Friday, January 19, 2018

WARDROBE POST! Restocking My Wardrobe!



If you have been following along with me for awhile you probably know I have recently, (and finally), lost a bit of weight. 

I will never be a weight loss guru nor will this blog become about weight loss. I truly believe it is such an individuals own desire to  want it badly enough to find what works for them.

In my weight loss journey I also had to literally replenish my entire wardrobe. I don't know about the rest of you but I don't have a money tree in my backyard so I have to be frugal and spend wisely.

That brings me to my discovery of Poshmark. I started posting my clothing on this site and was pleasantly surprised at how well I did selling my old wardrobe. It also afforded me to be able to purchase new clothing at a fraction of the cost. Plus it is a form of recycling so that kind of felt good too.

Anyhow I wanted to share some of the bargains that are available on Poshmark. Keep in mind you can find brand new items some like new items as well. 

I look for the newer pieces and I ask for all measurements and the condition of the item before ever pushing the purchase button. I have only had one purchase where the seller was less than truthful.

I will start with my newest purchase of some pretty flats. I have to wear flats these days so I am always on the hunt for some cute or pretty one's. These fall in the category of pretty for dressier occasions....

Aren't they pretty? Very Chanelesque, don't you think? These were originally $120 and I got them for $45. I am only mentioning the pricing because they are such a good deal and that is what Poshmark is all about. Never worn!!

This Banana Republic blouse is pristine and classic. As long as it fits it will stay in my wardrobe for many years. Originally $70 and I got it for $18!! 

Brand new top! INC brand for $25. This top is to die for in person. It has a little touch of metallic gold trim at the top of the neck. I am really going to enjoy this cutie.

Another brand new item. I actually owned this blouse and have been looking and looking to see if anyone else had it in a smaller size. After a few months it finally came up. It is in pristine condition and I originally paid $89 at Chico's for mine and I purchased this one for..... Are you ready? $9. Yes that is right only $9. keep in mind there is a $6.49 shipping fee, but can you believe that. I now have another favorite blouse hanging in my closet.

I am showing you all black and white basics today but trust me I have colored pieces as well. I will show you those in another post.

This fun skirt for Spring is from J.Crew. I love their pieces but often find them over priced in my mind so to be able to get this brand new skirt that was originally $65 for $15 really felt like a win-win and a little victory.

If you do decide to post, or just shop on Poshmark take the time to feel out your categories and preferences and be very specific on your searches otherwise you will have to go through a lot of not so cute stuff. 

I have had very good luck finding and receiving my items and will continue to use Poshmark for selling the items I out grow and also to purchase some in my new size.

Of course I still purchase items from retail stores, but I am very careful to get them on sale. I am a pretty discriminating shopper, and of course I also am a planner. 

I know my style and the silhouettes that look best on me and I stick with those. I like a black and white base with the addition of color. 

When I think about it, I dress like I decorate  my home. I am a total classic/preppy dresser so most of my items will lean in that direction.

I hope you try poshmark out!! If you do, use my user name @fiano  and I will get a little credit for you joining and making your first purchase!! If you have any questions just email me, I will be glad to help if I can.


  1. I've seen and joined Poshmark but have never used it for buying or selling. Perhaps I need to give it a whirl! Happy weekend!

  2. Lea it really has been fun for me and so worth it!! Let me know if you have any questions. I too had joined and never did anything until this year out of necessity!!

  3. Congratulations on the weight loss. Long term health is so important and weight control is key. Well done KathySue. Appearance and new clothes in a smaller size is the icing on the cake....make that a tiny slice. You must be smiling each day.

  4. Thank you Dee! I am having more fun dressing now, I must admit and you are so right about being at a healthier weight! At my age that is Gold!!

  5. Hi Kathysue ... I love using Poshmark. Its a great way to clear out gently used, no longer needed items and acquire some new items at a great price. Susie

  6. Congrats on losing weight! Wish I could say the same. No better reason to throw out the old wardrobe than losing pounds. :-) You have great taste in clothing, Kathysue! Love your finds.

  7. I have sold things through ebay for many years but can't seem to find the time to get my act together these days! I have been meaning to email you about poshmark and what the difference is. Congrats on the weight loss. I could sure stand to lose a few as well!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue