Saturday, November 5, 2016

A SKINCARE POST: Sheet Mask and Eye Cream!

I wish I could promise you a miracle in a bottle, but to be honest we just have to keep trying products to see which one's our skin will respond to. As we age these product may need to change to address different issues.

Our goals in skincare should be maintenance, and prevention of further damage. Let's take care of what we have!! 

are the key words!!

At 66 years old I am trying to nourish and maintain my skin. Let's face it what damage is done is done, to my regret. Too many days sunbathing in the 60's!

Lately I have been using the Korean 10 step skincare program and loving it. I wrote about it in this post. HERE!  

I truly feel like I am doing the right thing for my skin and I am nourishing and nurturing it. I actually look forward to cleansing my skin, morning and night. It feels like such a treat to me.

I am still loving the May Coop raw sauce essence and I think I might be addicted to it!

One of the steps in the 10 step program is to give yourself a sheet mask treatment once, or twice a week.

I am trying several different sheet mask, but so far I am loving one in particular, and have reordered it. At only $3.50 it is a pretty inexpensive facial in my book.


Give yourself 20 minutes of relaxation while this mask goes to work. FYI, you might look a little scary with the mask on, but trust me it is doing a good job for you so it is worth it!!

I like to do my mask, and use my Crest white strips to bleach my teeth at the same time. Lay back and enjoy a little cat nap.

Once you take the mask off your face, I like to rub it on my neck and decollete, hands and arms, there is plenty of this wonderfully soaked product to use elsewhere so why not go for it!?


There is another product I am very happy with and that is an under eye cream

For some reason I have been having sinus problems this last month, and my under eye area was puffy and very dark. 

I tend to be dark under my eye anyway, but add a sinus problem and I look like I have a shiner!!

I read about this natural caffeine based product that also has nutrients in it, and thought it was worth a try.

To be honest the results were pretty dramatic, I could tell immediately that it was working on me. 

It has been 3-4 weeks and it is still a thumbs up from me. 

I am very sensitive to any makeup, or creams around my eyes, and with this there is no tearing up, or itching. I highly recommend this product....


(Anti-inflammatory, caffeine rich green tea and coffee de-puffs while increasing circulation to brighten dark circles. Concentrated with potent anti-aging vitamins, antioxidants, and nourishing rosehip oil to make eye area look more awake and more youthful. Truly, 100% Pure.  )

I will continue to try different products, and when I see results I will gladly share my discoveries with you. 

BTW: If you would like to purchase the sheet mask above or try others use this link to get 10% off....


1 comment:

  1. I am always in the market for good skincare products, but have to admit that I am not the best at implementing them long term. Can't wait to try the underage cream! Happy Monday, Kathysue!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue