Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How About A Blue Thanksgiving?

If you add brown to your blue, it is a perfect choice for Thanksgiving.

 Maybe this combination is not the typical autumnal colors, but it is equally as pretty and festive.
I went looking for some blue and brown inspiration for you all and here is what I found……….
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The addition of the pheasant feathers really makes it perfect for Thanksgiving.
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Just a touch of blue with the feather on a pretty brown and white plate. It looks like Martha used bias tape in brown, tied loosely around the napkin.
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Blue transfer ware with the brown tone of the wood furniture would make a lovely Thanksgiving table.
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The addition of brown branches and some Asian blue and white porcelain and you have a lovely buffet for Thanksgiving.
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Tiffany blue is used here and the brown is used in the marbling on the plate rim.
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A more modern setting using cylinders with leaves and you can find the blue in the napkins and plates in a very soft shade of blue.
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I love this whole setting, especially the amazing art piece above the buffet. By putting the blue glasses on this table the whole look changes.
So there you have it!! Would you consider using blue on your own Thanksgiving table?
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Using some blue on your Thanksgiving table for something different!!


  1. I love using this combination.

    I recognized Mary Carol Garrity's dining room. I've had the pleasure of seeing that gorgeous room a couple of times in different seasons. Beautiful inspiration every time!

  2. Hi Kathysue, Yes, I do use some blue! I think it is effective not only with brown but also with the oranges and burgundy accents of the season. It is a little break for the eyes. Love Nell Hill's dining room. I would love to paint my dining room or foyer that color. Still working on the hubby on that one. Linda

  3. LOVE IT!!! It's a favorite of mine, so it's great fun to see how other incorporate this combo.

  4. I love blue. My dining room used to be dark blue like the one you showed. Great ideas there.

  5. Beautiful pictures. I'm always looking for ways to use blue dishes. I love blue and brown. I have an amazing collection of Allertons Blue Willow that I bought from my aunt shortly before she passed away. She inherited it from her mother in law who got it during the war. She hosted family Thanksgiving dinner as far back as I can remember. It has so much sentimental value and I use it all the time and now I host the family Thanksgiving for 35ish in her memory. My first blog post ever was about my blue willow tablescape at Thanksgiving. I've incorporated it around my house and yes, you are exactly right; it looks amazing with brown. For several years I used brown tablecloths and napkins tied with brown ribbon and burlap runners. Though last year I used black tablecloths and pink roses as centerpieces and it really looked pretty too.
    I think this link will get you to my blue willow tablescape

  6. I love the idea of a non traditional color palette for a holiday table setting! Looking at these images I realize I need some china...or at least some pretty colored glasses. Perhaps that is the key to setting a beautiful table, being excited about using some of your pretties!

  7. Oh Kathysue, I just love this blue and brown Thanksgiving inspiration. I was just pondering whether or not to use my blue chargers on my Thanksgiving Table. You've given me the courage to do it. Something different but oh so lovely.
    Thank you for always showing us alternatives, you're the best!!
    Love you,

  8. Blue and brown is a lovely combo and a welcome surprise from the traditional Thanksgiving colors. I don't think I own anything blue though! haha! I think blue to me is like orange to you! Love all the gorgeous images representing blue and brown. Very elegant. I have a feeling you are giving us a preview to your Thanksgiving table!

  9. I adore the blue dining room...such a nice departure from red.

    Loving the blue and brown together!


  10. I love non-traditional holiday settings! Blue all the way!

  11. Beautiful inspirations them all!

  12. Oh Kathysue, they are all gorgeous. You always find the most beautiful pictures. I can't wait to see what you do this year. Hugs, Marty

  13. Dearest Kathysue,

    Blue and brown works very soothing and warm! Perfect for an 'earthy' Thanksgiving amidst loved ones!

    Thanks for sharing this.

    Greetings from Georgia,


  14. Beautiful images, Kathysue! This combination is great for Thanksgiving - wish I had some blue transferware!!

  15. I have been SEARCHING for pheasant featers for WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!! I sure wish I could find some! I do like the blue.

  16. I like the blue, but I really love the pheasant feathers! I use them at Thanksgiving and incorporate them into my Christmas as well. Your table is going to be amazing this year after all these ideas you keep finding. You will have to share!

  17. I LOVE this! Brown and gold make blue so classy. What a perfect palette for Thanksgiving.
    Nancy xo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue