Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What is Hanging On Your Door?

One of the very first areas I decorate is my front porch! I want to greet my guest and help them get into the  Christmas spirit by putting some festive elements outside. The first element that goes up is a wreath for my front door. I tend to like it simple or over the top!!

I save images in files all year long and I have a wreath folder that has some different takes on wreaths that I like. I don’t know about you all, but I love a new idea. I hope after seeing some of these images you get inspired to do something a little different or unexpected.

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Although this is not actually a wreath because it is round and it has a lovely green garland around it, it comes off as a wreath. Love this idea!

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This is so simple and I think this would look so cute in a kitchen. Can you imagine these hanging in the window.

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Not a traditional wreath at all!!! Love the freshness of this display. Great color combination also.

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For those of you that like gardening and a country look, how about a bucket full of holiday greens?!!

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If one is good, three is better!

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Another image of three in a row. Simple and elegant.

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If three is too many how about two?  I love a square wreath.

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How about two again?  This time they mixed round and square together, I just bet there is another round one on the right side, or at least that is what I would do.

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How do you all feel about one wreath on double doors? I just don’t like seeing that, but here is a great solution. Split the wreath in half and when the door is closed the wreath is centered. Someone really had their thinking cap on.

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There is nothing like a traditional Williamsburg wreath with a pineapple to represent a warm welcome to all who enter.

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This is definitely more of a traditional wreath. I do love the three fresh flowers in the center. If you get the little tubes of water from the florist you could change the flowers weekly. This is a fun idea.

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We have all seen the bright red berry wreaths. What I do like about this is using the ribbon as a hanger and NOT putting a tight bow at the top. They just let the ribbon curl naturally. I like this much better than a tight bow.

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Outlining this wreath with a frame is a great idea and it also eliminates an un-wanted hole above the fireplace.

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Sorry for the blurry picture, but I have shown you two wreaths, three wreaths and now I am showing how to use four wreaths.

The next three pictures are of my front door last Christmas. I took the pictures at night so the lighting is not very good. I am sorry about that!

 I like to use real greenery on the front porch. I love the fragrance that the  fresh cypress or pine gives each time the door is opened.

I don’t use a traditional wreath, although I do love that look also. You all know me, I like something a bit different so I used one of my favorite elements.

A letter that represents our family name, the letter “P” Nothing elaborate just simple. I purchased this wreath several years ago from Ballard. If you would like one they are on sale right now go HERE to order one. I tend to go with a  simple design or over the top in my holiday decorating.


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If you need a little more inspiration be sure and go to this wonderful video that Eddie Ross did for Sears. He will show you step by step how to do an amazing entrance to welcome your holiday visitors.
Eddie for Sears:
( just click and it will take you right to the video)

Are you inspired yet? Will you do fresh or faux, or maybe a mixture of both?  Remember fresh is a wonderful welcome with its pine scent!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Hanging a wreath on your door to welcome in the Holidays and your guest!!!


Holiday hint:

Your front door is the perfect place to use a real pine wreath to give a wonderful scent to your front porch.
If you need a hanger to hang your wreath go here for some great options.


  1. Great selection of photos, my favourite being the star with the vase of flowers, I love red for Christmas. G

  2. Hi Kathysue! I love that you have started your Christmas series! You have some great inspiration for wreaths! I love the three in a row with the frenchy chairs...want those chairs, too! Of course, I love Kathysue! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  3. Great ideas, Kathysue. I have done all kinds of different things on my door and over the mantel and still not sure what I'm doing this year.

  4. I love all the inspiration here. I normally lean toward simple and pretty...I love the wreaths with fruit and I adore the picture with the 3 wreaths on each window.


  5. What a great selection of ideas. I like some of the non-traditional ideas like the hanging basket.

  6. All of these wreaths are gorgeous! I definitely need to get on making mine. It's going to be a pom pom wreath! I'm so pumped!

  7. Dear Kathysue,

    Oh my! In general I go for KISS = Keep It Sweet & Simple... But I do love the two- and three-some in this blog. Like the way with the two where they literally did 'square off' with the square one on the right...



  8. Wonderful inspiration pics...I love the one with the three wreaths....beautiful!

  9. Hi Kathysue,
    I will probably do real greenery. Every year, Costco sells garland and wreaths for a super price. I love the smell, but by the end of December,
    it's all dry and makes a huge mess. Worth it though. Great pics for inspiration. Love how your front door looks with the "P!"

  10. Lovely, lovely! I love the little glimpse into the hallway with the topiary form. So pretty - but I would not have expected less.

    You know my fave inspiration pic is the last one with all the red. I found some red and cream houndstooth fabric with an oversized pattern...and I have now gone off on a whole new decorating tangent b/cod that one fabric. LOL

    Hope you're having a great week. Love u!

  11. I love how your front door looks! Wonderful inspiration. I always go with fresh greenery because I can't resist the wonderful scent of fresh pine. It's one of the great treats of the Christmas season.

  12. I have a glass storm door and then the wooden door, so I generally put my wreath on the front of the house instead of the door. I'm just beginning to plan in my head what I'll do this year!

  13. Okay, does having a white feather wreath in the bedroom for holiday count as different? Our front door one is plain and simple.

  14. Hi Kathysue
    I love door wreaths and real green! I also use green branches of spruce around my door and many other places. My husband and I go for a nice walk in the woods to find the green branches, moss and other things we can use the Christmas season.
    My main motto is: simplicity!
    Hope yoy have a great pre-Christmas time!

  15. I've always loved wreaths in traditional and classic....just need a lovely colonial to go with it! I also love fruit in wreaths...not a big fan on the wreath that splits in two...just seems a little weird. Great ideas and inspiration.

  16. Love all of this Christmas inspiration Kathysue!! Your porch looks amazing. I have a pretty gold wreath against my black front door and I love it. I also love the idea of mixing faux with real for a full and beautiful look. Thanks for posting this loveliness!!
    Nancy xo

  17. Kathysue,
    Love your blog! Found you from Lissa's blog, Humble Pie. I've already added you to my sidebar ;-). I've been making a lot of burlap wreaths and I made two sheet music wreaths for our shop, a different take on the classic. Now if I could only figure out how to make them smell good too! Lisa

  18. Great inspiration pictures Kathysue. I'm still shaking my head over the split wreath for the double door - genius! Cait is making wreaths this year for her music department's fundraiser. They came out beautifully, so that's probably what we will use. She apparently got the crafty gene that skipped me :) Hugs, Kat

  19. Great pictures! What a nice selection. Now I'm inspired. Though I did hang the big outdoor wreath last weekend while the weather cooperated.

  20. These are lovely! Maybe I'm having a wreath by my door. Enjoy the rest of the week, Kellie xx

  21. Oh kathysue, this is so pretty. I love your P. The view inside your entry is just stunning. Love it all. Hugs, Marty

  22. Great inspirations! I keep saying I am going to do a square wreath...Your "P" is so fun! Saw lots of black & white and green would have loved it!

  23. Hi Kathysue, Wonderful inspiration photos and your decoration are wonderful. The view inside your home's entry is beautiful.

    Thank you so much for your kind and touching comment on my grateful journal. I really appreciate you visiting.

  24. Lots of cute ideas, thanks for sharing! I love wreaths, usually put them not only on the front door, but on the front windows too. Your ideas listed here are fresh and interesting!

  25. Your front door is very festive and I love the tradtional red and green bulbs in place of the so popular all white look...adds a bit of nostalgia

  26. I love a Christmas wreath on a mirror. Like you, I go for the real greenery also.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue