Friday, September 24, 2010

Does Lime Green go with Gold?

I am starting to look at some different color combinations for my Thanksgiving table. I know, I know it is sooooo early, but I like to think about these things in advance and ponder on what I might do.
One of the combinations of colors I like is Lime green and Gold. Here are a few inspirational images that made me think of this as a possibility.
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So what do you think of this combination of Lime Green and Gold?
I wonder if this will be the combination I use for my Thanksgiving Table? Hmmmm??!!!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Thinking about different color combinations for your Holiday table.


  1. Love those inspirations! If it's good enough for Mother Nature....
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Absolutely love it! Your inspirations from nature and fashion are perfection. I'm just starting to think about my tablescape for Thanksgiving. I will be setting two tables, one for adults and one for the kiddies (in the kitchen.)

  3. I love that you're already thinking about Thanksgiving....a little OCD on your part, but that's one of the reasons it will be beautiful. The other reason is that you'll be using a beautiful color palette! I'm with Patti...if it's good enough for the Creator, it's good enough for us all.
    Have a great weekend, friend!

  4. Works for me! I have missed you lately!!!!

  5. Dearest Kathysue,

    That is one of my FAVORITE color schemes in the fall; the golden leaves of the maples with still some green! That cheers up our souls and that's exactly what Thanksgiving is all about. Being grateful for the abundance of food we have in our lives...

    Sunny greetings from Georgia,


  6. Gorgeous! What a perfect color combo for the season!


  7. I love the combo. I will be using lime and red for my Christmas, so I am thinking early too. Kathy

  8. I used this color combo last year at Thanksgiving. I used lime green glassware with cream colored plates and gold in my accents and flowers. It was beautiful and a nice switch from the expected rust or amber. Look forward to seeing pics of your table.

  9. Love those colors. I can't wait to see what you do. It is always wonderful. Hope you are having fun with Sarah. Hugs, Marty

  10. ABSOLUTELY!!!! My daughter just got martied 2 weeks ago today and the flowers were lime green and gold along with some rust and brown berries. It was GORGEOUS!!! So, I vote YES!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  11. I think it sounds amazing - I really do hope you go with it and show us the outcome!

  12. Hey...I adore these two colours together..never thought about this combo before..thanks for the tip and an extra hug for your sweet comment you left me the other day. xoxoxoxo Have a great Sunday. xo

  13. At first glance, I would have said no. But after looking at your inspiration photos, I've changed my mind to absolutely yes! When I hear green and gold, I'm immediately transported to the 70's (shudder), but this is not your 70's green and gold AT ALL. I love that second photo. Hugs, Kat

  14. I think lime green and gold would be a lovely and refreshing combo for your Thanksgiving table Kathysue. My big question of course is what dishes will you use!
    Hey, let's talk soon. I need some Kathysue time!

  15. Gorgeous! It's a perfect combination. Enjoy a lovely week ahead, Kellie xx

  16. Oh goodie! It must be fall if Kathysue is planning her Thanksgiving tablescape! I can't wait to see it! I am tryng to catch up after my trip and fond your RH posts interesting! The one near me closed, so I can't go check it out. But...I have to say that the new decor looks heavy to me. I did love the French grain sack pillows, though! And you know I love your P very you! Have a wonderful week!...hugs...Debbie

  17. Oooh! Kathysue these examples are stunning!! I don't think it's too early to think of Thanksgiving, up here in Canada Thanksgiving is on Oct. 11th!! We NEED to start thinking about it :) Thank you so much for your kind words over at Bright Bazar, you are so sweet!
    Nancy xo

  18. I love it, KathySue! Go for it!...Christine

  19. What an interesting and creative combination. I really like it. I must admit, I had not thought of that combination before but it works so well in nature and your images are lovely. I think it would be stunning to do for Thanksgiving.

  20. I love it, its a perfect combo that leads us from summer into the fall!

  21. Am loving the whole green gold thing myself for Thanksgiving this year! Its such an elegant color combo. Love your pics, especially that green dress!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue