Friday, June 11, 2010

Are We Becoming A Society of Fashion Don’ts??

Is it just me or are there more fashion  "Don’ts" than "Do’s" lately in society? I was visiting Los Angeles this last weekend and we had a lovely lunch in Santa Monica down by the water. While driving through the town I wanted to yell out my car window,"Ladies have you not heard of age appropriate clothes? And, there are just certain areas of the body that should not be shown for public viewing.” I know you all know exactly what I am saying.

The other thing that I seemed to observe were a lot of woman in their late 50s and older with face lifts that, trust me, did not look remotely natural. Then there is the plumped lip! Oh my! If your upper lip can touch your nose, you have plumped too much!!

Is it true blondes have more fun? I think there is a whole lot of women out there that must think so. I have never seen so many un-natural fried looking blondes in my life. Don’t get me wrong I enhance with the best of them, but frequent cuts and conditioner is the answer. Not continuous bleaching the few fried strands that are left on ones head.

I love to people watch and try to not to be critical while people watching. People truly fascinate me. I did see some beautiful young fresh faced people that gave me hope. On the whole, however, I must say it was not a pretty site.

I will never claim to be a fashion or beauty expert, but I think I have some simple common sense on these matters. What do you all think about the overly plump lips, stretched skin and eyes? The fried blonde hair and the overly exposed body parts of older skin that has spent way too much time in the sun?? It is just so scary to me!! You will notice there were no images on this post. I just did not have the heart. Seeing it once was enough!!

I don't want to leave this post on a negative note. Come back and I will have a post of some of the products that I use to prevent the "Don't" look.
“Enjoy the Process” Of: People watching and discovering what NOT to do!!


  1. Oh Kathysue. I almost fell out of my chair reading this. a friend and I JUST had this conversation! Do people not own mirrors?? And if they do ...well I want the rose colored glasses they're looking through if they REALLY think that "letting it all hang out" and wearing EVERYTHING Sephora sells is vaguely attractive! Good grief! I keep talking to my teenager about self respect and self esteem- and then this is what she sees. GREAT post!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. lol lol Oh, yes, Kathysue! I do sooo agree! Parts of me haven't seen the sun in decades...and won't! Don't people have mirrors? Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  3. Kathysue~~

    This is so funny but also relevant. I see it all the time, but mostly on television. What is wrong with growing old? Those lines are from experience!! And as a blonde, I say if you can't do the upkeep, don't do it. Trim and condition always!

    Can't wait to see the next post!!


  4. Sooooo funny. I hate the fat lips. So unnatural. The too tight too short clothes, yuck. Fried hair, gotta go. Why can't people just be?

  5. Ha, Ha! What a great way to start the morning...hilarious post! This is so funny and not mean spirited (photos would have been!) kept it on the up and up! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. i use to ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS wanted to get a boob job - it was like a "goal" in life - and let me say THANK GOD i didn't - b/c i LOVE my lil A's .. they are perky, don't need a bra, don't hurt my back, and pack enough fun for all! - i see some old friends who got there's done - and ummm well i thought they might work in the porn industry now - just no thank you!

    i'm ALL natural - i hardly EVER wear make-up, hair is almost always air dried .. the most is that my toe's are usually painted .. i went from HAVING to primp up all the time, to just being ME and comfortable!

    SO much better! .. so there's my 2 cents

    *kiss kiss*
    Happy Weekend
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  7. Hmmmm - this is a departure! I couldn't agree more, especially about the age appropriate clothes and too-tight face lifts. Makes them seem sorta desperate. Don't see too much of that (facelifts) here in TN, thankfully. I try to embrace what God has given me and moisturize!

  8. Kathy, I'm with you.. do people not look in the mirror any longer and have pride in what God gave them naturally? I find some women don't wear clothing to fit their age.. last w/k in point, my girlfriend and I went to a function, we're walking up a drive and an older woman wearing "light" colored cream pants walks past us and is wearing a thong.. Kim and I looked at each other and said, "we could have gone all day long and not seen that!". I for one watch what I wear.... looking forward to the next post....
    hugs ~lynne~

  9. I am SO with you on this one! But my favorite is when someone goes to kneel at the altar at church and their thong is showing. Yeah, gotta love that! I think a lot of the problem is what is offered out there is smaller and smaller regardless of age. Personally, I'm a fan of the vintage and retro suits of the '50s and the way people dressed with such class. I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!

  10. Kathysue, I am so with you on this. So hilarious and so true. Can't wait to read your follow=up post. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad to have found yours as well. Have a great weekend. Mona

  11. Hillarious! But you were at the Mecca of Youth Adoration... I plan on aging gracefuly with the help of a GOOD plastic surgeon... :)

    Regarding the party, it can be whereever you want. I myself envision it at dusk in a huge tent decorated and planned by none other than Preston Bailey.

  12. Too funny and some points are sadly true. There comes a point where one needs to lower the hem or lower the shoes. Preferably a little of both.

  13. Kathysue...well said...could not agree MORE...and also, its kind of a sad commentary that so many choose this look...oh well.

  14. In all fairness, lets remember that it is not just LA or southern california suffering from all these don'ts. This from an age appropriate San Diegan

  15. Rick trust me I live in Northern Calif and we have a lot of Don'ts up here also. I was just so taken aback to see so many in one place!! Hope I did not step on anyone's toes!!

  16. NO need to apologize for a general observation and a personal opinion - you weren't launching a personal attack. Big difference. I couldn't agree more. And I absolutely think "age appropriate" is a phrase that too many have forgotten - or never learned. We should start a movement...

  17. Marija I think you are right about starting a movement, then maybe the clothing industry will start to listen to us!!! Afterall we Babyboomers are the ones that have the $$$ to spend, well some$$$ anyhow,hehe.

  18. I fully agree with you on this Kathysue!! So many women do not dress age-apropriately these days, and the drive to stay young has made some poor plastic surgery victims look plain scary!! The overly plumped duck lips are the worst! I would much rather have a few wrinkles and look natural and pretty than look the way some of these women do.

  19. Kathysue, You knew I would LOOOOVVVVEEEE this!
    Oh! Every word of this is so true! No pictures, once was enough!!!!!!!!!! HILARIOUS!!!!!!!

  20. LOL! I know what you mean, KathySue. Let's just say I like Meg Ryan a lot more before she plumped her lips. She used to be so pretty. How about guys in their 60's and 70's wearing speedos? LOL.....Christine

  21. Oh C, I could have gone all day without the visual of a speedo on a 60yr old. Now I need to get this visual out of my head, Yikes!

  22. Great post topic! I'm actually going to be doing a series about fashion/clothing as it pertains to the Classy Woman. :)

    So true about blond hair-it can be very pretty or very fried, tangled and thirsty looking. LOL. Frequent cuts and conditioning would be a must. In most cases it's best to embrace your own natural color. I have always had blond hair and I can only imagine the upkeep if I were to try to go dark, not to mention the damage. One of my friends went that route and she was constantly coloring her hair.

    The one things that saddens me the most is the women who feel the need to put it all out there-showing so much leg that you're now showing other parts, etc. It's really so disrespectful to not only themselves but to everyone else who has to see it.

    Thanks for stopping by today. :)


  23. Oh no... you're scaring me. I'm going to be spending lots of time down there the next 4 years, thanks for the heads up!!!
    Can't wait to catch up and hear about your trip down south... the good parts that is :)
    Miss you lots!!!

  24. Kathysue, this just cracked me up! It really is possible to dress in an age appropriate way without looking like "Aunt Bee" (don't get me wrong, I loved Aunt Bee) Have these women never seen Grace Kelley? And the ready to crack tight skin and over inflated lips - YIKES! Thanks for not posting pix :) Kat

  25. You are so right! I think that LA is really bad for this, especially! You're right, it's a delicate balance, you can still look great, but with taste. C'mon ladies, get it together!

  26. I agree with you Kathysue. I spend lots of time these days pondering the same questions you brought up. Why are women my age so obsessed with fighting the clock? Most women I know have had a shot of botox or two, some even a little Restalyn. I am determined not to have anything done. period. So.....I like to say "I'm the control group!" This is what 56 looks like people. Of course, I still color my gray hair, but that's ok--right? As for dressing inappropriately, I think some women need to stop competing with their daughters and just grow up! What happened to aging gracefully and finding our inner beauty?

  27. Am so glad to have discovered your blog!! i am the worst at hair and skin maintenance. Born in the South of France, I worship the sun and only started to use sunscreen )on my face only last year!!! As for products, I have been using Sources de Caudelie for the past 10 years....but will try some of your recommendations, especially for my dry frizzy hair...

  28. OMG!!! So true! There is no shortage of this "trend" just outside DC either..maybe a bit less bleached blonde, but the other "don't's are alive and thriving!

    My personal pet peeve...women of a certain age,regardless of how fit should not be sleeveless, short skirted/shorted or showing their just sreams sad, scared and desperate in my opinion.

  29. Well, as a woman of a "certain age" I totally agree. I am happy to have found "MY" style, and it is age appropriate but NOT old ladyish:):) I will fight the clock but do it with grace....I hope:):) XO, Pinky

  30. here's my 2¢: no matter what your size or your weight, if you can see cottage cheese through your tight leggins, DON"T wear them with a short shirt! I've never understood this! And if your bubbies naturally rest on your stomach, WEAR A BRA! lol......


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue