Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Adjusting Decorating Plans In Our Entry Hall

In design sometimes we have to make changes in the original vision we had for a space. That happened to me this week with my lighting for the entry hall.

I like to take you all along with me as I go through this process in order to help you in making your own decisions for your  own homes when you go to tackle projects.

We received our sconces that I chose, and one of them had a couple of small scratches, so it had to go back.

In the mean time my sweet hubby and I had a discussion about the entry hall. 

This all came about due to making a decision on which contractor to hire. Which by the way we now have a contractor on board and will be starting in 6 weeks. YAY!!!

My hubby knows me very well and he had visions of me changing my mind about the mirror we are going to hang and possibly wanting to hang our piece of artwork there. 

 (Please excuse blue tape, we were mapping out the panels)

Remember we are having paneled walls and the center panel will be a slab mirror with a mirror on top of the slab mirror, or as he suggested possibly the existing piece of art that now hangs there......

As you can see the artwork has a picture light above it and it would have one even if I choose to hang it on the slab mirror, so my brilliant husband suggested that we do a recessed receptacle behind the portrait so we can plug in the picture light.

Why didn't I think of that?

With that in mind I realized that the aged bronze sconces would look too harsh and that the aged brass would be more suitable for both scenarios. Sooooo back to the drawing board to find the right sconce. I could have ordered one just like the aged bronze in an aged brass, but it is back ordered until May, so that won't work.


However I did go back to revisit a sconce I had looked at previously and have decided to order it to replace the aged bronze sconce.

The questions I still have stirring in my mind that will most likely wake me up in the middle of the night....

1. Slab mirror or no slab mirror?
2. Use a portrait light or a spot on ceiling?

 So there you have it, always adjusting and trying to go with the flow over here!!! 

BTW: The overhead lighting came in yesterday and it is absolutely perfection. Just what I had envisioned!!



  1. I wonder if having 2 sconces & the picture light might be a bit much. Would a recessed spot light be placed close to your new, perfect ceiling light? If so...that could look weird. Maybe you don't need to have a light on your artwork/mirror.
    Sorry to hear your bronze sconces came with a scratch. That's annoying. But it may have been a blessing in disguise. Your plan B sconces are beautiful!

  2. Love your new plan as I love how the painting adds beautiful color and pattern to the foyer. The sconces are perfect with the painting....Those sconces arriving with scratches happened for a reason...Looks like the plan is coming together and I can hear some excitement in your "voice"

  3. I really like the new sconces - I think they'll complement the ceiling fixture beautifully. I agree with Mary, a picture light may be too much?? I look forward to seeing the finished project!

  4. Always fun to follow along and see how you make your decisions.

  5. Love the aged brass sconce! Good plan....which brings me to another question. Do you have other light fixtures in your home that are aged brass? Do you mix in door knobs, light fixtures, cabinet hardware? Are all door knobs one metal? Have you ever done a post on that? I know too many questions! But, we are in the process of changing over from bright brass in our '70's era home...and I need guidance! So if you have any suggestions...maybe a post? I can't be the only one out there who is bewildered! ;)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue