Monday, September 27, 2010

Another Trend I am not sure I like!

I already admitted to the fact that I do not like the new look of painting moldings and the walls the same color and finish.

I am a little more hesitant to admit I do not like this trend because I do not want to offend any of you who love it. I hope you all realize I have been in this business for such a long time and I know that design is subjective. I do not take it personally if my opinion differs from yours.  I do not mean to offend any one by saying I do not like something. So here it goes!!!

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Dark Steel Windows!!
I know this might be a surprise to some of you that know how much I love, love black and white. It would be a natural assumption that I would love this look.

Dark steel windows look cold to me. I love a beautifully separated window pane by wood not steel. I remember when people were putting in the dark steel framed windows several years back and they just stood out too much and gave a cold feel to me.

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Dark steel windows have a more commercial look to them, IMHO.
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Although I do love each of the design and decor in these images, I am just not a fan of the dark steel framed windows.

As I have said before, design is totally subjective and I never expect anyone to totally agree with me. I personally feel that dark steel framed windows have such a distinctive look that they will  become dated as do most trends.

 I say, stay with the classics on permanent fixtures such as a window.  So, how do you feel about the dark steel framed windows?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
 Discovering why you like or dislike-like a design element!


  1. I just saw this come up and I so agree! The steel windows remind me of a clinic or hospital, definately not something I like.
    I do think they will look dated very quickly and with windows that is such a major expense.

  2. Whilst mostly our homes have been too old for steel windows we did have two. One had aged cream (!) and the other faded black! Both suited their house and we did in fact just give them fresh new coats before we sold and mored on once again!
    I like white painted wooden windows!!!!! Lovely to hear from you xx

  3. I happened to like them, but they are not for everyone or every house. A friend of mine is totally in your camp and says they leave her cold and can not understand the appeal!

    Thats the one of the best things about blogging...freedom to express your opinions...keep on!

  4. I really like them in their place. I am noticing a lot of homes in Dallas as I've been house-hunting have a pale (almost robin's egg) blue paint on the windows. I really like the look against a cream back-drop.

  5. I don't like them on homes either. Commercial buildings is fine. I prefer nice wood trim.

  6. If you happen to love Steel windows there is no better place to get them then at

  7. Hmmm.... I have to say I always thought the same, but I have seen a few instances where I thought they "fit" I do find my taste in certain things has evolved a bit over time- things that I used to LOVE are now "okay" and things that I thought I HATED have found their place
    xoxo Pattie

  8. hey love - well i LOVE the windows - i really like the industrial look and such tho - i would of LOVE to put steal windows in my house when i replaces mine - i also SO WISH i put the Pelle windows in with the blings built inside the windows - it's one of my BIGGEST regrets of my renovation - NEXT TIME .. live and learn - my next reno i will know! :o)

  9. I love the look, but they only seem to "fit" in certain very specific designs. I do feel that they will become dated. And replacing windows is a MAJOR expense (not to mention a mess, so I will probably always stay with "tried and true". Hugs, Kat

  10. I am with you on that, KathySue. I like warm wood and we got plenty at home.....Christine

  11. I agree completely about the look of the dark steel feeling cold. I prefer classic looks myself. Sometimes I'll see a trend I love but know that it's going to look outdated in a few year's time. I don't have the resources to try expensive trends, it's classic looks for me.

  12. You love what you love! Never be afraid to express your opinion!


  13. Most of the homes in the desert don't have wood windows because of the heat and how it destroys the paint quickly. Therefore almost every home here has metal or vinyl clad windows. I am not a fan of the dark ones, however it does fit the style of some of the spanish homes. Ours are a tan color double pane metal. Very simple, no lavish details. That seems to be what I see in most every house here, and I really don't mind. Hugs, Marty

  14. Dearest Kathysue,

    Couldn't agree more with you! For a commercial building that is fine but not for a home. We tend to build a nest that is airy and light, for inviting lots of light into our rooms; not by obstructing it with anything dark.

    Rainy greetings from Georgia,


  15. Truthfully, I've never really thought about them. I don't even know if my friends have them in their new houses. Here, the walls are almost all a dark taupe and all of our trim, windows, crown molding...white. I like it that way!

  16. I have been "stuck" with a few metal windows and I HATE them! fortunately I have been able to disguise them with paint...they don't look quite as bad painted white to match the rest of my trim. In my opinion there is nothing as beautiful, rich and elegant as wood windows - even thought they do need more upkeep.(-:

  17. I think they have their place....a loft...a commercial building....something modern and architectural, but for the most of us in our traditional homes, it's a little cold and sterile. I don't really want to see the window anyway. If I had my way, it would be a huge sheet of glass with no obstruction...unless I was in the South of France or something like that. I'm voting no too.

  18. I like the steel. It was common in a lot of home at one time. I would likely want a antique finish instead of black.

  19. I love to hear different opinions on design ideas. I do not want your home and my home to look exactly alike for then it is not really a home is it? That being said...I disagreed with you on the orange, the painted moldings and now on this idea. I think they have a place and they dont really offend me in the right spot. But I would not mix black windows with orange decor and then invite you to dinner!! Looking forward to your next post.

  20. I'm with you Kathysue, I think they look quite 'cold'.. I don't think I've ever seen them before! Rachaelxx

  21. I love them! They are chic, classic and timeless. They have been around for a long time, and are seen throughout the US and Europe - absolutely lovely.

  22. Culturally, it's also not as acceptable for Asian families to use dark framed windows, so in our family, we prefer things to be lighter colored. But I do think that the dark steel windows give the room a somber or more serious feel. Perhaps, they should be used in the library room and not the living room, where things should be lighter feeling?

    Btw, I really enjoy reading about your design ideas. I recently subscribed to your blog and I love following it. If I may make one suggestion-- do you think you can make your pictures smaller? They always seem so blurry on the screen as if they were enlarged beyond what their pixels allow... Thanks!!!

  23. Kathy darling,
    I'm with you on this one. While I love the images and the interiors with the dark windows,I am not a fan of the windows. Somehow I keep think of builder grade cheap metal windows that went into many contemporary homes.

  24. I sure do love white window trim and pane molding. We had stained window trim in our previous house (popular in the 70's) and I said, "never again!" I like "light and bright", and I do prefer wood. The dark steel, while practical, is cold to me. Linda (p.s. I do like the lime green and gold in the previous post!). Linda

  25. Interesting to read all of these comments about steel windows. I absolutely agree that they look great in the right building.

    If you like your rooms light and airy, there is nothing better than the elegant, slim sight lines of a steel window.

    By the way, they're not like Model T Fords, they don't all come in black! In the UK and Europe, the majority of steel windows we make and install are painted white.

    For those of you who don't know, we also founded the first manufacturing plant in North America to produce steel windows.

  26. Hmm, great question! I actually like the dark frames, but it does take a certain type of home to carry it off. It does look a bit cold when you mention it ;)

    xo Linda

  27. I agree with you, Kathysue. I much prefer wood. I just like the natural softness that wood frames lend to a room. I like the images you have shown us and they work well with those rooms, but I just prefer wood. Maybe it's because I grew up in New England and I tend to be drawn to the charm of the old houses. That said, I also agree with you that to each their own and that's what makes design so interesting.

  28. where is the last photo from, love it

  29. I prefer wood too, but the images you present here are all so gorgeous. I think those windows fit in those rooms and lend a feel to the rooms you present of industrial chic. However, it wouldn't work in my house. And they probably wouldn't work in most of our houses. I think these houses were almost designed around those windows. When I think of metal windows, I think of the house I grew up in. Built in 1963 with metal sliders. Ugh!
    I do love your opinions Kathysue. You always make me think.
    xo Delores

  30. Oh friend, just lovin your blog. So very nice to meet you :)!

  31. I did not like them at first, but they have grown on me and I love them now. I also love green and

  32. i LOOOOVE dark steel windows. I went to to a girlfriends house yesterday, who just built a nice big Spanish Colonial house and she had these windows throughout her home, and most of them were arched and it was stunning. If i could build a house I would put these in too. but i just like lots of different styles, so i could live in a house with original wavy glass paned windows and be happy too. xoxoxo K


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue