Sunday, January 14, 2018

Adding A New Color To Your Existing Room!

The start of a new year is a time our minds tend to go towards all the things we think we want to change in our lives, homes, etc. I am just like all of you and my mind starts spinning in several different directions at once.

I could write a post on all the different things that are spinning in my brain, but that just might get a bit entangled and confusing for you and me so today I am going to stick with one subject.


As you all have read in my Christmas post I used pink and reds and in doing so I renewed my love of pink.

As a little girl and teen I always wore a lot of pink, it seemed to be a flattering color for me. I also had pink bedrooms.

In the 80s my love of pink was almost destroyed with the mauve and blue combination. Even though it was extremely popular I just could not get on board. I did not like the muted, muddy tones of the mauves and I craved brighter pinks like raspberry or watermelon pink.

Do you think I could find them anywhere? NO I looked and looked here in California and it wasn't until I made a trip back east and went to Sturbridge Village shop that I found a true rose pink and blue plaid that I loved. I ordered 17 yards of fabric and had my camel back sofa reupholstered.

Luckily we have come a long way baby and all different shades and tones of pinks are available to us/me!!

I am on the hunt for the perfect pink pillow that will combine my colors and patterns together nicely. There is one thing I know about myself is it has to look classic, simple and not over powering. A little bit of pink goes a long way for me, in my book.

Budget is also a concern since this is a seasonal change for Spring. I usually change out my pillows and add a few accessories that will pull the color scheme together.

I have changed my room seasonally for so many years that I have it almost down to a science.

The first thing I will do is look for fabric and order some samples. The fabric will be my jumping off point or springboard.

In my looking I found several rooms that I was inspired by the room or at least parts of the room....

What I liked about this room is how the pink was sprinkled around the room and did not become too overpowering. I also like the way the leopard print breaks up the sweetness of the pink. Sometime pink can tend to look too sweet if not done with a light hand and by mixing it with a pattern that can make quite a statement like the leopard does in this room.

Notice how there are different shades and tones of pinks in the room and how they are scattered so your eye keeps moving seamlessly.

This image is only showing the sofa and coffee table and the pinks are a bit softer than in  the last example, but the concept is pretty much the same. The pink is dispersed in different areas in order to have a nice visual flow. Notice the leopard pillow again? I am starting to see a pattern here.

Here we go again!! More leopard with pink!! Keep in mind that the decorators/designers of these room are using a bolder statement fabric with the use of a softer looking pink in order to not make the room look too sweet.

 This is a good thing to remember......
When using any color that can tend to look a bit sweet or too girly, toughen it up with a bolder statement fabric!!

I am in the process of ordering some fabrics that have pink in them. More on that later.

So if you want to introduce a new color to your room do the following:

  • remove all accessories from room only keep the base there.

  • look around to see where you could possibly add a new color.

  • look on pinterest or instagram for rooms that have the new color in them. Save those images and study them to see what elements you seem to like in each image. Chances are you will be very consistent if you just go with your heart. There will be a pattern that develops and you will easily see it once you have enough images pinned or saved.

  • find one combiner piece, this is a piece that will combine your existing colors and style. Often this can be in a pillow fabric but keep your mind open to new possibilities.

  • once you find your combiner piece make a collage of your existing pieces with the new piece. This is now your jumping off point. Any and all additions will need to marry well to this base.

  • Define your style with words so that when you look at new pieces you can make sure it falls in line with your criteria.

Now have fun looking and exploring


  1. I see those VIA photos and luv the leopard. Those rooms are crying for some rose quartz accessories... franki

  2. I have used your tips in the past. They’re always spot-on!
    My fabric samples have been ordered. I gave some thought to using some pink this Spring but at the last minute chickened out. I’m afraid I will tire of it. #commitmentissues.

  3. I too am gathering a bit of pink for Spring....I love your inspiration images and oh that leopard and pink look so great together!...hmmm....I must say that we both are "in the pink" !! Cannot wait to see what you select for your Spring palette! Have a great day Kathysue!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue