Friday, September 1, 2017

A Little Of This and That Post!

 I have a little bit of this and that to share with you all today!

In my last post I shared that we were starting to decorate our guest room. That is still in process. The bedding came and it is perfect.

 I decided to not use the large lumbar pillow and maybe get a monogrammed pillow made up that is a bit more distinct in contrast since the room is turning out to be crisp looking. 

Right now I have a wrinkled duvet cover that needs ironing after I washed it and a navy velvet pillow in there.

I am waiting until our temperatures drop around here. Would you believe it has been predicted to get up to 115 degrees. Apparently right now at 3:00 it is 109 . We get hot in Northern California during the summer but this one is beating records.

Once it gets a bit cooler I will be adding my Fall decor to the great room, the pillows have all arrived and I love them even more than I thought I would. 

Since I am using my summer pillows in the guest room now I will need to order a couple more 24in. pillow inserts.

Helpful hint: When getting a pillow cover made in a 22 in size, use a 24 in. insert. You will get a fuller looking pillow if you make the insert 2 in. larger than the actual cover!!

I have been purging and working on my Fall wardrobe. I received two of the accessories I ordered...

It is even better in person than in the images, more vibrant and it is working perfectly with my wardrobe.

This turned out to be better in person! I adore this bracelet and it is one of my favorite pieces!!

Now for the reason I am purging and planning my wardrobe so strategically......

......I have been working on getting healthier and losing some weight so in the process I have dropped 2 sizes so absolutely nothing I own fits me. 

It has been a good thing, but also a hard thing to plan a new wardrobe that will work for me as I continue to lose a bit more. Luckily there have been some fabulous sales going on and that has helped tremendously.

Don't worry this blog won't become a journal of my weight loss however I will share how I am planning my new wardrobe in the future. You all have commented or emailed me that you like my wardrobe post, so I will continue those post.

It is hard to plan a wardrobe when I am in between sizes and seasons, let me tell you. If I only had a crystal ball to see how it is all going to turn out.

Something new for me that I am trying, is selling some of my clothing pieces on a resale site. I have never done this before and it is truly all new to me.

I have decided to list my clothing on poshmark and here is the link if any of you are interested in  seeing what I have listed...... click HERE! 

You can also go to my pinterest board HERE!

If any of you have ever used a resale site and have liked the process please email me or leave a comment. I would love to know what has worked well for any of you out there!! 

That is about it for news around here so I will leave you with good wishes for a very Happy and Safe Labor day weekend!!


  1. Loving the blue and white in the guest room! And good for you getting healthy! Losing weight at our age is not easy so to drop 2 sizes is quite the accomplishment:) Looking into this Posmark site to see things! Let me know how it works for you!

  2. I don't want summer to end. Sigh! But I do love decorating the house for fall. Pretty scarf, Kathysue.

  3. Good for you...loosing two sizes is very impressive. Your new scarf is very pretty.

    I thought is was hot down here, it has been in triple digets all last week and will stay that way through the weekend. But so far the hottest has been 109. I hope that cooler weather arrives soon, but I don't have much hope.

    I buy my pillow inserts online from Pillow Forms. I highly recommend them, excellent service, products and very good pricing. I just made two 12 inch pillows in a leopard print to match a new little chair in the living room. The inserts came from them.

  4. Catching up on your happenings....congrats on the weight loss!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue