Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog Hopping

I love finding new blogs to look at don’t you? I have found so many wonderful blogs by blog hopping. Some have been recommended by others and I even  have a little method that I use to find  other blogs. Here is my method:

On Saturday or Sunday I make a point to visit my favorite blogs and I look at the comments.  If I don’t know  the commenter I hop over to their blog and peruse for awhile.

The other method is pretty obvious. I look at their side bar and go to some of the blogs I have never visited before.

You all should try one of these methods if you have not done so before. It is amazing how many design blogs are out there. There are so many young and talented people out in blog land.

I love learning from others, and even at my age I am always learning.

How about you guys? How do you Blog Hop?

If you leave a comment give me a name of a new blog you have recently found and enjoyed. I would love to go and visit!!
bunny (240x238)
What an adorable little blog hopper!

“ Enjoy The Process” Of:
Blog Hopping and finding new and interesting blogs!


  1. I love to blog hop! I've found so many new friends. My latest new discovery is Amanda at My Secret Garden. Here's her link:

    Amanda lives in North Queensland, Australia~

    Blogging sisters make the world a smaller and more friendly place.

  2. I also hop. A lot of times I just hit the next blog at the top of the page. It is like rolling dice, you never know where you will go. Kathy

  3. Hi Kathysue

    Our road trip is winding down. We are at our condo, this morning, preparing to leave for home. I am doing a bit of blog hopping before we leave; catching up with my visits.

    I check my lists every morning to begin my hopping. I spin off from those visits by clicking on commenter links. I also participate in events, finding new blogs here and there along the way.

    I'm not sure if you've visited Mary's A Breath of Fresh Air. She, has authored a blog for a few years. Her subjects include decorating, gardening and travel. Mary takes the most amazing trips.
    Her link is:

  4. PS: Mary, isn't a newly discovered blog, but rather an old blog friend, I thought you might like to meet.

  5. I am a serial blog hopper, I just love it!!! I think you would love

  6. I have just got into blog hopping and the whole blog thing really in the last two weeks. Loving it and have discovered so many great blogs. I have mainly done by seeing who others are following.

  7. Your're not kidding, good blogs popping up everyday...makes me feel like I am missing so much! My biggest frustration of blogging is not having enough time to check them all out and leave more comments!

  8. Kathysue, I usually find blogs through comments or blog rolls, too. Where is your blog roll?? We want to visit your favs, too.

  9. I do the same thing Kathysue. It's always fun to discover new blogs. One of my relatively new fav's is Dwellers Without Decorators.

  10. I love blog hopping. There are so many out there! ha! One of my newly found blogs is Love it!

  11. I love to blog hop. I hop from the blog rolls on the sides of peoples blogs.

  12. I too look at comments, and I hate to admit that I sometimes judge by the blog's header. If I don't like it, I usually move on.

  13. Dearest Kathysue,

    Indeed, like Abby mentioned above, the blog header is catchy and so is the little thumbnail about their latest post. Think that the thumbnail is very important for showing in the sideline!

    Rainy greetings from Georgia,


  14. i pretty much just click on a name that i think is interesting ..

    *kiss kiss*
    Erika @ ~TiptoeButterfly~
    Enter Give-Away Here: ~TiptoeButterfly Give-Away~

  15. humm i wonder why i can't hit "reply" when you comment me - it has a generic email - not your personal one ..

    ANYWAY .. 2 weeks in Med. sounds perfect - i'm going for 2 weeks in Carribean .. :o) .. i need to make another trip to Europe sometime in the near future - maybe in early spring!

  16. Kathysue: Almost every day I do some sort of hopping and looking, but it is so time consuming!
    I have a question for you: why is it that you don't have any sort of blogroll? Not even on your profile page...We would love to know what you read, or who your "regulars" are, and learn and explore from them!
    Would you consider this??
    Thanks! Libby

  17. I wish I could lose weight with all the hoppin" I do!
    Have a pretty day!

  18. A perfect post... I need to blog hop more often.
    It's nice to meet new bloggers and make more friends :)

  19. I love blog hopping too-great post! I've discovered so many wonderful blogs that way. KathySue, even though my blog isn't a design blog per se, I'm so glad that we found each other via the web. That bunny pic is super cute btw.

    Since you love design too, you've probably already heard of them but one of my favorite blogs is Sherry & John are SO creative and so down to earth even though their blog is so successful-LOVE that! :)

  20. We love how you dedicate time to blog-hopping... there are so many wonderful blogs out there! Where did you find that picture?! So cute!!

    Have a great weekend!



  21. I wish I had more time to blog hop. There are so many wonderful blogs to visit and wonderful people to meet.
    I love the picture of the bunny. So cute.

  22. Hi there....I love to blog hop as well! Sometimes I do a google search for a post I am doing and I discover some blogs that have posted on the subject as well! Its great way to find blogs with similar interests, but maybe a different take on the same thing!

  23. It's how I found you....I think it was over at Joni's where I saw your name...I think most of us do the same thing.....

    Nice post...

    Kathy :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue