Saturday, September 18, 2010

Playing Dress-Ups!!

As we become older I think we sometimes forget to play. Play can come in all different forms to different people. I love being a girl, so playing for me usually will involve something to do with fashion, make-up, hair or, what I like to call, “Playing House.”  I wrote about in my other post.

I am very fortunate to have wonderful friends around me that I can play with. The other day a very close friend of mine and I did a day that I liked to call playing dress-up.

We went to a store called Ulta. It is a make-up and hair care product store. We went up and down the aisle trying different colors of make-up and finger nail polish. What we were really looking for was some hair care products.
 Both of us are going to be taking a little trip to where we will be in the sun and we like to protect our hair.
I volunteered to go on-line and investigate some products. We opened several bottles to smell the fragrance of each and there was one that stood out more than the others!!
Oscar Blandi Sun Shield. The fragrance in this product reminds you of being in Hawaii. It reminded me of the Plumeria flower. We are both going back to get this on a special sale event!!
oscar blandi (250x250)
The other product that we fell in love with the feel and the fragrance that it left on our hair was Alterna’s anti-aging hair spray. It is a bit of a luxury as far as hair spray goes but Oh my!!! does is smell amazing. I am waiting until it is on a special to make a purchase. Alterna products are what Jennifer Anniston uses on her hair. I figure if it is good enough for Jen it is good enough for Kathysue.
Alterna anti aging flexible hold (250x250)
I was surprised after a day in a make-up store that I did not buy a new lipstick or lip-gloss. I actually think this is a first!
I love being a girl and playing dress-up with my friends!!
What do you do when you play dress-up?!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Being a grown-up girl and still playing dress-up with your friends!


  1. Oh Kathysue, thanks!!! I love this review as I LOVE when my hair smells good! So where are you headed??
    xoxo Pattie

  2. I think I need a girlie day out and concentrate on me. Great post. Hugs, Marty

  3. It sounds like you had a fun day! I usually gravitate toward the lip glosses as it is so hard to find the right color unless you try it on. And it's my favorite sort of make up. Fun post!


  4. i loooooooove to play too. Ulta is a blast, no? that and sephora drive me wild!
    enjoy your weekend ks.

  5. Cute post, Kathy Sue. Come by and see some actual photos of children in their olden outfits...Christine

  6. Ulta is a fun store. I also love Sephora, where they let you bring home samples of almost anything!

  7. Hi sweet friend!
    What a great way
    to spend an hour
    or so, with a pal
    checking out Ulta!
    I've had fun catching
    up on your posts.
    I noticed that you
    didn't list exercise
    on your "activities..."
    I try to squeeze some
    in 4-5 days a week,
    so I'm often in the
    black yoga pant uniform!
    Loved your product reviews
    from Ulta and Macy's, as
    well as the lessons on
    artichokes and the intro
    to orange! I've had two
    full-blast weeks, so I'm
    behind but always optimistic
    about catching up. Hope
    you are having a great
    weekend, Kathysue!!
    xx Suzanne

  8. Even as a grown woman I still play dress up :) Wonderful reviews!

    Win a $75 gift certificate giveaway at Creative Fashion!

  9. Kathysue, I have been so busy. I need a girlie day really bad! Speaking of busy, I'm just taking some time to get caught up with everyone today and I loved your previous post on green. So many lovely images. My kitchen cabinets are antique green and I love them. Your dining area is pretty special too!

  10. I just had a girl day yesterday going thrifting. Didn't find anything but that is ok.. Love Ulta, so fun to walk around in there.
    Re the link party it will be for your own front door, even if it's not black :)

  11. I just adore the picture you have on this post.
    Well, playing dress up for me is...on each of our birthdays a dear friend and I take a spa day.
    We relax and get pampered and have a lovely lunch. I loved "dress up" as a kid and enjoy the adult version, as well. I also think any time you spend with a good friend is "dress up" time...even if you're just taking a walk. Fun post!

  12. Hi Kathysue,
    Your post came at the perfect time for me. My hair is all of a sudden so dry and brittle. Is it the shampoo? I don't know. Whatever, I think the products you featured might help protect from the elements and I will look for them at the local beauty supply store. Also, time shop for fall clothing.
    I want to throw everything out of my closet! So, I'm going to play dress up today by myself and go to Nordstrom, try on some clothes and hopefully find something new and inspiring...
    Happy Sunday to you my friend.

  13. Kathysue... You KNOW I LOVE this post!!!!!!!
    Playing dress up... what a perfect way to put it.
    Have a pretty day!!!

  14. Oh yes I am in desperate need of a girl day!

    Hope you had a great weekend doll!



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue