Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Do You Have An, "I Don't Know!" Box?


*Putting a mirror on the back wall makes the closet looks larger*

It is that time of year again and this year I AM going to purge my house and get rid of all the extra things I no longer need, or use.


After living in our sweet little home for 37 years you can imagine how much we have accumulated. 

I am what you might call an organized hoarder. I have way to much stuff, but I stack it neatly, Okay sometimes the stacks fall, but they start out neat.

*notice all the hangers are the same*

When I purge I usually start in my closet. It is a good place to start since I am usually changing out my Fall/Winter clothes to my Spring/Summer wardrobe.

One technique that I have found that helps me in the process is to have a keep, donate, and an, “I don’t know box!”

* all clothing is color coded*

The I don’t know box has saved me a lot of time over the years. 

I have found when you first start purging it is hard to get rid of things, but once you get your rhythm going, it becomes easier.

*hanging a small mirrored medicine cabinet from Target is helpful in keeping my perfumes orderly and easily reached*

If you stop the process or rhythm, and try to justify whether to keep it or not, the entire process gets bogged down. 

*shoes that I do not wear all the time are in boxes*

Once you are done going through everything and  then go back to the I don’t know box at the end you  will find that you will easily wind up donating most of the items that you thought you might wind up keeping.

P1150014  *hooks are great for hanging hats and necklaces*

Trust me I have done this for years and it really speeds up the process.

*Flip flops are kept in a pretty basket*

*Shoes that I wear frequently are on a wall rack*

Helpful Hint:

Another little helper is, if you use the word MIGHT, as in I might use this someday, or I might need this someday, get rid of it because the word MIGHT is a real good indicator that you have not, or will not use it in the future.

These are some of the helpful hints I have found that have worked for me. I hope you all can try this out to see if it will help you in your purging.



  1. These are super tips Kathysue. If I think well maybe one day I will wear it, out it goes!!

    The Arts by Karena
    Dual Vision!

  2. Super tips, thanks for sharing.
    fondly ~lynne ~

  3. I need to use every single tip…your closet looks amazing!!

  4. Kathysue, your closet is an inspiration. I'm filing away your tips for the ranch.

  5. Oh, I laughed...an "organized hoarder"...fits me, too, a T!! (Of which I have MANY t-shirts, etc.) Put me in the "over forty years accumulation" and I'm daunted!! Sometimes I wear the "might" just so I can "justify it"...it's a sickness.. :) franki

  6. Kathysue, I've followed you for quite some time, but this is the first I've written.

    Love the idea of a mirror. We'll put one up on wall at the end of our long walk-in closet.

    I keep my PERFUME in the FRIDGE. I have fragrances in there that I've had for 20 years, and they are still true to their scent. Feels good to dab on some coolness in the summer.


  7. I miss the walk in closets I used to have. It was much easier to keep them organized and to do the clearing out of things.

  8. I have used some of your past tips and they worked out so well! Thanks for sharing!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue