Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Do you need a jumpstart for this Holiday season? Take a look at #4 on my steps to jumpstart your Holiday decorating.

Sometimes art can be in the form of a pillow and that is what I am going to show you today.


There is one pillow in particular that keeps coming to my mind. It is unusual and whimsical and the Holidays are a perfect time to use a bit of whimsy in your decor. 

I know this pillow is not for everyone, but you have to admit he is FUN!!!

An entire Christmas room could be planned around him, and I just might do that in a upcoming post. Oh the fun I will have!!

The pillow that can set the mood for your room does not have to be a thematic pillow, it can be a fun festive color, or print like this over sized hounds tooth. 

However it is fun to have at least one themed pillow in your Christmas room.

I LOVE this pillow, of course it is black and white typography which is a favorite of mine, and then add the pretty tree and we have Christmas on a pillow!! At $9.99 for this cover, I think it is a steal!

Etsy is a place I always check out for pillows of all styles and themes. I find they have a great selection and at all price points.

I know that plaid is big for this years Christmas element, and the antlers are a staple in many homes so this little pillow is for you that love plaid and antlers!!

I also like to use words or Christmas sayings in my Holiday decor. This can be done with a pillow.....

There are so many sources, and pillows to choose from. Just start looking and see what you are drawn too and you might just have your inspiration for this years Holiday decor.

If you need a little more inspiration go to my Pinterest board below and just click on it and it will take you to my board...

Enjoy the Process of getting Inspired!


  1. loving that typography pillow! i can see it working with any style of decor! peace to you, lovely.

  2. I haven't started to decorate for Christmas yet. But I do have a couple of Christmas pillows that I pull out every year. You got me thinking about adding a plaid one to the mix. Thanks for the idea!

  3. Seems like I always start with pillows for my inspiration....lots of cute ones here!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue