Saturday, June 12, 2010


Since I did the post the other day on my observation of fashion "Don'ts" I thought I would give a list of Summer products I like to use to prevent that Over baked skin and fried hair "Don’t" look.

I am no longer a sun worshiper as I was in my earlier years. I think I stopped sun bathing in my early 30’s when we started learning so much about the damage that the sun did to our skin.
There are times when we have to be exposed to the sun so these are my go-to products when I am visiting the beach or other sunny areas:
AT The Beach Or A Day In The Sun
I always cover my hair with my trusty baseball hat, nothing fancy just plain white or black seems to work the best for me! We have to protect our scalp and the expensive highlights, right?!!
When swimming in chlorinated water a bottle of club soda is good and natural rinse for your hair after a swim. It also looks pretty luxurious to  pour a bottle of Pellegrino over your already wet hair. My gorgeous blonde DIL told me about this one!! You can read about it here
To moisturize  my hair and skin while at the beach or pool  I use Focus 21 Sea plasma. This product smells heavenly. I will also use it to cool down all over my skin. There is nothing like a cool mist of a wonderful light fragrance.  I keep this in my beach bag at all times.
sea plasma
For protection from the sunrays I use Neutrogena's Dry block 50 SPF. It can not be beat for protection. I also like to add a little of Australian Gold just for the beachy fragrance, it smells divine.
australian gold 

After A Day In The Sun and Water
After a day outdoors and after a shower in Neutrogena's Rain bath I love to put Elemis Frangipani exotic oil on my hair before bed and I leave it on all night and wash as usual the next morning.
shower gel

To give my self a relaxing treatment, I will give my skin an extra moisture lift with L’Oreal revitalift moisture mask. These are a must all year long but especially in the summer.
I use Crème De La Mer moisturizer for my face and eye area. It is a real luxury for me, but I always go back to this product year after year.

My go to moisture body lotion is always Neutrogena. I love the fragrance and it is just an all around good lotion. I pay extra attention to my heels and toes, after all it is flip flop season. I use Eucerin Plus.(unfortunately I just found out they are no longer going to make the fragranced emulsion. They have a new scent and I don't like it very much. I am so sad I have used this product for 25yrs.)
I did a post here on all the other products I use during the year. I pay extra attention to my skin in the summer months. Age happens with the passing of time, but I think it is so important to take good care of your skin and protect whenever possible.
Do you all have some special Go-to summer products that you like to use? I would love to hear about them. I am always open to trying something new. I will have to admit all of the above products I have used for years and they never have let me down so I highly recommend them.

My next post will list the cosmetics I like to use for a nice "Summer Glow."
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Feeling like you are protecting your hair and skin while enjoying the fun in the sun.

BTW: Be sure to read the comments, readers are giving some great tips for summer.


  1. Kathysue, I use the Neutrogena sunscreen 100spf just like the one you showed. I used the 85 last year and now they have the 100. I lather up every time I go out to work in the yard. I know it works because one week I had a bad sunburn on the back of my arm where I missed the sunscreen. I like the roc products for my face. Been using them for years and so far so good. Thanks for the info.

  2. Lanolin and glycerin, slathered everyday, summer and winter. A hat, sunglasses and 45 sunblock. I'm afraid I am a bit naughty but I try to stay in the shade as much as possible. But like you I was an early sun worshiper and now don't go anywhere near it!

  3. I no longer practice yet remain a licensed esthetician (aesthetician) and become one going to school at night during my time at a cosmetic ingredient company. Customers ranged from Lauder, MAC, to Chanel and anything in between.

    LaMer is a great product many swear by; not affordable for most. Roc, Oil of Olay and some Avon products are very good.

    Kerastase hair mask is great after a day at the beach. Better yet wet your hair comb in mask and wear it to the beach.

    Cetaphil is a good cleanser so is Aveeno. Dermatologist recommended.

    I love Neutrogena sesame body oil however putting oil on your skin after day in the sun is not wise. Best to wait 2-3 days.

    Self tanners Try "Sun" it's an awful greenish brown color but the color is nice.

    Sadly Clinique discontinued their self tanner that I swore by for many years. The tinted version is still available but it's no where near as nice.

    Got sunburn? Put whole milk on cotton pads and apply to affected areas.

  4. Kathysue,
    I use Eucerin on my feet in the summer months, as they take a lot of abuse with flip flops, open toe shoes, etc...they get very dry. It helps immensely to use Eucerin!

  5. Hamptontoes, I swear by Eucerin for my toes.
    Kim, I know I just got the 85 for my beach trip to North Carolina.
    Rita, what a wealth of information you are, come back with more!!
    Julienne, My natural girl!!

  6. oooh i love all of this..enjoy your weekend my sweet! xo

  7. I wrote your favorites on a piece of paper, put it in my purse and will be taking the list to target. Thank you! I always wear my pink floppy hat when I go outside! I was never a sun worshiper, I am white. I never ever tan and just simply don't like the sun baking me. My friends make fun of me!
    Fun post!
    Have a pretty night,

  8. Kathysue, I am so glad to get some suggestions for new products to try. I have never stuck to any product for very long. I'm kind of fickle when it comes to my face and body products. I definitely want to try that facial mask you recommended. Thanks for all of this recommendations. laurie

  9. Hmmm... I think I will give that mask a try! Thanks for sharing. xo

  10. Thanks for all the recommendations Kathysue. I tend to use the basics, but realize it's time to take it up a notch and buy some products to enhance and protect.

  11. Excellent recommendations - so enjoyed reading your summer must have list of goodies. I apply Kerastase hair mask to wet hair when at the beach. Or I use a natural conditioner in wet hair, too. I tend to use a lot of La Prairie products on my skin. When at the beach I tend to sit in shade and sip freshly made watermelon or cocount juice/water. Happy Sunday;-)

  12. Kathysue, the club soda is a great tip! I just put a bottle in Allie's pool bag! I use many of the same products and m constantly preaching about the effects of the sun!
    xoxo Pattie

  13. * Kathysue, I wrote down almost everything here to consider trying when I run out of a few things~~~~ sooo informative! (Born n' bred in So Cal, a good tan has just naturally always been a "big deal" to me, & makes me look n' FEEL so healthy).

    My contribution here, I guess, is OIL of OLAY... it was a wonderful, SURPRISING FIND about a year ago (sug'd by a friend w/ a fabulously healthy glow to her skin... I was blessed w/ good skin, but OOO makes it soooo soft n' smooth!... I LOVE it, & have actually had many gals come up & ask me how I got such good skin, even WITH an AZ tan that, of course, obviously dries out one's skin...)!~

    *** A.M. and P.M. use of the Oil of Olay washing towlettes leaves one's skin sooooooo soft, that I now leave a brand new box in each guest bathroom for our guests (I DOUBT the men would use it, tho!)... Several have actually tried it during their stay here in AZ & have told me they're "hooked"... same with moisturizers, etc!!!

    Suggest the gals try it~~~ what a PLEASANT SURPRISE and WONDERFUL, SOFT, SMOOTH results, even for sun worshippers like me (I KNOW, I KNOW! For SHAME!)~~~

    Looking forward to your NEXT posting!!! Many thanks!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  14. Great suggestions! I use many of the products you mentioned as well as some others recommended. In my younger days, I would NOT be seen without a good tan during the summer but I don't do that now.

    Don't forget the lips when you're outside! I like Solar Sense Clear Zinc. Can be used on one's face, nose, lips. One of the worst sunburns I had was my nose & lips in Cancun ~ my upper lip was 3 times the normal. :-(

    I also like Olay's Revitalizing Eye Gel to reduce puffiness. I keep both of these in the refrigerator and the cold feels wonderful! I also keep an eye mask in the fridge for sun or headaches, allergies.

    I look forward to more suggestions!

  15. Some great suggestions here! I will have to try some of these out and branch out a bit! Thanks!

  16. These are all really great tips Kathysue! I love La Mer, and 100spf sounds really good (I didn't even know you could get that high!). Can't wait to hear your summer glow tips!

  17. This is a great post and I love the suggestions/advice from all of your readers. I've been using Oil of Olay face cream with sunblock for as long as I can remember and I really feel it works well.

  18. I gave up the sun many years bathing suits long before that! One tip my hairdresser gave me to use to remove cholrine...especially for blonds, is to shampoo in WISK...yes, you read that right. I cuts through the cholorine and takes the "green" tint out of blond hair that's been in the pool too much. OK..that's my tip of the day!

  19. La Mer are such great products! Hope you have a lovely week! x

  20. that Sea Plasma has really got my attention~! I love the fact that you can spray moisturizer on your face and body. yum!!!!

  21. I have to back up the Oil of Olay ladies - it's a gem. And I tried La Mer, I want the benefits everyone in the cult clings to, but I broke out!! And I don't typically break out!! So I was bummed. And looked for something else. And then sort of gave up. I need to be better about moisturizer....


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue