Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Special Treats For YOU and Your Holiday Guest


I had a fun day yesterday. It was a cold rainy day so I decided to stay in and do some puttzing around the house.


There is nothing like puttzing around your home on a cold rainy day, especially during the Holidays.
The music is playing in the background and the candles are lit, fire in the fireplace.
I think the stage is set for  a great Falalaing kind of day. 

On days like this I like to give myself a special treat. I am going to share with you all some of the things I keep on hand for myself and for my drop-in guest.

I have always kept a supply of Trader Joe’s almond mini biscotti and enjoyed it immensely, but this by far surpasses  the almond biscotti.If you have not had this before you must try it……….

Another plus it is only 80 calories, pretty good for a sweet treat.

One of these biscotti, and your favorite cup of tea or coffee =Love in a cup!

Speaking of tea I have two teas that I love to drink in the winter……


This tea has a spice, vanilla, citrus flavor. There is something about the addition of the vanilla that just makes this a wonderful mellow cup of tea with just hints of spice and citrus.

Peet’s only carries it this time of year so you can bet your bottom dollar I will be buying several boxes to last all winter. 

It makes a wonderful hostess gift too. In fact that is how I got my first box. A dear friend brought it tied up in a beautiful coppery brown satin ribbon. Boy, was it pretty on that blue box.

The other tea that I have been drinking this winter is Stash’s………..
Lemon-Ginger Tea

This tea has a strong ginger flavor so if you don’t like ginger you would not like this tea. I love ginger and lemon so it is a perfect mix for this girl. I squeeze a bit more lemon and a spoonful of honey and it is a perfect cup of tea.

So there you have it!!! This is what I treat myself with on a cold and rainy afternoon, with the fireplace lit, and Christmas music in the background.

Do you all have some fun little treats that you like to keep around for yourself and drop-in guest? Do share, we can always use more ideas in blogland!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Whatever you are doing by adding a
biscotti and a cup of special tea!



  1. Love this post! Those teas look really great. I wonder if I can find the Peets one locally.

  2. I love staying home on rainy days:) Then I don't feel guilty....and I get so much done around the house:) If I had that Biscotti around I would eat it before the guest could get to it!

  3. I haven't started my fire yet this morning, but that is exactly how I like to start my day - my favorite cup of hot tea, and a cozy fire for my Bible reading time. Hope you have a great day, KathySue.

  4. Kathysue, what wonderful treats for days like this! Does Trader JOes carry the Peet's Tea, I really wan to try it to have on hand!

    The Arts by Karena

  5. Biscotti and tea, more please!! I love coffee in the morning and tea at night. So the gingerbread pecan biscotti would be divine with my morning coffee :) Kathysue, I'm taking a little blog break, but want to wish you, Doug and your boys a warm and wonderful Christmas. Cheers!

  6. Love biscotti and the gingerbread and pecan sounds wonderful...and truly enjoy your motions images...they certainly make me smile!!!

  7. What a warm pretty post, Kathysue!!! And yummy too!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue