Sunday, November 7, 2010

Loving Lime!!

I do love the color lime so I looked around to see what I could find as some options for Thanksgiving tables. Lime with brown looks amazing together as seen in these rooms……
1 (300x400)
2 (640x415)
3 (360x360)
7 (460x613)
8 (320x400)
Now for some Thanksgiving Table setting Inspiration!!
4 (500x332)
Okay not really Thanksgiving, but it is food related. Moving right along….
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Great idea to use potted plants and candles down the center of the table and it is all reusable after the Holiday.
6 (563x422)
Another plant idea! How about various succulents in a brown wooden box as a centerpiece.
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This is a great inspiration board.
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Simple orchids floating in cylinders on a beautiful brown cloth.
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Speaking of Limes how about limes and mums, Perfect!!
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Another simple use of limes.
12 style sisters (400x300)
Simple and elegant done by the Style Sisters.
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How about a vase full of these lovely lime lilies.
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Simple ribbon and runner cut with pinking shears. Add white pumpkins and lime colored pears and you have a great lime and brown combo.
I think the addition of lime just perks the whole table setting up!!!

Do you think you could use lime on your Thanksgiving table setting?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Using a color scheme that you have never used for your table this Thanksgiving!!

BTW: If you like the color lime click here  for another post I did on using lime with gold.


  1. Oh, Kathysue! How interesting to think about lime for your Tday table!! I love that idea! I can't wait to see YOUR Tday tablescape...always beautiful!!!!...hugs...Debbie ;-)

  2. I love the colours, but I don't think I could use limes on my Thanksgiving table. I could use greenish apples and pears, though.

  3. Great color scheme regardless of where you use it! There are some lovley tablescapes in your the orchids and the hydrangeas! I know you're table will be magnificent!

  4. I love these colors together. So fresh and different, and totally non "stuffy". Love the limes and mums, what a fun idea. Beautiful inspiration photos as usual. Hugs, Kat

  5. I love the color lime and I think it is used very boldy and beautifully in these photos.

    My favorite is the limes with the mums, very simple and pretty.


  6. You just keep giving me good ideas for my Thanksgiving table this year. I love the last idea the best because it is pretty yet simple and inexpensive. I start decorating for Christmas the next day so don't want to toss too much.

  7. Dearest Kathysue,

    The last table shown is the most realistically looking for achieving at Thanksgiving. Don't think the Hydrangeas would be around fresh at that time of year...
    The orchids are against the rules of keeping any table decoration at such height that you can converse with your opposite table partner without obstruction... Looks pretty but should be placed on a side board instead!
    For me lime color is a favorite and looks very fresh!

    Have a great week and cool greetings from Georgia,


  8. Hi KathySue. Lots of great ideas here. I love lime green and brown too, it's a nice combo...Christine

  9. Lime is so "in" right now, and this is such a great illustration as to why! Lime and brown are incredibly chic as well!

  10. Love lime with brown! Never would have thought of that in a living room. It looks great! Thanks for the idea!

  11. Beautiful inspiration the color combination!

  12. This is great. My daughters colors for her wedding were lime and chocolate brown! EVERYONE thiught it was gorgeous! We had brown tablecloths on the tables and Green hydrangeas in the centerpieces (the hydrangeas were from my garden!!). I just LOOOVE this combo for any setting! XO, Pinky

  13. Gorgeous, Kathysue. Saving your inspiration board - I'm hosting this year and I think the lime & brown will be pretty in my pink dining room!

  14. Yes, I am loving lime too Kathysue! I love this idea for Thanksgiving because it is a bit unexpected and fresh!
    Nancy xo

  15. LOVE the light in the first room - DIE to have it!!!

    PS - spreading the love to *ENTER PHOTOgraphy Give-Away * PLEASE come over and join and get your own piece of photography FREE!!

    *kiss kiss*

  16. KS, you've got me thinking in a whole new direction. Thanks for the inspiration! laurie

  17. I love the combination of lime and brown for Thanksgiving! Very fresh....Your pictures are great inspiration -- did you make the one with the succulents?

  18. Hi Kathysue, I'm finally back after all this time and I'm happy to catch up on your last posts. Love the lime chocolate combination, looks both modern and cosy.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue