Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Fall Green I Love!!

Today I am going to talk about the Fall color Artichoke Green.
Paint, Artichoke, SW6179 by Sherwin-Williams
Sherwin Williams SW6179
It is no secret I am a lover of green, as you can see from my kitchen.

fall dining 2
Greens come in so many varieties, however, since I am talking about Fall and ideas for Fall decor I thought I would talk about Artichoke Green.
Artichokes can be used in so many different ways in your Fall decor. I have collected some images that I hope will inspire you to add this wonderful color to your Fall palette.
CLEAR (227x253)
Simple? Yes, but this could be very striking in your kitchen or on your dining room table with candle light.
NO BOW (300x400) 
Speaking of candlelight. We not only have artichokes, but we have green beans and asparagus all in great shades of green I also like that they did not tie a bow to hold them, just a simple knot with ribbon.( I am not big on bows and I prefer something a little more simple)
ASPARAGUS (650x433)
Speaking of bows, I do love the purple with the artichoke and asparagus green, but, and I do mean but, think how much more sophisticated it would have looked without the bow, just a simple knot would look so much better, IMHO. This is really a simple, but fun idea.
CANDLE (338x450)
I love the dark brown of the pinecone with the green of the artichoke. That is really a great fall color combination.
Oh! Why Not?!!
In Style Magazine
PITCHER (800x800)
This is perfection to me. A simple white pitcher filled to over flowing with artichokes and surrounded by herbs and wood. Love this!!
PURPLE (250x368) - Copy
PURPLE (250x368)
Purple really looks pretty with artichoke green.
WHEAT (275x360)
How about a wreath of wheat and artichokes?!
VASE (137x206)
Artichoke used as a vase for mums and lavender. A very pretty color combination.
untitled (360x460)
More lavender and artichokes pretty with white.
Simple yet very pretty!!

PITCHER (800x800)
ROSES (400x300) 
These last two pictures are my favorites!! 

This is what I learned about myself while doing this post. I love artichoke green when it is mixed with simple white and dark brown/black. I told you, I am always on a learning curve.

Did you discover anything about your like or dis-like for the color of artichoke green? Which color combination did you like the best?

Before I let you go I have to share a few rooms that are decorated with the color artichoke green, Enjoy!!
chairs (400x267)
bathroom (500x750)
bedding (589x442)
gray (466x582)
bedroom (600x450)
room (360x460)
brown and white (580x481)
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Decorating for Fall with Artichoke Green!!
BTW: I don’t normally talk about cooking on this blog, but if you love to eat artichokes this is the best recipe ever!! This is from a restaurant in Carmel, California called the Rio Grill , that I also highly recommend!


  1. Love this post Kathysue! The wheat and artichoke wreath is wonderful. And that bathroom is amazing - going into my inspiration file right now. Hugs, Kat

  2. Lots of inspiration here. I really like that first simple arrangement and the last image with the white roses.

  3. I am a green person as well! Great collection. I love the bath. Sooo relaxing!! Thanks for the artichoke recipe. When we are in Carmel, we always eat at the Rio and I always order the artichoke! I have tried to replicate, but now I see I missed a step or two!

  4. This is a great green! I like your kitchen best!

  5. Great post. Love artichokes and love artichoke green as well. Can't wait to try that recipe! Your stripe dining room is my favorite picture.

  6. Kathysue, it is funny before I read that the white pitcher was your favorite I was ooohing and ahhing over it. What a great idea. Hmmmmm.

  7. Green makes me happy. I have it in nearly every room! Currently playing with using SW Ryegrass Green, SW Red Tomato, and a tiny bit of, hold your breath,orange--SW Serape or Adventure Orange and some shade of Turquoise, all in the living room. Sounds terrible but I'm just "playing" at this point and doing very subtle things. I need to make some choices . . . If you have advice you simply MUST give because I'm heading for waterfall, let me know before I go over. please!

  8. Love green in any form! Love artichokes as decor, too!

  9. Kathysue, I wish I had space there for the third one. Those hooks that come on them take up a lot of wall space. I could take the chair out and then I could use the other one, but no where to put the chair.

  10. Lavender and artichokes: very nice combination indeed! I too am a green lover...I will take it, any day, over blue!
    And the simple white pitcher with the artichokes is wonderful..

  11. My daughter's wedding was this past Sat. and the girls wore chocolate brown dresses and carried all green flowers for their bouquets!!!! It was gorgeous! So you KNOW I love this combo!!!!!

  12. Beautiful inspirational pictures, KathySue. I love the shade of green. Great combo!. Come attend my royal dinner!....Christine

  13. Great post, Kathysue! You've really increased my interest in artichoke green. I agree that it looks great with browns, purples, and white. Loved all the inspiration photos you shared. I know you're right about basic knots being more sophisticated than bows, but I might have to continue sneaking in a simple bow here and there (as a substitute for a napkin ring for example). ;)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  14. LOVE a good artichoke dip, will have to try your recipe...these images are so delicious as well!

  15. LOVE this post Kathysue- everyone that knows me KNOWS that I'm always drawn to greens and this shade in particular. Great inspirations
    xoxo Pattie

  16. Great post. My favorite picture is your kitchen
    because my parents had also done their kitchen in a wide green and white stripe ,and I absolutely loved it!
    I also very much like the picture of the simple and so lovely. Very nice post!

  17. Wow, what a great compilation of lovely green inspiration Kathysue!! Such a soft and beutiful color. And PS your kitchen is lovely.

    Did you show your hubby my Egypt pics?? I'm so excited for you guys, you are going to love it. Do you have a free day in Alexandria or in Cairo?? I'd love to tell you all the sites we loved and see if you can fill your extra day.
    Nancy xo

  18. GREAT post! We love the artichoke candle holders!! The pitcher filled with artichokes is amazing too!


  19. Love that color and I am adding that recipe to my favorites!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  20. Well... now I have to go to the grocery store to buy some veggies to decorate with! lol your recipe sounds yummy! That green looks sort of like a green I have in my house. I seem to keep painting rooms that color, even though I don't think of myself as a green person! Have a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  21. Lovely shades of green. Gorgeous! Enjoy the weekend! Kellie xx

  22. Your dining room is gorgeous! That wallpaper is so perfect!!!


  23. I love artichokes, to eat and to decorate with! You are right on with the combo of brown, cream, and artichoke green! Love all the images!

  24. Gf, YOU know I am a green lover too. I loved this post and so agree with you on the bows . I also know about a trend catching up with you... I did the rag painting in my house long before it came "IN", now it is "OUT", but still "In" at my house. And sometimes you just love something and go for it only to find out that others loved it too and now it is a trend... I say, just live in your home and be happy.

  25. Love artichoke dip, well any dip for that matter! Love greens (all shades) for interiors. This artichoke green is deep, rich and interesting...I'm liking it!

  26. Love the combination of artichoke green & purple :-) It also looks great with dark brown.

    I really like the simple look of the tall cylindrical vases filled with artichokes. The same idea would look great with lemons, limes, pine cones, apples.... so many options!!


  27. i'm hungry now! I do love that color though. artichoke green. yum yum


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue