Monday, November 15, 2010

Did You Know Christmas Is Coming Soon?

Did you know Christmas is coming soon?! Okay that is probably a silly question. Last night while watching TV there were several holiday commercials and it made me think.

I think we fall into a few groups when we see holiday decorations and advertisements up before Halloween.

1.  The “PANIC!” group that feels immediately that they need to rush and get it “DONE.”
1 (700x525)

2. The “REFUSAL” group that absolutely refuses to start too early in fear that it will ruin their Christmas spirit. However, what they are really doing is procrastinating as time marches on.
2 (500x333)

3. The “DEFEATED” group, The members of this group are defeated before they ever start and are convinced that they will never get it done.
untitled (216x216)

4. The “OVER ACHIEVER" group. They have to do everything on their list or they will not be able to have a perfect Christmas.
untitled (233x427)

5. The “ACCEPTANCE” group who realizes the holidays are  upon us and makes plans to get organized in a relaxed mode so that they can try to, “ Enjoy the Process,” in spite of the other four groups.
3 (620x350)

I have a wonderful friend that I make a pact with every year as we fight the urge to fill panicked or frazzled. Sometimes we have our moments but we re-group and work through it and enjoy the season for what it is meant to be.

First and foremost it is the Birth of our Lord and Savoir.  That, alone, should put this special day into perspective.

I am not naive enough to realize that Santa Claus and gift giving has become a huge part of this day. I always ask my grandkids, "Aren’t we lucky to be able to receive gifts on Jesus’ birthday?!"

Then there is the decorating! I love this part and I really look forward to it every year. I am always looking for new ideas and inspiration, but I am such a traditionalist and the memories of Christmas past are what makes today's Christmas celebration special for my family. I always keep certain traditions alive and well in my home.

I have learned one thing that is a good reminder to myself and others….
“Remember the important things always get done!”

In the upcoming weeks I will be sharing inspiration that I have found and some of the special traditions we have in our family.

With all this being said, which group do you fall into?

Will you join me in “NOT” letting  the first four groups pull you in. Fight against it and………
“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Getting Ready For Christmas!



  1. Great post and great advice!
    You know which group I tend to fall into but I'm joining your group this season :)
    Thanks for inviting me!

  2. I love the holidays and think I take a relaxed approach. I am even in the spirit this year despite the fact that we are moving a mere 2 weeks before Christmas....I started my shopping on Etsy last!

  3. This is so true! These images are hysterical!


  4. Dearest Kathysue,

    Love your view on this and I'm with statement # 5...
    Have a great 'productive' week!


  5. Fabulous post Kathysue!
    I've always strived for group 5 and have had success.

    Sort of helps to be in that group at this time. With J's health issues, Christmas decorating is definitely being done at a slower pace. Shopping is almost complete thanks to my bargain hunting daughter. She finds the best deals then sends me a little note and I order online. I appreciate that so much, especially this year.

    If you have a minute and haven't stopped by, I think you will like the Christmas table I set, in non traditional colors.

  6. well i've always been 1, 2, 3 & 4 mixed up but longing to be a 5. maybe this will be my year!


    thanks for your comment today too!

  7. Good post! I am definitely a number 5. I organize and shop for gifts early (via on-line or storefronts)...I'm already done with my Christmas shopping. It is important for me to finish early and enjoy the season with family and friends, doing outings, hosting dinner parties and not feeling rushed. For the past month, I've been wrapping a present here and there at night once I'm done with bedtime routines.

  8. Hi Kathysue! I just found your blogand I have to say, your post actually made me Laugh Out Loud! Funny! I have an interior Design blog and im actually doing 14 days of Christmas trees, would love for you to stop by! Im also doing a GIVEAWAY!

    *ENTER PAMPERING Give-Away Here *


  9. this was the perfect thing to read.. i've already been stressed out about the Holidays & they haven't even started yet! eeek!! thanks so much!

  10. Count me in the ranks of category 5! I love just about everything about the Christmas season! I love to decorate, get together with friends, pick out gifts for loved ones, find ways to be more charitable and giving, and I love, love, love the magical moments that fill the season. Can't wait for Christmas - bring it on! :-D

  11. This year I'm in the "Chill-out" group. If it all doesn't get done...nobody dies!! As a working designer, the fall and Christmas times are always so busy that I'm just grateful to have presents under the tree...actually, I'm not even doing a tree this year! I'm not bah-humbug....just ready for a break!...a paid one would be even better!!

  12. I love, LOVE the holidays and decorate my whole house, (even the bathrooms). We ahve an Open House every year and have dinner parties too. I love it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Perfect post and great advice! I decorate everything because it is my goal to make it a magical special time for my little girl. I love it. The more lights and garland, the better! I can't wait to see your decorations! I know they will be fantastic!

  14. I'm a Number 5 until December 23rd! I love Christmas! Love decorating, being with family and friends. I can get panicked, but this year, I will not.
    We decided to limit the gifts and just enjoy being together. Thank you for reminding us to slow down and enjoy the process. I look forward to your upcoming posts too.

  15. Kathysue, This post was what we all need to read before we start the holidays! Well said!
    have a pretty day!

  16. Ya the Christmas panic has set in here! I really needed this post!!!


  17. So hoping I'm going to be in the acceptance post!!

  18. What a wonderful and timely post for me, after being up until 1:30 this morning Christmas decorating. Unfortunately you heard me right Christmas decorating. I have an event with Chandlers interior school of design at my home this evening. I got a wild hair this weekend to at least go ahead and put the tree up, (obviously artificial). One thing led to another and my entire house was torn up. First year in a new house is fun but more of a challenge when it comes to holiday decorating. Oh well, 75 people are coming tonight so I couldn't leave things half done. The good news is that I'm finished except for changing a few things after Thanksgiving and adding all the fresh greens and poinsettias that I love. I do love the holidays and can't wait to see all the inspiration you will post. I'm sure I'll pick up another idea to use. My husband says I decorate till Christmas Day. I guess that's just a hazard of the trade. Have a great day. Mona

  19. SO funny Kathysue! I always try to just enjoy! Sometimes I get a little frazzled, but that is right before I have 40 people coming over for dinner :)
    Enjoy your Tuesday!

  20. Wonderful post. I am in the number 5 group. A few years ago my family decided to limit gift giving so now it is mainly exchanging with close friends. That has freed up time(and stress)to enjoy all the beautiful things the season offers: decorating, music, baking, going out and most importantly spending time and celebrating with people I love.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue