Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fun Project Making Progress!!

In my previous post I shared with you what Little Sweetie and I had discussed and some of the inspiration photos I shared with her. She told me that the colors she wanted to use were, of course, her beloved turqouise, black and white. The maybes are a heathered lavender in the dining room and the master bedroom. The kitchen in a grey/blue with yellows and orange. I love to hear what people really love and then guide them in a direction in which they are comfortable. I sent her more pictures that showed some of the combinations she was requesting to see if this is what she had in mind. Here are some of the pictures…….
What a fun way to bring in color combinations. I showed something similar in the other post. Fabric on Homasote board makes a great huge piece of art!
All of the above pictures shows the pop of yellow with the turqouise in different ways.
Now let’s look at some turqouise and orange in rooms.
Not a lot of orange but just enough to make this room fun and interesting.
More orange, but now we have a little introduction of the bright yellow in the tulips. Color can be added to rooms in all sorts of ways. It does not always have to be big splashes but something as simple as flowers can make an impact.
I have pictures that  show turqouise used with lavender/purples. This is a combination I had not seen much of and I really like the way it works together.
New life has been given to this night stand with the bright pop of color.
Notice the one heather/lavender pillow on the sofa. Still we have all the colors that my Little Sweetie likes.
This is a good example of pulling colors out of a fabric to make it all work.
This room has popped some red into the mix but it could have just as well been bright pink or the orange.
This room reads as a turqouise room because of the bright rug but most of it is all white. We have a pop of bright pink in the flowers and a touch in the rug border. Another good study on how to do color right. It does not necessarily have to be every where. It just needs to be in the right spots.
Since my last post Little Sweetie bought two oversized dining chairs and she and hubby has recovered them in her bright pop of pink. It looks like they are going to go for the white Ektorp sofa with black and white striped pillows. They will also be adding some floral or patterned pillows to the mix. Paint samples are being purchased and sampled. They are really on the move.  Next post I will talk about paint colors and how we came up with which rooms to paint which color. To be continued………..
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Seeing a project unfold.


  1. Kathysue, I LOVE that first pic- gorgeous way to display ironstone and beautifu use of color
    xoxo Pattie

  2. They are all beautiful but the first is my outright favourite! Have a great day Kathysue.

  3. Great inspiration photos Kathysue. Love, love, love that beachy living room with the wainscoting and the gorgeous sea glass blue paint. Perfection! Hugs, Kat

  4. What an amazing collection of inspirational images! I will really look forward to seeing her space unfold.

  5. Kathysue, I don't know how she is going to make up her mind with so many pretty combos. I love that photo with the breakfast nook. Can't wait to see more of this project. Such fun.

  6. wow, it just shows how many colours look good w/ turquoise!!! this sounds like such a fun project, can't wait to see how it turns out. :)

  7. I need to go put the coffee on and spend time looking at these beautiful pictures!

  8. These are interesting combinations. I really think I like the lavendar and turquoise the best...and I generally stay away from all things purple.

  9. Once again, the best inspiration photos! Partial to the hints of lavender and purple, but really looks like you can't go wrong here!

  10. How fun, Kathysue! I couldn't help but notice the kitty sitting on the white sofa in the last pic! lol Great colors! And...did you chose your new glasses? Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  11. All of these images are FUN! I can't wait to see what you end up doing at Little Sweetie's house. Sounds like they are pointed in the right direction thanks to Kathysue! Glad they got that sofa and I'll bet those pink dining chairs are wonderful. -Delores
    PS: I'm waiting with baited breath for the porch reveal!

  12. I love the cabinet in the first picture with the back painted light turquoise. That's such a fantastic look :-)

    All the pics of turquoise with orange are great. Both the rooms and the turquoise/orange colour combos are terrific, especially the beachy room :-)

    I wrote a post about turquoise & purple a few months ago. If it's a colour combo you're considering, you might want to check it out for inspiration:

    Thanks for participating in our giveaway, and for your kind comment :-) I haven't been to your blog as much as I'd like to lately (gotten a bit slack with the blog rounds), but I always enjoy reading your posts :-)

    Good luck!!


  13. I can see what fun you are having doing this project. Isn't it fun when you don't have to make money on it? I've been thinking of doing my bedroom in tourquoise and lavender....just appeals to me. I've not been a purple person in the past, but it's growing on me. Thanks for the well wishes for the trunk show tomorrow. I'll email you about the cake balls...really easy, and really good!

  14. Hi Kathysue! Tyhanls for the sweet remarks on my blog today...look at yours!!! It is gorgeous! & how sweet of you to serve your friends with your gift of design! Seriously! That is really sweet! I love your positive outlook of "enjoying to process." Sometimes I forget that part & just enjoy the end results...I am going to have to keep that in mind...& I am excited to see how this room thing i can tel....GORGEOUS!

    I am planning my daughters birthday [arty right now with pink & turquiose so I am really LOVING these pictures!

  15. Lots of inspiration here! Loving a lot of these pictures. I'm sure you'll come up with something she'll love!

  16. Beautiful rooms, KathySue. Ilike the touch of orange and turquise together....Christine


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue