Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bathroom Inspiration

As I have told you all before, I have recently retired from doing decorating consultations. It has given me the opportunity to write my blog and also to help family and friends with some of their projects.

When I see an image that reminds me of a good idea for someone that I know, I make a special file with their name on it and add to it as time goes by.

I have a very dear friend that will be doing a guest bathroom makeover in the near future. My friend lives on the water and her back deck over looks the river. I love her home and it truly is a lifestyle, not just a home. Since she lives on the water and they have a wonderful “Red” ski boat I thought it would be fun to add a touch of nautical to her guest bath.

One important thing you need to know about my friend. She has decorated in  a red, white and navy color scheme for over 25 years or more. Red is not a trend color for her. It is “HER” color!!

In her guest bath she has two sinks and a tub/shower combination. I pulled together a few inspiration images for her. I thought you might like to look at some of these images since it is summer and we are all thinking about the water and a nautical looks. . Here are a few of the images I have saved for her…….
I saved this image for a couple of reasons. I love the painted paneling. I think it adds a nice dimension to the room. I also love the use of the baskets for storage above the soffit overhang. The main reason I chose this picture is because of the lighting. I really want her to use some caged lights like they use on board ship.
I like the use of storage in this picture. Her cabinetry goes from wall to wall and this would totally work in her room.
This is one of my favorites. I am not sure it will work as far as storage goes, but she does love a pedestal sink and these are nice and chunky and look substantial in front of the subway tile installed in a brick pattern. I also love the use of mirrored front cabinets to make the room appear larger than it actually is. I know they make a tile that looks just like wood plank flooring so that is another option we have not talked about yet.
In this picture I like the use of the wainscoting. They do make a bead board tile called Boiserie, you can find it here. It looks wonderful when applied in a bathroom or under a kitchen cupboard for a backsplash. I have used it in one of my clients guest bathrooms and it turned out amazing.
I think this bathroom has a bit of whimsy added by using the more public looking towel dispenser and the oversized wash basin like they use to have in public schools. There is also the use of the caged lights that I love in a bathroom like this.
Since she loves pedestal sinks, but needs counter top space and storage something like this would give her that option. I would of course us a caged light fixture instead of what is pictured here. Love the baskets for texture in the room.
We want  the room to have a nod to the water but not be too literal or thematic, so I think most of these rooms give a good example and inspiration for a simple but fun guest bathroom.
I hope this inspires you all out in blog land as well as my dear friend.
  “Enjoy the Process” Of :
Pulling together inspirational ideas for a new look for a room in your home.


  1. Great inspiration pics for her Kathysue! I do agree that those lights would be perfect!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. KS, I love all of these inspiration pages!
    I am a big fan of bead board. It's so fresh and crisp looking as well as just plain classic. It really works in a bathroom, as well! I think it would be hard to choose among these, so the idea of "lifting" a bit from each is very appealing! I hope that we get to see how it turns out!
    xx Suzanne

  3. You have collected so much wonderful inspiration for your friend's bathroom makeover! I'm sure she will love these! Will xo

  4. Your friend is so lucky to have you! Your images are all of my favorite types of clean, bright and classic designs!

  5. i LOVE all white bathrooms - which explains why my bathroom is ALL white - and then i accented it with some light gray to match the carerra marble i used .. i just think all white = clean ..

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  6. Kathysue, you always have such great ideas and you find the best pictures for examples. I think any of these bathrooms would be perfect. Hugs, Marty

  7. Very pretty pictures! I'm sure you'll come up with something wonderful!

  8. Kathysue, these are all lovely. I want that flooring in the first image - very tactile! So sweet of you to share your expertise with friends - sure they appreciate you!

  9. I love these fresh ideas for the bathroom. For such small spaces, you can make a lot of impact and show off some of your personal taste. Thanks Kathysue!!


  10. Love the double pedestal sinks we have them in our bath and love em!

  11. Great inspiration and I love how you've figured in storage in additional to incorporating her love of the pedestal sinks. I could see relaxing in any of these beautiful spaces! Thanks for the heads up on Joni's giveaway...I've loved that lantern since she first posted it....very generous giveaway indeed. Fingers crossed!

  12. I enjoyed all of these bathroom photos Kathysue. Mainly because I haven't seen them yet and also because they were all so inspiring. I especially liked the first one with the painted paneling and caged lights.

  13. Well, aren't you the sweetest thing! (yes, you are!) I know your friends feel very special knowing that you are on the lookout for ideas for them. I bet they really like it now that they don't have to pay for it either! You've collected some great pics that all hint at nautical without overwhelming the space with a theme. Love the pedestal sinks with the storage space in between. That's beauty and function combined.

  14. Oh lots of great inspiration. Perfect timing too. I'm working on two bathrooms at the moment. Thanks!

  15. for some reason i really love that first photo. it just seems somewhat unexpected, yet totally "Nautical!" too! you gave her some good and diverse options. can't wait to see if she sways from her signature colour!

  16. Lots of inspirations here, KathySue! Each and everyone is beautiful..Christine

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  18. What a lovely friend you are and what fabulous bathrooms, loved them all xx

  19. Great images. I have a tiny folder of inspiration but have never opened it, hence why it has remained little! I never use inspiration photos when designing...the concept for a room evolves from many sources and I go from there. We are actually re-doing two baths in the very near this was fun!

  20. Kathysue, With your talent oh my! you should come out of retirement! What a gift you have.

  21. These images are amazing, I would love to have a bathroom as beautiful as any of these! I love that you save photos in files for your friends, so sweet!

  22. Wow, are you sure you should be retired? This is some great research!

    As a Plumber in Sydney I'd be proud to be working on some of these bathrooms!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue