Sunday, September 3, 2017

A FASHION POST: Wardrobe planning and Letting Go!!

The seasons have not changed other than we are getting hotter instead of cooler, which is what Fall is suppose to bring, right? NOT!! 

Even though we are not getting cooler weather I am still working on my transition wardrobe for Fall.

If you read my last post you know I am having to replace my entire wardrobe. A bit of a daunting task to say the least. It is even more difficult being between seasons and between sizes. 

You might say I am stuck in the middle.

So far I have some basic pieces, and I have added some color and a few accessories to my wardrobe. I think this will carry me through until the winter months, and then I will need to purchase some warmer clothing.

I know this sounds like a really fun proposition, and it is at times, but what has been harder than I thought is the purging and letting go of some of my favorite pieces. 

Who knew I was so attached to my clothes? I sure had no idea!

One thing I have started to do is to put some of my clothing on a resale site.  Other than selling my clothing, the extra benefit is showing me what I need to get to make my wardrobe more complete.

I have put together little outfits to display what I am selling to make it more appealing and to show it's potential. I am calling it playing dress-up.

Here are a few of the outfits I have put together ...

 In this vignette I was featuring one my favorite pieces and a real workhorse in my wardrobe, the striped top.

This outfit reminded me that I need a pair of gingham shorts or ankle pants in my new wardrobe!

Featuring a JCrew navy and white popover.

I can't say enough good things about these pink Talbots boyfriend jeans. In fact I have already purchased them in my new size because they became a staple in my spring/summer wardrobe. Talk about soft and comfy!!

It is always nice to have a top with a little something special on it and this embellished Talbots top fit the bill. I am making notes on what I need in my upcoming wardrobe planning as I am writing all of this for you. (and me!)

These brightly colored pants turned out to be a big surprise to me on how often I would choose them to wear. The striped top is an all time favorite piece of mine, it is a bit hard to say goodbye to this top.

Another pair of Talbots boyfriend jeans I have to say good bye to. I paired them with a new top for my Fall transition wardrobe. you will notice the new-to-me equestrian scarf and the tortoise bangle. I have a cute pair of patent leopard flat that would look cute with this outfit or a pair of brown leather sandals or gold would work too. (note to self, need yellow jeans again!)

This outfit is a great one to transition into Fall for me. The plaid pants became a staple in my wardrobe. I also have a pair of blackwatch plaid that I wore all the time with turtlenecks. I need to add at least one pair of plaid pants in my final wardrobe.

Both the wool gray box pleat skirt and argyle sweater are gone!!! Two pieces that worked well together and look great with loafers or boots depending on how cold it gets.

I have other pieces as well but these are the ensembles I put together as a cover shot for the article of clothing I was offering.

My list is getting longer and my mind is spinning, but I have fun making up these outfits, just like playing dress-ups.

Saying goodbye to favorite pieces was a lot harder than I ever thought it would be, but I know getting at a new healthier weight is so important for me to do, so onward and upward.

I have all of these and others pinned on my pinboard.......

From My Closet To Yours
click HERE or HERE 
if interested.



  1. Congratulations on your great results, I know that I for one would love to hear the changes that you made to create a healthier lifestyle. It is wonderful to loose a bit of extra flesh and I was able to take 20kg off through the 5:2 diet, but the downside is letting go of some much-loved outfits.
    I took some of my more expensive and classic items to a dressmaker to be taken in which worked well in most cases. She only charges about AUD$25 per item which enabled me to hold onto dresses, skirts, and jackets that were too expensive to just discard to the charity shop.
    I didn't bother with the cheaper items or those that were nearing the end of their useful life though.

  2. Yes, Kathysue....please share how you downsized two sizes! I know you'll have fun picking out some new outfits and combinations too! ;)

  3. Congratulations on your weight loss!! Yes, we get attached to some of our clothes as they become good friends (keeping us comfortable and making us look good). You have great taste and I know you'll put beautiful new outfits together! Keep us posted.

  4. Funny how we get attached emotionally to our clothes...I know I do..congrats on the weight tell us your sizes...great accomplishment!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue