Saturday, November 13, 2010

Last Years Thanksgiving Table

The first decision I make in planning my table is, what colors will I use. Last year's table consisted of linen, cream and green.

I then look at my linens, dishes, glasses and flatware to see what will work in my overall color scheme.

Next, I decide on a centerpiece. I love to use fresh produce from my grocery store. Once I decide what I want to use I order it from my produce man.
Last year, I decided to use all cream and green produce. Here is what I started with………

Thanksgiving Table 2008 007
Here is how I put it all together…………….

Thanksgiving Table 2008 056 (800x600)
The cut glass hurricane was perfect with its silver trim and the glass had wheat cut into the glass which I repeated that element by using it in my arrangement and it also appears around the rim of my plates.

Thanksgiving Table 2008 038 (800x600)
I used white linen and natural linen napkins. You will notice the white are tucked under the plate and draping. The linen napkins are folded almost in a cornucopia shape.   The sweet green glasses were a purchase from the Dollar store. They have fruit and grapes in a relief pattern.

Thanksgiving Table 2008 041 (800x600) (2)
Thanksgiving Table 2008 047 (800x600)
I love using mirrors to reflect the candle light. I have two pieces of mirror each three feet long. This arrangement is almost six feet long on an eight foot table. I tend to like elaborate, over the top, or simple centerpieces. I chose elaborate for last years centerpiece.

I hope you have all enjoyed my post on Thanksgiving table settings, some of my own and some of images that I thought you all would enjoy seeing.

Next in line will be post on Christmas decorating and ideas. This is one of my favorite subjects. I am really looking forward to sharing ideas with you all.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Setting your Thanksgiving table, but most importantly enjoy the loved ones  that sit at your family table! Be thankful for the blessings we have in our wonderful country.



  1. What a beautiful table setting! Isn't it fun to explore the endless possibilities? I'm having Thanksgiving here this year and can't wait! Here's to a healthy holiday season!

  2. Kathysue, will you come set my table for me? I'll buy you the plane ticket!! You can stay for turkey too, bring the family! I love your idea of using a mirror for reflection.... beautiful! Have a lovely weekend, Doll! xo

  3. It's beautiful, Kathysue! I'm glad you're going to join the Christmas party too. We're actually having a winter storm here today so it makes the idea of Christmas not as premature as it seemed when I posted it :-)

  4. Oh Kathysue, I love this table. I remember seeing it. You always do the most wonderful table centerpieces. This is one of my favorite. Stunning. I can't wait to see yours this year. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Marty

  5. Martha Stewart has nothing on you, girlfriend! That's an amazing table. Great balance and scale, and I love the silver phesants! In fact, there's just not anything I don't like about it! Beautiful!

  6. your tablesetting is BEAUTIFUL -How welcome your family and guests must feel when they sit down at your table.

  7. Kathysue,
    Your table is BEYOND!!!! I am so enthralled with your use of the mirror, the layering the glamour of it all.

    I'll be taking notes as I set my table this year!!!

  8. This is gorgeous! I love the mirrors, love the silver pheasants, the dishes, well, I love it all!!!!!!!!!!!! The centerpiece is beautiful! Have a great weekend! XO, P

  9. Oh Kathysue, your table is elegant and beautiful and also very inviting and welcoming.

    Absolutely Stunning!

    Did you say Christmas!?! Wow it came around quickly this year, didn't it. I can hardly believe we are at Thanksgiving already.

  10. Beautiful table setting. you are very talented and thanks for sharing

  11. That is just gorgeous! I love your centerpiece! So original! Have a beautiful day, Kellie xx

  12. Hi Kathysue, Your centerpiece is perfect--not too big but capturing the elegance and simplicity of your table so well! I have those birds--maybe they will visit my table this Christmas! And the green walls of your room are absolutely beautiful! Linda

  13. Absolutely love your table - it's going to be difficult to improve on this. Can't wait to see the one for this year!

  14. I love your place settings! What is the pattern? I'm guessing they are vintage or antique because I'm pretty sure I saw something similar at an antique shop but thought I'd ask. The table is gorgeous!

  15. Its just a pretty as I remember it from last year. Then again, your table usually are. Love you. Barb

  16. I thinks this is beautifully done! I love how you used mushrooms & green beans! You did a wonderful job explaining all of the the little details! love it! hugs, Cathy


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue