Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I Have A Big Announcement!!


Life has many doors that we pass through,  and my sweet hubby, and I are about to pass through a new door that will take us on our next  journey in life……

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After living in our home for 37 years, we are selling our very loved home.

She has been so good to us over the years. She is a family home! 

We raised our 3 son’s here, and our two daughter-in-laws spent a great deal of time here while dating our son's, and then as our son's new brides.

Our 3 Grandchildren were brought here as infants. I have watched them grow here. We even had a room for the 3 of them to stay in when they spent the night.

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I am sure many of you have done some of the same things we have done here in our sweet little home.

It is time for us to move on to a smaller place so we will be bidding her farewell.

It will be bitter sweet when we have to turn her over, but we know this is the best decision for the two of us.

So dear readers it looks as if you will be having another new journey with me if you keep following along!!!

As I have said before……..


And I promise I will try my best to……..



  1. Wow, that's a long time in one spot! Are you planning on staying in Antioch or is it time for your dream beach cottage?

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Have you found your new home, are you building, what? DETAILS, please:):) I am so happy for you but understand that it is bittersweet. We were in our last home for 291/2 years......lots of memories.

  3. How exciting! I know it is bittersweet; but, I am sure you will create new memories in an amazing new place!

  4. Oh how I wish John, no beach cottage for me in California. But, I can visit as often as I like! That is a PLUS!!!

  5. Kathysue,
    Well that deserves to be commemorated in a PvE house portrait! I will put this on my list an surprise you with a work of art to take with you to your new home to serve as a memento.
    So excited for your next chapter.

  6. Wishing you success and a quick sale to a buyer who loves your place.

    This is all very exciting.

  7. Congratulations! I know it is bittersweet. J's move from the farm where he lived almost 60 years was indeed bittersweet. I had only lived there 20 years, but it was the longest I had ever lived anywhere. It was the right decision, just as the one we made when we put our larger house on the market last year. We are loving our new smaller home. So much easier for both of us, even though we are not quite settled in yet. We are happy we made this move for ourselves, our health and for the sake of our children and grandchildren. All the best in the sale and transition.

  8. Congratulations what a fun and I am so happy for you and your hubby.

  9. Wow, Kathysue. I can't wait to see your new home. I wish we could downsize. Good luck with a quick sale.

  10. best wishes for this next journey kathysue!

  11. I have just discovered your blog and am still getting to know you and your house.
    I offer my congrats.
    My house is for sale in FL and we too are hoping to find something smaller, in KC, MO. This will be a big move for us.......but we will be moving closer to our kids.
    Can't wait to follow your exciting adventure. I have much to learn from you!!!!!
    i LOVE your house.........and I am a native Californian.
    Best of luck!!!!! I'll be reading and smiling.

  12. Oh, the sweet memories, but think of the new decorating! Good luck and many good wishes for your transition!

  13. What????
    That is huge news!!!!
    I can't believe it.
    We need to have one of our long overdue talks!!

  14. WOW What an adventure you are undertaking!
    Take it slow and try as hard as you can not to get stressed!
    From someone who has moved 36 times in 56 years, this is my best advice!
    Can't wait to follow along.

  15. Wishing you the best on this new venture! We've been talking about selling our home because of the maintenance- especially in the winter. These are laborous decisions but often necessary for a lot of reasons. I can imagine your head is spinning! My cousin who lives in northern California recently sold their home in a week. They had their eyes on another one and were able to get it. Timing is everything!

  16. What an exciting new time for you, Kathysue. Just think, you get to put your stamp on a new place and, I for one, can't wait to follow along!

  17. Such exciting news and I wish you all the very best with the sale of your beautiful home. It is scary, sad, and exciting to make that leap but you take with you so many incredible memories. We sold our home yesterday. I only have a few years here but it's going to be sad to shut the door for the last time.

    So here's to the future and all that it holds!!


  18. Kathy Sue! I wish you even more happiness in the next chapter of your life. And on a selfish note... just more decorating post as you decorate your new home!! YES!

  19. Kathysue this is so exciting and I am sure a decision not made lightly. The next chapter of your life will be filled with so many new adventures that you will be astounded!! I will look forward to updates!!

    The Arts by Karena
    Designer Matthew Patrick Smyth

  20. Kathysue: Your home is so lovely . . . it must be hard to think of leaving. But you sound up for a new adventure. I will look forward to following you to see what your next step will be. My best of good wishes come to you!

  21. Bittersweet indeed. I know how much you love your family home, but I am sure you both have thought long and hard about this decision and it is the right one for this time in your life. Best of luck. I look forward to following you on your next adventure.
    XOXO, Victoria

  22. Wow, that is quite an announcement! I fully understand your ambivalent feelings but I have survived it and I am here to tell you there is light at the end of the tunnel. You may want to read my post "Good night Moon" that I wrote the night we moved out of our beloved home and back into the first home we owned together that had been a rental for the past 15 years. The remodel that ensued eased the pain a bit and we are so much happier in a smaller place now that it is just the two of us! Good luck and I cant wait to see what you do with the new place.

  23. How exciting for you and I'm sure a bit daunting as well. I can't wait to hear about the next phase of this adventure.

  24. Congrats on your decision and good luck on the sale of your beloved home..must be so bittersweet for you...37 years is a very long time and I am sure you feel like you are leaving part of the family behind..I cannot wait to hear more about the next door that will be opening for you.

  25. Congrats on your decision and good luck on the sale of your beloved home..must be so bittersweet for you...37 years is a very long time and I am sure you feel like you are leaving part of the family behind..I cannot wait to hear more about the next door that will be opening for you.

  26. No Way! After getting it just right:)

  27. How exciting for you both. We have lived in our current home for 37 years, I think the move will be good, you get to decorate a whole new space. Sometimes the time is just right. Best wishes.


  28. Hi Kathysue! This is going to be an amazing, scary and wonderful process. A lot has changed with the RealEstate business in the last few years so that alone will surprise you. I too can't wait to see what you buy and how you organize it all in a new, beautiful happy home. Best of luck!

    xo Kelley

  29. This can and will be exciting! We talk about doing this very same thing all of the time! We look and look and drive around…it's hard to give up the familiar! And those special memories are what do hold us back form pressing forward and yet I really know it's for the best! And it's what I want! I just keep holding on to what our kids want! I am SOOOO excited for you!

  30. Oh, my...just went through this last year...sold our gorgeous English Tudor and moved to...a log cabin (hubbies idea..) Life is a highway (or in my case, a country road) good luck...I'm STILL trying to adjust... franki

  31. Oh my gosh...it must be bitter sweet! But, I know that you trust in God and he closes doors and opens doors!

  32. Oh my goodness, very big news indeed. My husband and I have moved so many times in our marriage, I can't even imagine how it feels to have lived somewhere 37 years. Memories…
    But, from someone who knows, moving is a great adventure. It's all in the attitude and you always look on the sunny side so you will have fun with your new place.

  33. best to you as you transition. you may know we are in the throes of our emptying nest and will have a new address in a couple days! i am sure your beautiful nest will be snapped up quickly thanks to its loving owners. peace to you right where you are.

  34. It's tough but very freeing! Good luck!

  35. Best of luck to you Kathysue! What a bittersweet time this must be. I wish you every happiness wherever you land. May the new owners love your house as much as you have loved it. ☺️

  36. This is such exciting news! Sorry I'm just a tad late, Kathysue. Life has been crazy. I will miss your home...those beautiful stripes, all the pillow changes, the just recently updated gorgeous kitchen :) etc, etc. I am staying tuned. Cheers!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue