Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dress For Your Reality!!

Since it is nearing cooler Fall weather I have been thinking a little bit about my Fall wardrobe. Not at great length, but enough to have read a few articles about what is IN or OUT and the top ten must-haves and the like.

I read a statement at In Style Magazine that said:
 “Dress for Your Reality.”

That made me take pause. Hmmmm??? What is my reality?
I think it means,  "What are your activities? And, how should you dress for those?"

Since I am retired, my requirements are different than they use to be.  No more stylish work clothes that say, “Hi! I am your designer.”

My life is pretty casual. I thought I would make a list of my activities and the type of clothing I need for  what I like to do:
  1. Hanging out at home, puttzing around doing household chores.
  2. Grocery shopping
  3. Family gatherings
  4. Lunch or coffee with a girlfriend.Dinner out with hubby or friends.
  5. Thrifting/Antiquing
  6. Traveling with hubby
As you can see, it is all pretty casual these days, so there really is no need for a lot of real dressy attire.

Here is how I try to “Dress for My Reality

Hanging out at home:
I don’t know about you, but if I am at home I want to be comfy and still look presentable for when hubby comes home, or if someone pops in for a visit.
I always wear shoes because I think slippers make you shuffle. Don’t laugh, I don’t want to be THAT lady!!!

Here are some of the looks that I like for hanging out at home. I use Macy’s as my Go-To place since you can buy on-line if there is not a store in your area.

PANTS (167x205)
I like black knit pants/yoga pants for around the house. I get the solid ones without stripes so I don’t look like I have on a jogging outfit. I obviously don’t jog, so what is the point!  But, I do like comfort and when they are in solids they always look presentable.

 I know that leggings are in and so are the skinny pants, but, and I do mean a big BUT!! Look at yourself from the side. If your leg reminds you of the chicken leg you ate at Sunday dinner, do Not under any circumstances wear them!! Just a little friendly advice. I have two DIL's that both have beautiful long thin legs and they CAN wear them and I use them as my criteria for this statement.  I on the other hand would fall into the chicken leg criteria.

BLACK (167x205)
I love this top. It has cute snap enclosures and it so comfy and yet, again. looks better than a plain T-shirt. I have this in white and black.
JACKET (167x205)
This little jacket is also in knit.  Look at the cute detailing with zippers. I think this would look much cuter than a hoody. Ladies if you are going to wear a hoody, wear one that fits close to your body so you don’t look shaped like a box. I figured this out a long time ago, trust me on this one.

Here are a couple of other knit jackets to keep you warm around the house and still feel put together.
CAMEL (167x205) 
I have this little jacket. I scrunch up the sleeves and cinch in the waste and I feel very comfy. Camel is a big color this season and when paired with dark gray, it looks pretty cool.

JACKET GREY (167x205)
I wear a cute pair of mule type tennies in black patent and I am comfortable for hanging out at the house. I think this beats an old house dress or a pair of sweats and a T-shirt any day.

Top it all off with a little lip gloss, blush, curl your eyelashes put on some mascara and don't forget the earrings. I usually wear simple pearl earrings and then I feel like I am good to go!!

I am not claiming to be a fashion expert by any stretch of the imagination.  But, I do like to be comfortable and look presentable at the same time, even if I am just hanging out at home.  I have just found that these pieces work very well for me and I thought I would share my findings with you and maybe you can share some of your fashion advice with me.

What do you wear when you are hanging out at the house?
 How do you “Dress For Your Reality”?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Dressing For YOUR Reality!



  1. Where would I be without my jeans? Soft and comfy for around the house with a skivvy and wool crew neck jumper, soft boots. Standard at home winter wear. Crisp and tailored with crisp shirt turned up collar good sweater and smart tailored jacket, perfume and lippy (if I remember) and I'm good to go most places in my life now!!!
    You obviously look much smarter than me Kathysue.
    I do like the camel jacket might invest next winter. Julienne xx

  2. The top in image two looks lovely. I'd like to get me one of those as well! Kellie xx

  3. I am always painting and repurposing furniture and stuff for my booth so I can be found wearing paint on my jean capris and my white tshirts! LOL

    I like wearing really cute lounging pj's when I'm around the house. I love different pants bottoms with camis or tshirts.

    When I go out I like jeans and cute tops with my jean jacket when the weather is cool.
    I would say I pretty much live in in jeans.
    I always, always put on makeup and wear my favorite Coco Chanel perfume.


  4. Hmmm....right now I am living in sun dresses....but I cannot wait until after the baby is born and it cools down. Most days I am in Jeans or Cords and a sweater during fall. I also wear a fair bit of vests (like Northface, etc.) with long sleeved Ts under. I dress pretty casually, truth be told. It was sortof interesting to clean out my closet for my move...a whole section is bare now that all of my black suits were donated to Dress for Success!

  5. hanging at the house is usually sweats - Juicy jumpsuit or gypsy 05 sweatpants with a james perse t-shirt .. super casual .. or let's face it if i'm home n don't plan on leave - the jammies are on ..

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  6. Yikes! ! I just bought a new pair of house slippers :*(

    Your post has me thinking that I've fallen into a rut with my at home attire.

    Guess this change of season is THE TIME to do some shopping. :*)

  7. I love a good pair of black knit pants and then a great shirt or tee for at home. These same pants can also take me out to do my errands. Just put on a nice blouse and I am good to go. I don't wear shoes around the house most of the time, in the summer I am usually barefoot and then when it is cooler, just a pair of socks. Maybe I really am way too casual. I need to clean the closet. Hugs, Marty

  8. Like Marty...I love a good classic pair of black pants in knit. I have several pair and they are great for our little road trips and can be dressed up or down depending on tops and accessories. I love Chico's zynergy for at home and even have worn it for errands, etc.

    I am a barefoot girl...after all I did grow up in the Ozarks...don't ya know.:-)

    I have moved Back Porch Musings...a long story! I am now at Typepad. Hope to see you there! My new blog is still a work in progress. I just threw it together this morning, so I would have an address to give to my readers, as I stroll around blogland, letting folks know...all is not lost...even though the old Back Porch disappeared around noon yesterday.

  9. at home is comfy and loose... try to look better wheni go out... you neer know who's out there

  10. I like the comfy sweats in the first picture. My reality is the same as yours too! Sometimes though I have to dress up for an event my husband insists I attend. Then I kind of freak out!

  11. My reality involves LOTS of dog and cat hair, not to mention little gifts from same, so scrubs it is for me (kind of like working in your jammies) At home, usually a nice classic tee and jeans. I do not wear shoes at home, EVER. If I must go out, flip flops or sandals. Plain leather flats if it gets too cold. I'm about as casual as it gets I guess :) Kat

  12. Kathysue

    I am so with you on the yoga pants. I, do , however love to go barefoot or just wear a big pair of comfy socks on a cold day (just watch out on those slippery tile floors) Even on days when I am working in my husbands law office I am comfortable and love the long lean sweaters over jeans and boots when no client is coming in. Idont miss those business suit days at all! Fun post!

  13. I am a jeans girl. I don't wear skinny jeans with spandex, but I do like the slim cut so they more of a straight leg. My legs are long...not skinny anymore, but not quite a drumstick either. I like cotton/spandex t's. Short sleeves in the summer, then 3/4 in the fall and long sleeves in the winter. If I get cold, a knit jacket or sweater (or as my kids would tell you, a hooded Mickey Mouse sweatshirt that I live in). I'm usually barefoot or socks for winter. I should wear shoes, it is better for you.

  14. My reality is flats! And jeans and come winter...lots and lots of cashmere and layers!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue