Monday, December 15, 2014

Our Christmas Guest Room!


I don’t normally decorate our bedrooms for Christmas, but I have one room that I might add just a little something too and that is our guest room.

Our guest room is in the process of being re-done. You all might remember how it use to look……

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The little sofa made out into a bed.

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The reading nook was also large enough for our Grandchildren to use as a reading and sleeping nook.


As children do, they grew and grew, so the reading nook is just a nook and now we need more beds.

After deliberating, and thinking of all possible guest that might be staying here from time to time we realized that twin beds would be the most suitable for our needs at this time.

I have to admit I am going to miss this darling little guest room, but I think we can make the next one just as nice, or at least I hope we can.

We ordered two twin beds, and got them on a great price over 6 months ago.

It is the Thomas bed from Pottery Barn.

I made design boards to see what would look best together…..

lighter turquoise
We were on a roll and as in life sometimes we have things that take us down a different path for awhile.

5 months ago my husband had open heart surgery so when the beds were delivered, we had them placed in my living room leaning against the wall covered in blankets. 

There they sat for the last five months, but to be honest that did not bother me one bit. All I wanted was to get my hubby back to good health. I am happy to say he is in good health and doing wonderfully.

In fact he is doing well enough that he was ready to set up the beds in the guest room so that our overnight Christmas guest would have a place to sleep.

We have the beds set up, and ready for sleeping, but the painting, night stand, and hanging of art will be waiting for us after the Holidays.

Here is what the guest room looks like now all ready for Christmas guest…..

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You will notice that the pillow sham says DREAMS on this bed!!

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On the other bed it says SWEET!!

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We also added a soft ambient light glowing behind the headboards. This is the same bar lighting we had on top of the bookshelves in the room  before.

It was my husbands idea to attach it to the bed, but I said, No to the bed, but how about just putting it on the wall? So that is where it is, on the wall, and it gives off the perfect amount of light in a dark room.

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We also placed a Christmas pillow made by Craftberry Bush for Society 6, click HERE to go to website.

There is a significance to this pillow for my husband and me.

His very first car was a RED 1964 V W Beetle, and that is the car he drove when we were dating, and also when we were first married. 

So this sweet pillow not only is a touch of Christmas for our guest room, but a sweet memory for us.

After all isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Making sweet memories with the people that you love!!

This weekend we had our first guest in our new guest room. We had our two Grandsons here for our annual Grammy's Christmas children. 

 Here is my youngest looking for his own Christmas memory. He is trying to find his favorite ornament. (Thomas The Train)

A nicely made bed is pretty, but there is nothing better than a bed that a child has snuggled in.....


I hope you are all enjoying making memories for yourself and your family and friends during this Holiday Season.

Now go out there, and Falalala, and deck those halls!!

Merry Christmas and SWEET DREAMS!!



  1. Your new room will be perfect for those growing grands, and all other guests. Can't wait to watch you transform your space. I would love for you to share more on what you do with Grammy's Christmas children. I love hearing about Grandma traditions:-)

  2. I love the new room! So many things about that space are special. The VW image is such a smash hit this year - I printed it out a few weeks ago. It's so neat to me that it has special meaning for you and your hubby. I want to know more about that ambient lighting bar. We have dark spots in our house that I'm slowly but surely working on.

  3. Oh Kathysue, such a pretty room and you are right, the boys are growing so big.

  4. The pillow is adorable and the room looks just perfect!

  5. Kathysue the beds are perfect. I just put twin beds in my guest room as well. I still need to paint and get new bedding. I love the stripes and of course the red beetle pillows!

  6. i love this post, kathysue. so warm and meaningful. i think i have a thomas bed from PB too--i inherited it from my sister and it looks identical...i just didn't know where its origin! the pillow with the VW is so perfect there, and i think i'll have to have one since my first car was a 1972 bug. oh what a cute but horrible car that was. i bought it for $150 and was so proud. enjoy these magical days and the gift of your husband's recovery. peace to you.

  7. Such a pretty room and such a sweet post. You already have your best Christmas present now that your husband is doing so well. Have a wonderful Christmas with your dear family, especially the grandchildren. You just blink and they're grown.
    XO, Victoria

  8. It could not be any cuter, Kathysue - love it equally as much as before. Great light fixture and the pillows…adorable! So happy your husband is doing well ~

  9. Oh I like how the room turned out and the soft lighting behind the beds. I'm sure your grandkids liked the room a lot! I agree about seeing the bed after the children have slept in them- more precious than any made up bed could ever be! It's wonderful that your husband is doing so well!

  10. The BEST gift...hubbie's health!! Your guest room is fab...when can I come?? The frosting, though, is that pillow!! Last year on the kiddos plates for Christmas dinner...model VW's with a bottle brush tree tied to the top..."they" were "over the top"...lots of car noises while we were eating..:) franki

  11. Oh Kathy...thank you so so much for not only purchasing the pillow but for sharing with me...the room looks amazing...xoxo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue