Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Am So Excited!!

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I am so excited because tomorrow I am going to start my  Christmas post!!!! 

This will be my very first year spent with my blogging friends at Christmas time. I started my blog in January so I missed Christmas last year.

What you do not know about me is I love the Holidays!!! Family and friends, the lights, the music, the food. I love it all. I hum a lot this time of year. Especially Fa- la- la- la!

I enjoy decorating the house to make it festive and inviting. So I am so ready to get going on all of it this year!!

I love finding new ideas for decorating. Changing my own decorating up a bit. I love finding the special gifts for my loved ones. I just love it all!!!

Stay tuned for six weeks of Holiday post!!!! I hope I can inspire you and help keep your spirits bright so hold onto your Santa Hats and pull up your boots!!

Here we gooooooo!!!
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"Enjoy the Process" Of:

Looking forward to all the excitement that comes with the holidays!!!!



  1. I like you love this time of year. On the weekend I bought Santa hats and red t-shirts with Chirstmas messages on them for my kids. I plan to take a photo of them in these in front of the tree. My daughter have started on making Christmas things too. I am looking forward to reading your Christmas posts. G

  2. This is our 'off' Christmas which means UK daughter back in UK, Brisbane family in Hobart, Sydney family just elsewhere! So it will be very low key and lots of skyping but I will miss the kids!! Perhaps I will just enjoy it through your posts! xx

  3. Can't wait. It IS "the most wonderful time of the year" :)

  4. Me too, Kathysue. I put one on this morning, about Lynne's (Lynne's Gifts from the Heart blog) shop. J and I had the good fortune to visit Lynne yesterday. First time meeting her.

    Actually started my Christmas with the trip to Evergreen last week.

    I love this time of year. We are pretty well known in our town for being Christmasy folks indeed.LOL

  5. I am a huge fan of the holidays too Kathysue! Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

  6. Kathysue, I am feeling so pressured!!! I will have my first holiday blogging this year, too, and it is my very favorite time of the year! My hub calls me the "Christmas Elf," and our attic "Santa's Workshop!" But I still have to get through the Thanksgiving decor because the kids are coming home from college and we're having company! Can;t wait to see what you do! Linda

  7. Yay! Bring on Christmas... I'm ready!!

  8. Oh Kathysue, I can't wait to see all of your posts. I know they will be wonderful and your decorations will be exquisite. Can't wait. Hugs, Marty

  9. Can't wait to see all you do Kathysue to your already beautiful home...I bet it's over the top...I did see all your christmas containers on Micasa so I know you have alot of stuff ha ha!! Hope you have a GREAT Sunday my friend..
    hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  10. I can't wait to see what you have to show us!

  11. You are my kind of gal Kathysue! I absolutely love the holidays and Christmas is my favorite! I'm already done with my holiday I get to enjoy the holiday season going to parties, having gatherings and spending time in the city...all without the stress of shopping!

  12. Can't wait to see your home all decked out for the holidays!!!!!

  13. I love the holidays too. I'm puttin you in my google reader so I don't miss your posts.

  14. Kathysue, I can NOT wait to see what you show us for Christmas!!!
    Have a pretty day!

  15. I'm so bad with decorating. I just want to get over with anymore so I will enjoy yours instead!

  16. I am SO, so ready! Can't wait to see what you share with us!!!! XO, Pinky

  17. I go to Cassino Beach in the Cristhmas with my family. I lived in Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul.

  18. Yaayyy! Christmas is my most favorite time too Kathysue {as you probably noticed from my last post :)} and I too did not have a blog last year at this time {I started in February}. I love that you feel the same way I do! Hope you had a great weekend
    Nancy xo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue