Monday, May 3, 2010


I recently saw this darling video at a new blog I was visiting, As I viewed it, it conjured up my recent experience of picking out new glasses.

  I wear glasses, however, it is not an age thing since I have worn glasses since I was four years old. My face does not look like my face without glasses. With that being said because glasses are such a part of my face I hate to make changes in their appearance. Since I like to stay fashion-forward, every two years or so I do the dreaded task of picking out new frames.
I think it is like asking someone to pick out a new nose or a new mouth. Now how many of us could do that in an hour appointment.

No this is not ME!

 Well, I have a very dear friend, a soul-sister. This friend always tells me the truth about how I look or even if my feelings are a wee bit off. She is my true mirror.  She recently had to choose new frames also and we commiserated how hard it was to pick out new frames. We want to be current and not look like a Nana. You know, in style, but not too trendy. Luckily I could take the sample frames to her and get her honest opinion.  She agreed with my choice and the glass frames have been ordered. I got a really classic pair of Versace glasses, they seem to fit my face and coloring.

If you are wondering this is NOT Me either, only in my dreams!

 I did find a web-site that has a virtual try-on center where you can upload your picture and try on different styles for any of you that might need new glasses in the future it is a good way to get at least an idea of shape and color.

You can see that when I saw this cute video I thought of my soul-sister and all of us women that have to wear glasses. This is dedicated to all of you that have the same hard time that I do in this selection and to all of you soul-sisters that are our true mirrors. Next time I will see a little more humor in the situation thinking of this video.

“Enjoy the Process “ Of: Seeing the fun and humor in any situation.


  1. OY Kathysue! Try taking a teenager to pick out frames! That poor clerk!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. The video is adorable! I hate picking out new frames. The last time I just had them put my new lenses in my old frames! I have a really small face, and I used to have to buy children's frames. Thank goodness styles have changed and smaller frames are "in". Because buying bifocal lenses in a child's frame just seems wrong :) Kathy

  3. How cute. I wear them, too. Only started a few years ago and now can finally wear contacts, too. I have already bought several new pairs since each year my script was changing so I told my husband I had to get another new pair of glasses. Probably could have just gotten new lenses. I wear the progressive lenses that are $150 per lens. Add that to the frame price and I don't get out for less that $500 usually. A lot for glasses!

  4. You just have to have a honest friend when it comes to selecting a new pair of glasses! It's a must, especially when you have worn them all your life like I do. Though I do love "new frames" day, it is like shopping with medical permission. XO

  5. Very cute post Kathysue and lucky you to have such a great friend. I wear reading glasses mostly just at work and while I love picking out new frames it is stressful.

  6. Wow! That was way too cute. These ladies put a LOT of effort into this. You are so lucky to have a true mirror friend. Everybody should have one of those... I wore glasses for most of my life, but about 5 years ago I decided to go Lasic and my life has totally changed for the better... it feels as if i got rid of crutches.

  7. I HATE picking out new frames. I'm also blind as a bat and have had to wear glasses since I was 12. Usually I wear contacts though. Anyway, I just got new glasses and I really like them. But picking them was hard. I ended up with two pair: A Prada frame that is a basic tortoise shell and a Tiffany frame that is trendy with different color sides. Good ole Site for Sore Eyes has a great selection. Now I'm such a dork because I put reading glasses over my prescription glasses when I am reading because I can't stand bifocals. Such a handicap!

  8. Cute story, great website idea...and what a good friend to have! (I wear contact lenses myself) :)

  9. Cute post! I wore glasses as a young adult and then when I could about 5 years ago, I had Lasix and have contacts no more! I can commisserate with you, though. Evidently I have a small comment.....and most frames would slide off my nose!...possibly too much information here...Anyway, I think you should add your picture,WITH your new frames so we can see how cute you are!!

  10. The only glasses I wear are sunglasses. I find that finding the perfect pair of sunglasses requires the same attention to details too! Fun post.

  11. I love getting new glasses...except for paying for them:) I didn't wear glasses until just a few years ago, so they are still sort of fun for me. I can tell very easily if they work for my face...some are so cute, but look so bad on me!

  12. Hi Kathysue. I went with my mom a while back to try on some new glasses. It was exhausting and after a while they all started to look like each other. Then we finally decided on the best pair and when they arrived they were not at all as I remembered them! Thank goodness they look cute on her!)

  13. I wear spectacles for reading only but it can be quite tiresome to choose the right pair. I did enjoy the video, though!

  14. Hi Kathysue! Thanks for the mention- I feel so fancy! I'm glad you have such a great friend.

  15. I need new glasses so badly!!!!!!!!
    I only wear them in the morning before putting on my contacts but my current pair is so old and dated and my husband hates them.
    I picked up a pair at a thrift shop this week for $15 dollars. They are bjorn*
    Have you ever heard of this brand? I figured they are an improvement over what I currently have. I'll take them to Costco to have my prescription put in. Choosing eye glasses is so difficult for me... I have a much easier time with sunglasses!!!!!!

  16. Cute video, and I loovee the glasses on the second picture, very john lennon inspired. Just kidding..

    If any of you need or use reading glasses, computer glasses or glasses for activities in the near and intermediate vision, we have 15% discount off all our glasses using the discount code 15PROMO at

    We also offer demo product to blogger!

    Feel free to contact me


  17. Since you’ve been wearing your specs from the time you were four, people will naturally think you look like a different person without them. I’m glad you’ve learned how to make the best out of the look wearing eyeglasses gives a person. Some people lose their confidence and feel they’re ugly because of their dependence to it. “I am a girl, I’m gonna capture the world.” – I hope every girl who wears eyeglasses would think of themselves as this. :)

    Grant Weber


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue