Thursday, May 6, 2010


I am so sorry I have taken so long to get pictures posted of my porch! First, I had to finish a few projects like the trim on the lampshade and pot the palm. Then, it rained for three days. I went to take pictures and there was this funny glare on my lens. I'm not sure what is going on there. I am not a photographer and I have a horrible time getting a good picture. One other thing I have learned through all of this is…. Now I am nervous to show you with all the hype and post I did on it! I hope you all are not disappointed in the outcome. Don’t get me wrong I love, love it and enjoy having my coffee out there every sunny morning with my feet propped up on my cute little Greek Key stool. Soooooo here it goes, My Porch………

This picture shows my little suburban Californian ranch. Can you see how adorable a black and white striped awning would look on my bay window? I know my mind never stops designing. It is always on the move. Next is a closer look…….
finished porch 015 (800x600)
Ta-Da!! this is where I sit and have my morning coffee and prayer time. I listen to the little fountain and the birds singing bright and early. The sun rises in front of my house so it stays nice and cozy in that little corner. My favorite thing to do is to turn on the sprinklers and listen to them and watch as they water the lawn. It is always the simple things that bring so much pleasure isn't it? I will show you more pictures from different angles. I hope  you don’t mind………
finished porch 014 (800x600)
Notice the mirror, it use to be oval. I found this one at Home Depot for $37. It was a perfect style to go with the stripes. I found the Greek Key Stool at Big Lot’s for $45, and after its makeover I was one happy girl!! You can read about the stool here.
finished porch 018 (800x719)
This gives you a better idea of the size of the curtain. It is a 54” width and I shirred it on the rod to about 30”. It actually gives me just the right amount of coverage to avoid the morning sun, but I can still see out to my yard.
finished porch 020 (800x714)
Here you can see my wall planter. I bought this years ago at Tuesday Morning for $50. I had it for a couple of years before I actually hung it. I could not decide whether to have it in the front or the back. After the house was painted yellow and I added the black trim it was the perfect thing to put right next to the door. You will notice all my flowers are pinks, white and purples. I use these colors in the Spring and add a little more blue with Lobelia in the summer.
finished porch 023 (800x600)
finished porch 024 (800x600)
You can see the design in the footstool really well from this angle. Notice the trim I put on the lamp. It is a chain pattern of circles which mimics the circle pattern at the corner of the foot stool. For those of you that have asked about the fern that thinks it is an octopus, it is called a Meyer fern or foxtail fern. It is in the asparagus fern family and extremely hardy. It has been in this spot for 30 yrs and I do nothing to it but pull out the dead branches and water it. So easy to grow. It measures 7.5 ft in diameter so it is rather large to say the least- Crazy fern!!
The lampshade has a reverse print on it so it looks pretty cool at night.Here is a picture right when the sun is going down for the day………
porch 008 (800x600)
That is my finished front porch except for one more detail. I ordered the round boxed custom cushions in black with the cream cord welting. I can hardly wait to get them. I think it is really going to look sharp. I hope you have enjoyed seeing my porch makeover, finally DONE!! You all are so patient, even you Julienne!! You are all the best!!
 I so appreciate all of your continued reading and support of my blog. I love reading your comments and I can not believe how many new bloggie buddies I now have. I know there is talk of competition and some mean comments in blog land, but I have been so fortunate on my journey in blog land. I have had only welcoming and kind bloggers visit my blog. So when I say you are all the BEST!! I truly mean it.
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Sharing a finished project with bloggie buddies.


  1. I am not in the least patient Kathysue but I do just love your porch. It is amazing I've only got a minute now so I am going to come back later and have a long read and I'll talk to you again. Really love it!!!! xoxo

  2. Kathysue, that could not be more perfect! I LOVE, LOVE the lamp and I WANT the bird pillow! And I'm going to ask the nursery about a Meyer fern! Beautiful
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Hi Kathysue! Thank you for your sweet comments. Decided I needed a morning walk through the bloggerhood, and here I am, at your lovely and charming and oh-so-creative front porch! I love what you are able to do on your side of the country, since the climate is mild and agreeable so much of the year! Your little touches really pull it all together... and you MUST {yes, MUST!} get that b&w striped awning as it would be the piece de resistance for your porch and the front of the house. I agree with you about the blogging experience.... I have had nothing shown me but kindness and encouragement. Which is good, because I don't have time for the negative ~ too many wonderful things to focus on and write about! Thanks again for coming to see me! xx P&H

  4. Good morning Kathysue, oh, I am so loving your beautifully landscaped very green yard and your porch looks fantabulous!! Such a great place to enjoy nature. I bet those new cushions will be the icing on the cake. Is that a tiny boxwood in the container with flowers on the porch. I need to find something to replace a plant that died in my front porch container. Have a great day!

    Your friend,

  5. OK all done and I am back! Yes, I agree the black and white awning is a must, tie in beautifully with the curtain. That porch is just fabulous and I can see you sitting there with your coffee each morning and if I close my eyes I can almost here the fountain! Your photography is lovely and clear and the whole post was definitely worth waiting for. I'm of tomorrow to check out the 'octopus' but what is the shrub next to it?
    Just love visiting you so till next time goodnight

  6. It's so pretty ! I would love to sit out there and have coffee with you. Your flowers are beautiful, by the way.

  7. i LOVE the black accents and the black & white trim. It looks so crisp next to the sculpted tree. GREAT job. it's so pretty! And i need to thank you for the sweet comments that you leave me. it makes me smile and improves my day.

  8. Kathysue, your porch is awesome! I love seeing your California style house too. Isn't it fun to see how different things are from place to place? Your porch is really colorful and inviting.

  9. Kathysue, your porch is gorgeous! I love every detail.

    Oh, and about the awning idea...I love it and can definitely see it over that window.

  10. Oh what a lovely space you have created! Before I even read your intentions, I saw the first pic and though...this would be a great place for prayer and coffee :)


  11. Oh Kathysue, I am so glad you posted your porch. It is gorgeous and you did such a great job with it. I think the black cushions will be just gorgeous. I love your landscaping too. Everything is so green and pretty. Love it. I sure wish I could sit there and enjoy it with you. Love you. Hugs, Marty

  12. YAY- the big reveal! It is perfect Kathysue, I love every detail. That curtain turned out great and everything looks so nice from a distance too. Bravo my if I could only join you for coffee right there early in the am.

  13. Thanks, Kathysue and have a super day. I'm working in the yard today!

  14. You've created a perfect little outdoor room/oasis for you to start each day in your own special way!
    It's absolutely charming and has "Kathysue" written all over it!! I think all your new blogging friends would love to be invited to coffee and spend some quality time with you in your new garden room :)
    It's absolute perfection!
    xo always

  15. What a wonderful little nest you have created! You will love it this summer!

    Tackle the won't bite...promise!

  16. So glad you have a nice little place for morning coffee/ praying etc. Plus the flowers are so refreshing!

  17. I had to pop by and see this finished project! You must be thrilled with the results. All the little details really came together, and the black and white stripes add just the pop of personality. Your landscaping looks great, and you take some really good looking photos too!

  18. Finally! Yay Kathysue, the big reveal and I am loving it! Such a perfect spot to sit and have coffee. The curtain is wonderful. Love the wall planter. I love all your pink and purple flowers--even noticed a little fountain in the flower bed? It all came together so nicely, and I'm loving your California Ranch home with the beautifully manicured lawn! I can definitely see a striped awning too! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Kathysue, I absolutely love what you've done! The black and white stripes look so fresh with your yellow. And you're right: an awning in the same fabric would be amazing!

  20. Your porch is so charming!! The seating area looks like the perfect spot to relax and enjoy the fresh air and the sights & sounds of summer :-) Adding the trim to the lampshade to match the detailing on the stool was a great idea. And I love your flower colour scheme -- I use the same colours in our flower gardens :-)

    I've never heard of or seen an octopus fern before. That's one funky-looking plant!!

    Now that all the hard work is done, enjoy your new porch :-)


  21. Kathysue~~ Your porch is lovely! I think one of those candles will light it up well ;)

    Thank you for your sweet comment. I always enjoy coming over here too! I love your details and story about designing your porch.

    best wishes*

  22. What a lovely and relaxing place to sit with your coffee in the morning, Kathysue!! I like just about everything about it, but mostly the plantings... they help to create a kind of hidden, magic garden feel to the space. I think black cushions on your chairs will be perfect and your stoll is fab!
    Victoria @ DesignTies

  23. What a sweet place, Kathysue! I just think we would have a wonderful time chatting on that lovely porch. And for what it's worth, I vote "YES" to the striped awning on the bay window!! XOXO Marija

  24. your porch is great; i especially like the striped curtain. it's such an unexpected touch! just lovely.

  25. oh my sweet LOVE! this is fantastic. i want to come sit and have coffee with you. shall we say tomorrow AM? ;)

    you know i have to comment on the amazing black trim all over the house. i love it. gives it such a crisp and clean look. i adore that little stool, you know i do. the pillows you decided to go with really warm my heart. they are too pretty for words.
    thanks for sharing your photos KS. im kinda jealous. ;)

  26. Kathysue!! It's beautiful- wow. What a gorgeous home, porch + yard.. can I come for morning coffee? xx

  27. Very nice! Looks relaxing and peaceful. I love black & white so those items really attract me. :-) You've done a beautiful job with this.

  28. How adorable is your porch!!! I am in love with the black and white...the curtain is such an amazing idea!!! Pure inspiration. xo

  29. Hi Kathysue! I LOVE your porch! The black and white drape is sooo perfect in that spot! I love your new greek key stool...that's about the cutest thing I've ever seen! Did you cover's perfect with your drape! I so wish my yard was sooo lush and green. That foxtail fern was one of the first things I noticed...and I can't believe I knew what it was. I don't think they will winter over here...I've only seen them in pots, so I've never seen on that big. It is very happy where you have it planted! I think it's gonna set a record in is really pretty! Your porch totally lived up to your posts! It's beautiful! Your neighbors must be green with envy over your beautiful lawn and wonderful porch! I'm sooo glad I didn't miss this post! :-) Thanks for sharing this delightful space. I know you have inspired a lot of folks to think about their own porches...they are like another room in our home, aren't they. :-)

  30. Outstanding! I love the yellow shade on your house, and the black is so perfect with it. Your lawn is so lush and healthy looking. I love the added drape to shade you from the morning sun. All the pretty splashes of color give it such vibrance. You deserve to enjoy it.

  31. That sure is a nice porch to sip some coffee.
    One question, what is that plant behind the fountain?
    I am so curious about that one.

  32. Love the fern, the pillows and the black & white...nicely pulled together!

  33. Can I come for coffee? I love the little slice of heaven that you've carved out on your front porch...fresh air, sunshine, the scent of flowers, and black and white ! Love the drapes (very clever) love the mirror, love love the lampshade, and the footstool makes it all comfy-cozy. Can't wait to see the cushions and that wonderful awning that you're going to get (hint, hint, hubby-dear!)

  34. How've done a great job on the porch! Your house is beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Your newest friend! Beth

  35. Oh Kathysue! I think I am in love! I adore black and white and your use of it on your front porch is just beautiful! The striped curtains are perfection...I am trying to think of a place where I can do the same;)! The icing on the cake is all of the indoor elements used outdoors...LOVE...LOVE...LOVE!


    Your yard is beautiful too!

  36. Kathysue, it looks beautiful! I love the black and white stripes - they really dress up the porch. This looks like a wonderful place to enjoy your mornings. laurie

  37. Kathysue....your wish is my command. Check out my latest post for the recipe of your dreams!!

  38. Kathysue, this is such an inviting place to sit and relax. I do love the sound of sprinklers on the lawn. I'm relaxed just imagining sitting with you and watching the water spray. What a wonderful makeover, love the curtain and the stool. Hugs, Kat

  39. Such a nice final result. Love the black accents and fabric...I agree a striped awning would look perfect. Although it all looks great now....perfect place for an early evening glass of wine to discuss the day! Have a great weekend.

  40. Good Morning Kathysue...

    A vision I just love it and yes a striped awning would be perfect....

    I love your flowers SO pretty...

    I too like our grass mowed on an angle....noticed that right off :)

    Happy Mother's Day....

    Kathy :)

  41. Oh I could kick my feet up and stay the whole day there! You did a wonderful job and I love all the flowers!

  42. I had to read that post a few times because there was so much to see and to read. IT IS BEAUTIFUL! I can see why you start your day there. Those pillows, the lamp .ohhh!!! I just absolutely love your home. YES! I can see an awning there too.!!!

  43. Kathysue your porch is absolutely charming! I love it all, the beautiful flowers, the pillows, your striped footstool and curtain, everything! And your new black and cream cushions will be the icing on the cake!

    Thank you also for your sweet comment on my mother's day post, it made me cry!

    Kat :)

  44. Kathysue,

    What a fun little place to sit and admire your lovely flowers. Great job! Rita

  45. Loving that stool and those curtains! Stunning with the stripes!

  46. You have a beautiful porch, KathySue. It looks very relaxing and inviting too. I just finished working on my front porch and took pictures and saw on the pictures that the shutters are dirty. Looks like I will have to clean and redo everything. This is the first time I tackled this part of the house, I always work in the back, in fact I am never here since we go in through the garage. I remember your foxtail ferns. Mine were in hanging planters and died but I planted one in the ground and it is coming back....Christine

  47. Gorgeous!
    The stripes add a great graphic element!
    Lemon Ice Tea...& enjoy the season!!

  48. HI Kathysue! I came over from Susan's blog. Saw yor comment about your porch so had to rush over to see. And I am NOT is WONDERFUL!!! I adore the black and white theme, LOVE, LOVE the striped curtain! It is such a wonderful, private spot for you to have your coffee. If you find that bird pillow missing it wasn't me:):) BTW< where did you get that??? Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful porch! XO, Pinky

  49. Pink Thank you for your sweet words. I actually purchased the bird pillow at TJMaxx for $20, I loved it from the moment I saw it and it had to come home with me!

  50. Kathysue..What a beautiful job you have done. It looks so peaceful & serene. I could totally see sitting out there in the morning with my coffee and dogs. Thanks so much for sharing...

  51. I adore the mirror! like in the history of home depot finds this one goes down in the books!! great job!! :-)

  52. I love this, I am looking to redo our outdoor kitchen this year and want to hang outdoor curtains - yours side panel looks great and I love the mirror on the wall, such a great serene spot!

    Jenn -

  53. This porch is so very the look!!! Happy New Year!


  54. what a fantastic space! i'd be out there all day!

  55. What a lovely spot to have your morning coffee! I go to bed at night dreaming of the coffee I get to have in the morning. I love the black and white striped curtain! Thanks for your comment and link. Have a wonderful day!

  56. Your porch is gorgeous! I want to come over and have a cup of coffee! I found your blog and photos in my all-morning quest to find out what kind of plant that Meyer fern is. You've saved me a day of insanity!! I want one for my garden!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue