanks!

  18. I clearly remember the "seating dance" around the table last year,I need those tiles. And,I agree with Abby, they will make a wonderful Christmas gift for a friend.

  19. Oh, great idea. I usually do placecards and have fun making them but love the idea that these are so pretty and hassle free!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue