Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Was Brought to Tears

Since today is Sunday I thought I would share a picture of a statue that touched my heart while visiting Saint Paul’s Basilica in Rome.

I entered and looked to my right and there it was!! As a mother I immediately felt  emotion.
 As I looked at her face she looked so serene for she knew this was how it was suppose to be.
 There she was holding her son Jesus as he lay lifeless after being removed from the cross. To know that when this child was born this would be his destiny. My heart ached for her. It was truly moving. I could not stop the tears, they just rolled down my cheek.

This statue was carved out of one slab of marble by Michaelangelo when he was only twenty-five years old. What a gift from God. His hands had to be guided by something higher to create such beauty that would be so moving and make all who view it feel such emotion.

Holy Land 2010 268 (600x800)
Holy Land 2010 265 (800x600)
Notice her bowed head and her left hand lifting upward as if to give him back to God. This is just so moving to me as a person. What a blessed savior.



  1. Kathysue, I remember the day I saw that, too. You are right his hands had to be guided by a higher power to create such marvelous work.

  2. KathySue, I have no words. The picture says it all. Amen. Linda

  3. Oh Kathysue, this is so moving. Thank you. Hugs, Marty

  4. Kathysue-This is truly moving -What an honor that you were able to be in there and experience such blessed love.

  5. I was blessed to have seen it too! What an amazing experience it was. It was hard to move on, but the beauty was all around.

  6. Hi Kathysue,
    I remember seeing The Pietà for the first time and being moved to tears too. In fact, just being in St. Paul's does it for me. I never tire of seeing it and appreciating the beauty and history. Also, the Duomo in Florence with the ceiling painted by Michaelangelo. He truly was guided by God! Thanks for this moving post.

  7. Thanks for sharing this, Kathy Sue. Our best friends just got back from Italy, we are sorry we missed this trip but our daughter just got married so $$$ is tight:) His talent was surely guided from God. Amazing.

  8. Just beautiful and so see that in person must be pretty amazing :)))))

  9. It is really a moving sculpture. Must have been amazing seeing it in person. Have a lovely week ahead, Kellie xx

  10. I am thrilled at how God gives gifts to mankind to be used in glorifying himself. Awesome that Michaelangelo was only 25!

  11. Gorgeous images and post, Kathysue. I have moments like that while I'm in church, moved by His presence and love!

  12. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm hoping to see this too one day. I'm sure seeing it in real life is more profound than viewing it in books.

  13. Kathysue, what a gift for you to be there to see that in person. It is moving to see on the computer, I can not even imagine the emotion of seeing it in Rome.
    Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Have a pretty day,

  14. What a beautiful and moving post. I had the same reaction when I first saw the Pieta. Your description and pictures are so moving. Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us.

  15. If I ever lost one of my babies, you would never hear from me again. It is a vision of faith, with life out of order.

  16. Thank you for showing The Pieta is all its glory

  17. It's emotional and moving to imagine Mary's grief portrayed in this amazing sculpture, but the best part of it all is that He is RISEN!! Thanks for sharing this special moment with us Kathysue :)
    Nancy xo

  18. I was lucky enough to see the Pieta at St. Peters the year before it was damaged by a hammer-wielding young man. It was restored beautifully..and now I hear there is a glass partition in front of it, where we were able to get very close to it. It is still my all time favorite sculptures and have a small replica as a remembrance.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue