Monday, November 1, 2010

Where Do You Go For COLOR??!!

Have you noticed that throughout blogland it is getting harder to find a colorful interior? Maybe it is just me, but I am craving color instead of the gray or white interiors I am seeing. Although they can be beautiful in their own right, this girl likes color.
1 (462x600)
2 (300x333)
3 (400x400)
4 (400x600)
5 (400x524)
6 (486x389)
7 (540x342)
8 (188x240)
9 (400x399)
10 (474x599)
(all above images found on decorpad)

I actually go abroad for color. Not literally but virtually. I have found that the Aussies seem to know how to use color and pattern to my liking. I can go to one of their blogs and I always leave smiling. There is also a gentleman in England that will always put a smile on my face.

I thought I would share a few of the blogs that bring color into my life!!
Just click on the below images and go to this wonderful,colorful amazing blogs.
Anna Spiro (647x263)
11 (800x267)
13 (580x218)
12 (800x148)
“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Finding color and adding it to your life!!



  1. I agree and have just realised how white my house is so trying to find a great blue for the entrance hallway, there is so many to choose from. I am enjoying the process. G

  2. Thank you so much for the lovely blog mention, Kathysue! I do love colour! xo

  3. HI Kathysue - thanks for the mention. And in such lovely company!! xoxoxo

  4. I always love the look of other people's colorful homes, but I tend to keep a neutral background and use color in accessories. If I could be happy with the same look year round, I think I'd be just like you and fill my home with color.

  5. i love color - i never think a lil color will hurt!

    PS - PLEASE come one come all and
    *Enter Camille Beckman Luxury Give-Away Here*

    *kiss kiss*

  6. Well you know that I love color. Great post and some wonderful blogs too. Thanks. Hugs, Marty

  7. These rooms are beautiful...and bursting with many colors! Every room could use a little touch of color I think just to mix things up a bit?!?!?

  8. Good to know because I love color too !

  9. I love color but I have always wanted to do a "white" room. My chance to do this is eventually in my guest room. But right now I am in the midst of re-doing the family room/library and although I am restraining myself to a more neutral palette it will definately have color!

  10. I side with you on this one. I think I might be depressed in a colorless world!

  11. What a great post!! I refuse to follow the pack and stick with color! Maybe together we can turn the tide! Of course, I tell people to go with the colors they love, but I love bold color! Off to write next weeks blog... I am thinking color and warm woods!

  12. I love color and it shows in most areas of our home. Love your inspiration images.

  13. I love color in any season, inside and out. You had me at the third image and I can't wait to visit the blogs you listed since I'm a huge fan of the first... Happy colorful week!

  14. You're singing my song, Sista! I too love the Aussie blogs. Add VT Interiors to your list. She catelogues fabulous images in every post! I think that most interior designers love's the Pottery Barns and Restoration Hardware aficianodos who are so into the neutrals...and you know why??? They are cheap for them to make and sell!

  15. Where do I go for color? Right here in my house!!! I am totally a COLOR girl: warm deep colors. I ADORE my living room, it has cathedral ceilings and gets alot of light so we painted 2 shades of a rusty orange in there and it is gorgeous to me. I love sitting in there. I don't have a white wall in my house:):) Never will:):) XO, Pinky

  16. Hey, Kathysue, I'm with you! I like my color too much to ever go down the trendy path of all the neutrals & grays that are so hot now. I just can't do it. I just finished up a kitchen WT that is very colorful & I love it! Post up tomorrow afternoon.

  17. I'll head on over to these blogs. Thanks!
    We live with color in our home, but I do like the whites and neutrals. I wish I could have several homes in which to try different styles and colors. ;-)

  18. thanks for the great blog suggestions. I already follow Will at bright.bazaar but love the Ada & Darcy sight. These photos are great but I tend to gravitate to monotone rooms for some reason, but always with a pop of color somewhere.

  19. Dearest Kathysue,

    You are so right! Often I have thought the very same like it is an all-white-epidemic out in Blogland! They paint everything and often ruin the grains of beautiful woods that never can be brought back to its original beauty...
    Having a cousin/sis in Australia who has been published in several magazines, I certainly do understand about the Aussie's advantage. Did you know that the second language in Australia is Italian? That might explain a lot to you in this regard.
    While working in Australia we learned about all this and that makes one put the puzzle together.

    Wishing you a great week and lots of sunshine from Georgia,


  20. I am a color girl myself. And recently have found that if I have a neutral backdrop, I can infuse all the color whenever, where ever, and it still looks good. (at least I think so!)

    Thanks for the inspiration. I love all of the Australian blogs too.

    --Gretchen O.

  21. I can't imagine living in a house without color. I think neutral rooms are beautiful, but when I walk into the riot of colors that cover my house, my heart just sings.

  22. I love color too---although you can't tell by the picture on my header! I don't mind some washed out rooms, but I have to have some with color! I will check out the blogs you give as a reference.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue