Thursday, January 26, 2017

10 Area Rugs For Entry Halls


I am a believer that the entry into a person's home should be the first glimpse of what the guest will see as they see the rest of your home.

 It is your home's very first greeting. Basically it is your home's opening statement.

What do you want you home to say to your guest?

You might want to introduce the style, and feel of your home, or maybe you want to introduce one of the main colors you will be using in your home. 

Entries are the perfect place to make both of these statements.
For such a small area it can really have a big impact on your home! 

Try to keep that in mind when you make decisions on what to place in your small area, actually whether it is a big, or small entry it will have a big impact on your guest.

We all have walls, flooring, doors, and ceilings in our entry, no matter how large or small. When you think about it you have quite a canvas to do something beautiful. 

I find it helpful to write down what I want my guest to feel when they enter our home.
Here is what I wrote for my own personal entry hall to better give you an idea of what I am talking about.
“You are about to enter the place we love, and call home, as you enter I hope you know your are welcomed here. We hope we have made you just a bit curious about how the rest of our home will look by our choices in colors, wall treatments, and the other elements we chose to greet you.  We love beautiful things, but nothing is too precious in our home that it will ever be more important than YOU.  We hope your feel at peace, and relaxed while you visit here.”
When you think about it, it is a pretty tall order for usually a very small area.
So that my dear friends is why I spent two whole days looking for a small 2X3 ft rug for my entry doorway.
I had to keep in mind the over all style of my home and the color scheme. 
Style: Traditional with a coastal feel, somewhat ofa
          Nantucket or Hamptoms vibe.
Colors: Black and white, or blue and white.
Patterns: Geometrics, and stripes.
I found the whole process interesting. Once I really got into it I would look at the rug and ask myself does this look like something I would choose, do I really love it?
Here is a line up of some of the rugs that caught my eye.....






I think I have plenty to choose from so now I have to narrow down my choices by dissecting them by size, care and price!!!
Which one is your favorite for my entry!!
Here is a little reminder of the elements that will go into my small 53" X 93" room...
Are you happy with the way your entry greets your guest?
For more ideas on entry halls and area rugs take a look at my pinterest boards....
All above images were from these two boards......


  1. Hi Kathysue,
    For your home I chose the last rug you pictured. It's from PBTeen. But when I clicked on the link I saw that it doesn't come in 2x3. Swell!

    I live near Chicago & a rug in my foyer has to protect my wood floors from snow & rain. I need something with a waterproof backing. I've never found one. But I have been lucky with Dash & Albert indoor/outdoor rugs.
    They don't have a waterproof backing but they seem to do ok.
    Do you know if there are rug pads that have a waterproof backing? Then I wouldn't have to worry about what rug I use.

  2. Each rug is statement making and would bring a real interest to your foyer. Just love your direction - it certainly says "welcome" to me! Happy weekend, Kathysue!

  3. Did you know that Pottery Barn, West Elm and William Sonoma Home have a warehouse sale in Alameda every weekend? We purchased 2 gorgeous rugs there but they have everything from soup to nuts! You should definitely check it out if you haven't!!! Every weekend there is different stuff. A great opportunity to score some great pieces at a great price. Please call me if you go, I could meet you there. I would love to see you and Doug:) XO

  4. A great selection of rugs for your foyer to choose from....for me it would be hard to choose one....I think my foyer does say who I am when someone enters the house....antiques, a most treasured sentimental piece from my hubby, and an updated pattern in the rug for my blended style.

  5. Not all of the rugs show on my computer, so I will reserve making a decision although I really liked most of your choices. I do think it needs to tie in with the large stripe rug in your living room, which needless to say, I'm sure you have already considered. I do like the way our tiny little foyer establishes the style and accessory color carried throughout our home. I do like more color than you obviously. My most recent blog post shows this should you be interested. I think a tiny bit of my entry rug may show in one of the pictures. Can't wait to see your finished foyer.

  6. I love the black and white stripe first choice, then the blue stripe, second choice. I just think the stripes feel more timeless maybe? All are good choices though. Can't wait to see what you pick.



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue