Monday, September 13, 2010

How I Discovered That I Did NOT Like Orange !

Johnathon Adler’s Home
Do not pass out, that is right I am doing a post on the color Orange!! For those of you that read my blog you already know that I dis-like the color orange and I have mentioned it many times. In fact a few of my fellow bloggers love to tease me once in awhile about that very fact. You all know exactly who you are!!
I thought I would tell you all how my Hate dis-like for the color orange originated.

A long long time ago in a far off place. Oops!! that is another story.

In 1973 we purchased our very first home. We were so excited even though it was an older  home it was our very first and we loved it. It needed a few things done and one of the main things was the kitchen floor.

I know I am showing my age on this post too. Back in the olden days the new kid on the decorating block in flooring was Armstrong solarian linoleum. It was a very good product and a bit higher priced than other linoleum's. Since it was the 70’s the color “Rust” was also the new kid on the block.

We paid our hard earned money they laid the new “Rust” flooring down.  I bought rust colored curtains for the adjoining laundry room. I was Happy Susie Homemaker.
Until………..!!! I woke up the next morning and looked at my shiny new floor and I literally shuttered. Oh NO what have I done, I hate it!! It  actually made me feel nervous and unsettled!!

So that is how Kathysue began to hate orange and she has lived happily ever after without any orange in her life.

The following images are dedicated to all of my fellow bloggers and readers that love the color orange. If this does not show how much I will do for my readers nothing will!!!
BED (400x400)
BLUE AND WHITE (360x460)
BRIGHT PINK (346x348)
GRAY (430x600)
JUST A TOUCH (400x322)
kELLY HOPPEN (459x460)
Kelly Hoppen
LATTICE (600x262)
LOVELY (358x431) 
PAINTING (600x397)
PENDENT (489x333)
RUST (429x600)
STUNNING (527x599)
SUBTLE (400x400)
THOM FELICIA (438x556)
Thom Filicia 
untitled (400x400)
So there you have it!! A dose of orange for all of YOU!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Seeing beauty in all things, even ORANGE!


  1. Interesting story! I have no idea, on the other hand, how I ended up with orange decor, details in my living room, but I seems to have some orange items and I'm not quite sure I like, I'm completely convinced. I also know that I like change and soon I will see everything in a new colour.

  2. I knew there was a reason I liked you so much! Although the orange and pink looks good and the orange and the riding boots I could live with! Purple is another YUK colour but I do love it in the garden and silk so that it looks alive. Julienne xx

  3. Orange is definitely not one of my favorite colors either and I am never drawn to it. We had the same flooring when we built our first house in 1975. I even had orange countertops since that was one of the main colors back then. I guess it ruined me to living with orange counters for 20 YEARS! I don't decorate with it now except for some of the fall stuff now and then it is just touches and more on the rust side anyway. Have a great week, Kathysue.

  4. OMG Kathysue! I do remember that floor!Too funny!
    xoxo Pattie

  5. I'm with ya all the way ...
    can you see me cringing?

  6. Ahhh, 1973, that explains it! My first husband and I built a home in 1973. I remember those colors so well. I chose a white vinyl sheet good floor for the kitchen and shag for the living room and bedrooms. But then...for the family room with the dark stone fireplace and English oak paneling...I chose a shag carpet, primarily gold with flecks of rusty orange. guessed it...we purchased a chair and sofa in rusty orange. Eight years later that marriage ended in divorce..LOL! No worries, we still get along fine. He still lives in the house with his 2nd wife and they've been happily married almost as long as J and I, which will be 27 years in November. However...all traces of orange have been removed from that house...I wonder if 1970's orange caused the end of other marriages.:-) I'm kiddin'....but ya never know.

  7. I totally get it! Even though I have found myself drawn to orange a lot lately, I used to be a "hater". Definately from issues of bad 70's decor. Our house in the 70's had rust appliances and a linolium rust, tan and yellow foor!

    But, thanks for sharing some really good orange love with us!!!

  8. My childhood home in the 70's had a lot of rust and avocado and harvest gold. Best to keep those colors in the 70's. I have to admit, that hot pink and orange combo you featured is a stunner!

  9. You crack me up. Yep, I am an orange lover. Always have been. All the rusts, oranges, yellows and all the colors of fall. I am just the opposite. I have tried to live with the soft colors of blue and green and it just seems wrong to me. Now, I really don't want an orange or rust floor, but I do love the colors. Hugs, Marty

  10. Well, I can't say that I would decorate with orange either but... I must say, the pictures you have here with orange are lovely!having said that... I did own an orange car once upon a time and long ago... when I was 18!! :) (I now have one that is silver and one that is dark blue one. What does that say?!)

  11. hahaha love these pics & you are to funny!!

    i used to think i didn't like orange until the day i painted my front door orange for Halloween! It's stayed that way for almost a year now!!

    Anyway, I saw your fern- oh my goodness I AM IN LOVE!!! (actually with your whole porch!) But, I need to find one!!! I'm so glad to hear that the aspargus ferns are tough. I've had mine all summer with no water & they've been fine but was not sure what will happen when winter hits.. will have to google it

    Big hug & gorgeous porch!!!

  12. Well yes, I can see why you would have come to dislike orange!! I happen to love it, though did take it a bit far and had to get rid of a couple pieces when we moved, because the only place they all fit was in adjacent rooms. Way too much orange, even for me! Lovely examples of just enough orange! Janell

  13. You're so awesome! I can only live with little touches of orange.
    Happy Monday! xoxo e

  14. I love that story Kathysue! I was with you all the way on that one, because I had the same linoleum in my life way back in the olden days! I am not a fan of orange either, but your photos actually are wonderful. A little orange here and there isn't so bad. My dis-like of orange is when it comes in the form of Halloween decor. I know everyone gets all excited to put out their Halloween stuff, but you won't find any of it in my home. Bah Humbug! haha. I enjoyed your post about neutral fall decor. I love white pumpkins, if you know what I mean! You're the best! xoxo Delores

  15. Oh thank you, KathySue. I am probably one of the few ones that likes orange but I like it as an accessory, not as a main color.

  16. You had me picturing my orange and brown patterned kitchen carpet...with flowers on it...circa late 70's and while we didn't pick it out, we sure were happy to buy a house with brand new in style kitchen carpet. Ugh.

  17. So funny but so thoughtful of you to show pics that appeal to your orange lovers. Notice how different all the hues are from almost a brown terracotta to a bright halloween orange. I am going to probably shock you and say I love that orange vase in the first photo. Thanks for the orange eye candy.

  18. That comment from Rick is really from diane at online fabric store. I am on my husband computer..didnt want you to think there was a male orange lover out there also!

  19. Kathysue, I am also NOT a fan of orange either!
    You crack me up! You guys actually picked it out and paid for it bacause it was all the rage! I did something similar when we were married , in 1988 the hot colors for bathrooms were peach and seafoam green. I hate peach and seafoam green... but I registered for all of the things for our bathroom in those colors. And I received everything I asked for ... hahahha!
    Have a pretty day!

  20. I really like those orange placemats with the white piping.

    In general, orange doesn't bother me. But yellow? Yuck.


  21. I totally understand your dislike, but I have to admit, I'm a lover of a pop of orange...not too much just a hint...

  22. I LOVE ORANGE! It's fun, vibrant, happy and unique - Use it as an accent color and it can bring an outfit, room or piece of jewelry to a whole new dimension. Orange Rocks!

  23. Well, I know you're talking about me!!! Ha! That's ok. All those beige white and pale blue homes make me want to take a nap! I think you've found the perfect mix of bold and subtle in your home, and you don't have to like orange at all....I'll do it for both of us!!
    Love you, friend!

  24. Hi Kathysue! Yes...I am still alive...emerging from the world of little league baseball and babysitting to say hi! I hate orange, too! Mine stems from growing up in a house full of orange! I love your sparkly green top! It's gorgeous! I am inspired by your fall decorating tips...I need them! It's just too hot here! Have a wonderful week!...hugs...Debbie

  25. You are a great sport!! I have to admit that I used to loathe orange --- it reminded me of some 70s interiors gone bad. But, in the past couple of years, I found myself adding a bit and there. And you know what? Sometimes, just a dab will do!

    Thanks so much for stopping by today. It day!
    xo Elizabeth

  26. Oh Kathysue, you are going to have to put up with a dedicated orange post one more time because I have been compiling my favorite images for some time, just waiting for Fall to share them. You helped me out here with a couple that I really adore. I've saved them and they will have tobe included. I'm not telling you which ones. You'll just have to wait and see.

  27. I think orange looks nice so long as you don't overdo it. Lovely photos! Kellie xx

  28. I can totally see why you would hate the color orange after your traumatic house experience- I won’t hold it against you haha :)

  29. I happen to have had this same conversation with my husband yesterday. I think orange can be such an offensive color. The irony is that I had orange drapes and pillows in our first apartment as well!

  30. I can see why you don't like the color...I had a big hate on for red for quite some time, I am just coming around adding little flecks of red here and there...

    Orange and I have a love affair though lol I guess because I love Fall so much, it just puts a smile on my face !!!

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

    ps thank you for the pretty pics

  31. I don't like orange. Reminds me of the 70's. Been there! Ok for Fall and Halloween, then bye bye!

  32. I have to admit that I am not a big fan....but have started coming around to the idea of just little pops of it here and there to liven things up. You show some great images that definitely have me thinking.....

    My sister and I were just talking this past weekend about whether or not granite would make us cringe someday like some of the "trends" from the 70s era?

  33. I love your story. I am not a fan of orange at all. And I am with Vignette Designs about Halloween decorations...not in my house! However,
    I have been known to have a pumpkin outside my front door but inside I like the pumpkins white.
    After your last post I got to thinking about orange and that I just don't like it, but I do like terra cotta which is a shade of orange, must be the red mixed in. Hmmm.

  34. I think it would be interesting if we all wrote a story about why we react a particular way to certain colours. Interesting.

  35. I love the touches of Orange in all of the pictures. It is one of my favorite colors to wear and I even drive an Orange Corvette. Isn't it nice we can all enjoy different colors and styles and still respect each others opinions. That is why design is so fun.

  36. I'm with you. Not a fan of orange in my interiors...though I've combined it with pink, lavender or a light blue in my stationery designs on occasion and like it on paper.

  37. That is so funny. We started out with orange, brown and cream as our colors(1967) and moved on to blues, creams and other colors but I have realized that I really LOVE orange! I have shades of it all over, on walls and in accessories. Sorry:):)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue