Sunday, July 13, 2014

Tried and True New-To-Me Summer Products


Summer is just a fun time of year! Being a California born and raised gal I do enjoy my summers. 

I will have to admit I love the sun, fun and water, but not high temps so I am always grateful for the air conditioned house, and the cool water in the pool out back.

With summer we have certain products that we bring into our arsenal. I thought I would share a few new-to-me products that are becoming new favorites…..

FIRST  and a very important product is sunscreen………

neutragena sunscreen
(click HERE to purchase!)

My days of sun bathing are long gone, plus I have fairly,  fair skin. I discovered this product when we took our trip to Hilton Head we spent a great deal of time on beach.

I loved the convenience of this product, the fact that it worked with the high humidity we experienced,  and a plus was the wonderful fresh, beachy fragrance.

I literally could spray this on like I would any of my fragrances. It gave my skin a wonderful glow as well.

You will find this in my permanent arsenal as long as they continue to make it.

Also notice it got an award from ALLURE  magazine as a 2011 breakthrough product.

It is sure a winner in my book!!

How to get a summer glow without sunbathing........

Since I don’t sunbathe I miss that summer glow that I use to get. I always have sunscreen on my face but I still want to look a bit bronzy. 

Most of the bronzers I have tried are too dark, too orange, or too brown.

I did a little searching around the web, and I found this product mentioned more than once by different make-up artist.

I figured it was worth a try!
Especially at such a great price.
Only $15

Bourjois bronzing powder
(You can purchase it HERE!)

I love the luminosity this gives my skin, plus the healthy glow of color without looking artificial.

If you purchase this use a good bronzing brush, and apply light coats. You can build up the color, and it has a nice sheer look, never chalking, or too much color. It does not settle into pores, Or, shhhh! (wrinkles.)

I am going to leave you with another favorite of mine that I have been using for YEARS!!

focus sea plasma
(You can purchase it HERE.)

I use this for two tasks. When my make-up is done I spritz a bit of this on my face to set my make-up.

I also spray just a bit on my body as well. It has a moisturizing property which is always welcome in the summer.

If you are outside and it is blasted hot, a quick spritz of this is very cooling.

The big plus for me is the lovely light fragrance. If you have not guessed by now, I am all about clean fresh scents.


Now onto the miracle of the last week.....

My husband told me on Sunday night he did not feel right. He proceeded to tell me while taking a walk he felt a new sensation/pain in his chest that he had never felt before. He felt it upon excursion.

We went to his Cardiologist the very next day. Scheduled an angiogram on Wed. They found 3 blocked arteries. The main artery was 99% blocked, the other two between 70-80%. At this point they rushed him into surgery immediately!

Surgery was a success to say the least.
Thank God, my husband listened to what his body was telling him.
He is recovering so well all the professionals and I are amazed. There is no doubt the prayers by many, and their love were lifting us up. 

We are both beyond grateful for this
 second chance!

 It looks like we are going to be allowed a little more time together.

For those of you who knew what was going on, and sent us both your love and prayers I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Your love and prayers were needed and felt by us both.


  1. Getting older is not for the faint of heart! I am so glad that your husband paid attention to the warning signs and that everything was a great success.
    Puts everything in perspective doesn't it?

    Thanks be to God.

  2. I am delighted to hear the surgery, and it's timing, worked out so well for you and your husband. XOs to both of you.

  3. Oh my...I'm so thankful he listened to his body! Sounds like he's going to make a full recovery....thank God. Sue puts everything into perspective! ;)

  4. Holy Mo-lie! That was a close call!! All's well that ends well! franki

  5. Wow..really makes you realize and enjoy the important things in, family and health. Glad to hear they caught it and from my experience he will feel much better and live a long and healthy rest of his life. Best to you both.

  6. So often men "soldier on" so glad your husband got the medical attention he obviously needed. Best wishes to you both.

  7. Kathysue I am just so glad that your husband is alright and recovering well.
    Thanks so much for the summer sun tips!

    The Arts by Karena

  8. dearest those are called widow makers. a friend lost her husband last year, he fell in her lap and was instantly gone. you two lovebirds have a miracle indeed!
    continued blessings to you both

  9. I'm so glad your husband immediately went to get checked out. Thank goodness he is doing well. I worked for 25 years as a cardiovascular nurse specialist so I know what you guys went through.

  10. Kathy Sue,
    So glad all is well and that your dear husband listened to his heart. May you both be blessed with many more years of good company and health.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue